To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bej sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
Dokázat žít jenom pro svůj sen,
To be able to live only for your dream,
Nepřestat snít, toužit každej den,
Never stop dreaming, desire it every day,
Mít jasnej cíl, za kterym teď jdem.
To have a clear goal, we are following now.
Teď je Trouble gang rok plnej velkejch změn.
Now is Trouble gang, a year full of big changes.
Buď seš s náma nebo proti nám,
Either you're with us or against us,
Strategii mám, v hlavě velkej plán.
I have a strategy, a big plan in my head.
Být podporou pro toho, kdo je tady na to sám,
To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bejt sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
Je to o tom to žít,
It's about living,
Jít do toho na plno.
Go for it fully.
Když budeš mít pořád tu touhu,
If you always have that desire,
Tak dokážeš zázraky tavit jak olovo.
You can melt miracles like lead.
Je to o tom to chtít,
It's about wanting it,
Po pádu se zvednout, jít nanovo, sebrat se ze země,
Get up after a fall, start again, pick yourself up from the ground,
Popátý zvednout svou bradu,
Raise your chin for the fifth time,
Jít hrdě zas do toho.
Go proudly back into it.
Nikdo by mi nevěřil, že limity jsem pokořil,
Nobody would believe me that I broke the limits,
že dokázal jsem se dostat pak nahoru a
that I was able to get up then and
Kdybych to nezkusil, tak bych sám vůbec netušil,
If I didn't try it, I wouldn't even know myself,
že na světě je možný všechno,
that anything is possible in the world,
To je cesta k úspěchu.
That's the road to success.
Je to možný to mít,
It's possible to have it,
Musíš prostě bojovat a sám sobě chtít,
You just have to fight and want it for yourself,
Pokud tě to nebaví nebo tě někdo vodradí,
If you don't enjoy it or someone dissuades you,
Tak mi věř, talent v týhle zemi doopravdy nestačí.
Trust me, talent in this country is really not enough.
Musíš pochopit, že nejde to hned,
You have to understand that it doesn't happen right away,
Zkus zavřít ty oči, pak prorazit zeď.
Try to close your eyes, then break through the wall.
Neptej se, co můžeš a nesmíš.
Don't ask what you can and can't do.
Jebej konvence dělej to jakoby to bylo prostě naposled,
Fuck conventions, do it like it was the last time,
Jakoby to bylo o život,
Like it was for life,
Vždyť tu kurva jde přece o život,
After all, it's fucking about life,
šanci máš jednu, když to posereš,
you have one chance, if you screw it up,
Tak vrátit se na bednu nesvedeš a je tu konec,
You won't be able to get back on the box and it's over,
Hotovo, hotovo.
Finished, finished.
Pamatuj na mou radu, udělej ten krok
Remember my advice, take that step
A pokus se vystoupit z davu,
And try to stand out from the crowd,
Rozeběhni se ze svahu,
Run down the slope,
Jdu si pro to, nastav bradu,
I'm going for it, set your chin,
Beru hubu jako svojí stravu,
I take my mouth as my food,
Nenech si srát na svou hlavu.
Don't let anyone shit on your head.
My jsme lidi co maj v sobě kusy energie,
We are people who have pieces of energy inside,
Co otočí hater v hrobě,
That will turn a hater in the grave,
V týhle vyjebaný době spolehni se na sebe
In this fucked up time, rely on yourself
A probuď to co je more v tobě.
And wake up what the sea is in you.
Dokázat žít jenom pro svůj sen,
To be able to live only for your dream,
Nepřestat snít, toužit každej den,
Never stop dreaming, desire it every day,
Mít jasnej cíl, za kterym teď jdem.
To have a clear goal, we are following now.
Teď je Trouble gang rok plnej velkejch změn.
Now is Trouble gang, a year full of big changes.
Buď seš s náma nebo proti nám,
Either you're with us or against us,
Strategii mám, v hlavě velkej plán.
I have a strategy, a big plan in my head.
Být podporou pro toho, kdo je tady na to sám,
To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bej sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
Dokázat žít jenom pro svůj sen,
To be able to live only for your dream,
Nepřestat snít, toužit každej den,
Never stop dreaming, desire it every day,
Mít jasnej cíl, za kterym teď jdem.
To have a clear goal, we are following now.
Teď je Trouble gang rok plnej velkejch změn.
Now is Trouble gang, a year full of big changes.
Buď seš s náma nebo proti nám,
Either you're with us or against us,
Strategii mám, v hlavě velkej plán
I have a strategy, a big plan in my head.
Být podporou pro toho, kdo je tady na to sám,
To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bej sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
Now let it out burn,
Now let it out burn,
I am the flame, I gotta feeling inside that I can't contain
I am the flame, I gotta feeling inside that I can't contain
You've been jerking to the point that I can't explain,
You've been jerking to the point that I can't explain,
Well I have and I'm feeling like I am today,
Well I have and I'm feeling like I am today,
I'm at a point that I'm feeling like I migh blow up in the middle of a crowded room,
I'm at a point that I'm feeling like I might blow up in the middle of a crowded room,
And everyone around me is sayin' that I'm bound to lose until I swang go to sign and go Boom!
And everyone around me is sayin' that I'm bound to lose until I swang go to sign and go Boom!
Ain't got time for doubt, cause the hands on the clock keep windin' down,
Ain't got time for doubt, cause the hands on the clock keep windin' down,
But they tell me what I'm gonna do and what I'm never gonna be, but now I'm gonna stop, ain't gonna knock me down
But they tell me what I'm gonna do and what I'm never gonna be, but now I'm gonna stop, ain't gonna knock me down
I was born in the belly of the beast, in the bottom of the bottom, in a place so cold,
I was born in the belly of the beast, in the bottom of the bottom, in a place so cold,
And you will never understand the mother-fuckin' pain I feel until you're broke down, layin' on the floor
And you will never understand the mother-fuckin' pain I feel until you're broke down, layin' on the floor
With nothin' in your pocket, no money in your wallet,
With nothin' in your pocket, no money in your wallet,
You haven't been done but the label won't drop it,
You haven't been done but the label won't drop it,
My daughter lookin' at me like "Daddy, I'm thirsty now"
My daughter lookin' at me like "Daddy, I'm thirsty now"
But ain't no mother-fuckin' water in the f...?
But ain't no mother-fuckin' water in the f...?
So tell me what you're playin' for me, this trouble game mother-fucker brought the clam with me,
So tell me what you're playin' for me, this trouble game mother-fucker brought the clam with me,
Mike Spirit can suck a dick, we ain't playin' for keeps,
Mike Spirit can suck a dick, we ain't playin' for keeps,
If he was you, keep him watching come and tame the beast, like yeah, yeah, waddup bitch, yell out the problem then shut up, bitch, hit em' in the back of their sweatshirt, treat em' like Dexter, they don't get cut up, quick!
If he was you, keep him watching come and tame the beast, like yeah, yeah, waddup bitch, yell out the problem then shut up, bitch, hit em' in the back of their sweatshirt, treat em' like Dexter, they don't get cut up, quick!
Been told that I never be shit, got news for the people that's doubtin' now, got a fully loaded clip with a bullet for you, you better watch your mouth whenever I'm around, I said filth!
Been told that I never be shit, got news for the people that's doubtin' now, got a fully loaded clip with a bullet for you, you better watch your mouth whenever I'm around, I said filth!
(By Danny King)
(By Danny King)
Dokázat žít jenom pro svůj sen,
To be able to live only for your dream,
Nepřestat snít, toužit každej den,
Never stop dreaming, desire it every day,
Mít jasnej cíl, za kterym teď jdem.
To have a clear goal, we are following now.
Teď je Trouble gang rok plnej velkejch změn.
Now is Trouble gang, a year full of big changes.
Buď seš s náma nebo proti nám,
Either you're with us or against us,
Strategii mám, v hlavě velkej plán.
I have a strategy, a big plan in my head.
Být podporou pro toho, kdo je tady na to sám,
To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bej sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
Dokázat žít jenom pro svůj sen,
To be able to live only for your dream,
Nepřestat snít, toužit každej den,
Never stop dreaming, desire it every day,
Mít jasnej cíl, za kterym teď jdem.
To have a clear goal, we are following now.
Teď je Trouble gang rok plnej velkejch změn.
Now is Trouble gang, a year full of big changes.
Buď seš s náma nebo proti nám,
Either you're with us or against us,
Strategii mám, v hlavě velkej plán.
I have a strategy, a big plan in my head.
Být podporou pro toho, kdo je tady na to sám,
To be a support for the one who is here on their own,
Bej sám, sám, sám, svýho času pán.
Be alone, alone, alone, master of your time.
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