Marwan - Meninos Da Rua (Catalán Version) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marwan - Meninos Da Rua (Catalán Version)

Meninos Da Rua (Catalán Version)
Meninos Da Rua (Catalán Version)
Naciste sobre un sucio trapo en tu casa .
You were born on a dirty rag in your house.
Una favela de Brasil.
A favela in Brazil.
Naciste con la cruz del pobre a la espalda .
You were born with the cross of the poor on your back.
Con un cartón como cojín.
With a cardboard as a pillow.
Naciste y te bautizaron con hambre
You were born and baptized with hunger.
Y te apellidaron miseria.
And you were named misery.
Naciste y estrenaste vida sin padre.
You were born and started life without a father.
Naciste . esa fue tu sentencia.
You were born. that was your sentence.
Creciste viviendo la droga en la plaza .
You grew up living on drugs in the square.
El pegamento no dio tregua.
The glue gave no truce.
Creciste descalzo aunque era en el alma
You grew up barefoot, although it was in your soul
Donde te salían las durezas.
Where you got the hardships.
Creciste sin más profesor que la calle .
You grew up with no other teacher than the street.
Sin más ley que la de la fuerza.
With no other law than that of force.
Creciste y te quedó tres tallas grande
You grew up and you were left three sizes too big
Lo que sucedía en la acera.
What was happening on the sidewalk.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Vigila tus pasos pues vendrá el escuadrón .
Watch your steps because the squadron will come.
Niño vagabundo es carne de cañón .
Stray child is cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Vigila tus pasos pues vendrá el escuadrón .
Watch your steps because the squadron will come.
Niño vagabundo es carne de cañón .
Stray child is cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Viviste teniendo sólo una alegría,
You lived having only one joy
El mundial que ganó Brasil.
The world cup that Brazil won.
Viviste creyendo que el destino en la vida
You lived believing that destiny in life
Sólo consistía en morir.
Only consisted of dying.
Viviste con la palabra precintada,
You lived with your word sealed
No te fiabas ni de ti.
You didn't trust even yourself.
Viviste no dejando que te pisaran,
You lived not letting yourself be stepped on
Golpeaste por no recibir.
You hit so as not to receive.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Vigila tus pasos pues vendrá el escuadrón .
Watch your steps because the squadron will come.
Niño vagabundo es carne de cañón .
Stray child is cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Vigila tus pasos pues vendrá el escuadrón .
Watch your steps because the squadron will come.
Niño vagabundo es carne de cañón .
Stray child is cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Moriste a esa hora en que los gallos
You died at that hour when the roosters
Hacían de despertador.
Were acting as an alarm clock.
Moriste y en el suelo dejaste un charco
You died and on the ground you left a puddle
De sangre que a nadie importó.
Of blood that nobody cared about.
Moriste como un niño viejo que andaba
You died like an old child that was walking
Jugando a nada y perdió.
Playing for nothing and lost.
Moriste y nadie te echó en falta
You died and nobody missed you
Porque otro menino nació.
Because another child was born.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Pero se pinchó el día en que llegó el escuadrón .
But it was punctured the day the squadron arrived.
Niño vagabundo fue carne de cañón .
Stray child was cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Tus sueños tenían forma de balón,
Your dreams had the shape of a balloon
Pero se pinchó el día en que llegó el escuadrón .
But it was punctured the day the squadron arrived.
Niño vagabundo fue carne de cañón .
Stray child was cannon fodder.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.
Meninos da rua .
Meninos da rua.

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