Marwan Moussa - Dabdob 7asas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Marwan Moussa - Dabdob 7asas

Dabdob 7asas
Dabdob 7asas (Sensitive Teddy Bear)
أُورِي النَّاس حقيقتك واخد فَأَنْز دِي الصَّفْقَة
I'll show everyone your true colors, and call off this deal
ليدر فِي بَلَدَيْنِ أَنْت اخرك تَلِيد بفة
A leader in two countries? You can barely lead a fart
بحكي عَنْ قِلَّةِ أَصْلَك ف جيبت سَيْرِه صَاحِبِك
Talking about your lack of roots, I mentioned your friend
بِس مَش هاجِي عَلِيّ ميمو واتف أَحْرَقَه لَا طَبْعًا
But I won't diss Meemo, even if I burn, of course
حَتَّى وَأَنَا باديس اِحْتَرَمْت إنّك كُنْت اخويا
Even when I was down, I respected that you were my brother
جيبت سَيْرِه أُمِّي وصاحبتي ف أَنْت زيك زِيّ توتا
You brought up my mother and my girlfriend, you're just like Tota
ف سيبك مِن باتي كَدًّا كَدًّا حِسَابِي معاه
So leave Patty alone, I'll deal with him myself
بِس لَو جيبت سَيْرِه أُمِّي تَأَنِّي أَنَا مَش هارد بتراك
But if you mention my mother again, I won't be gentle in my track
خَلَفَت خَلْفَه ورميتهالك تاخد تتبناها
She left a successor and threw you away, go adopt him
أَنْت عَجَزَت مُحْتَاجٌ لَمْبَة تنورلك حَيَاتِك
You're helpless, needing a lamp to illuminate your life
أَيُّ حَاجَةٍ أَنْت كَتَبَهَا مفقوسة وبردهالك
Anything you wrote is hollow, and I'm returning it to you
سيبك أَنْت م الديسات وخليك يسطى فِي اكتابك
Leave the diss tracks and stick to your books, man
رَأْب آيَة بِفُلُوس ابويا ، برو قَوْمٌ رَوْحٌ نَام
Rapping verses with my father's money, you're a lazy bum, go sleep
شُوف بيلبورداتي ع الدَّائرِيّ وَأَنَا بطوح السَّحَاب
See my billboards on the Ring Road while I'm soaring in the clouds
أَنَا فِي دُبَي عَلَى الْحِسَابِ شَرِكَة وبصور إعْلَان
I'm in Dubai on company expenses, shooting an ad
وَأَبْقَى تَابِعَةٌ لِمَا يَنْزِل سَائِب لَك فِيهِ مفاجئات
And keep following what I release, I have surprises for you
كَمُل كَذَب يلا ، بِتَبِيع والغلابة بتسمع
Full of lies, come on, you sell out and the poor listen
بِحُيَيّ كاريرك واخليك لِقَلْب لدلابك تَرْجِع
I'll revive your career and make you return to your closet
إِعْلاَنات آيَةٍ فِي المكسيك وَأَنْت الْوَحِيد اللَّيّ بتطلع
Aya's ads are in Mexico, and you're the only one who appears
أَنْت مخليهم جمبك عشان نجمك عَلَيْهِم يَسْطَع
You keep them by your side so your star shines on them
وَشَكّ ع الْأَرْض ، مارُو ع الميكساچ
Shaking the ground, Maro on the mixer
أَنْتَ لَوْ كُنْت جمبي دلوقتي ماكنتش هتتشاف
If you were by my side now, you wouldn't have been discovered
اللَّيّ بِسَمْعِه فِي نَبْرَة صَوْتَك اِرْتِجَاج و اهْتِزَاز
What I hear in your voice is trembling and shaking
صَدَقَنِي سَهْل ادشك أَنْت دبدوب ازاز
Believe me, it's easy to crush you, you're a glass teddy bear
أَي شَغَلَه تجيلي يسطى بدورها بكيفي
Any work that comes to me, man, I handle it my way
أَنْت مقضيها فلقسة للكلاينت صَبَاحِي وَلِيَلِي
You spend your time flattering clients day and night
مَا عَنْ دا كَانَ شَغْلُك ، مَيْن فِينَا الْمُسْتَجِدّ
That was your job, who's the needy one now?
شوفتك طَالِعٌ مَع الْحِصَان قولت أَنْت اتركبت
I saw you with the horse, I thought you were riding it
وَالنُّقْطَة فِيك إِنَّك بِتَبِيع مبدأك لِأَجْل فُلُوس
The point is, you sell your principles for money
لِأَجْل شَهَرَه لِأَجْل نُفُوذ أَنْتَ فِي أَيِّ خرة تدوس
For fame, for influence, you'll step on any shit
عُمْرِي ماخد كاش عشان أَلْبَس بُرُوكِه ياهبل
I never took cash to wear a wig, you fool
لَو كَدِّه ارميلك أَرْنَب وتقلعلي مُلْطٌ أَسْهَل
Throwing a rabbit at you and you screaming is easier
وَعُمْرِي مَا كَرِهْتَ بابْلُو بواكيز فِي الستوري عِنْدِي
And I never hated on Pablo Boakis on my story
حطيتنا فِي مُقَارَنَةِ بِس دا أَصْلًا بَرّة عَنِّي
You put us in a comparison, but that's beyond me
أَنْت اُبْتُدِئَت تَخَاف وَأَنَا بِطَلْع مِنْ تَحْتِ جَنَاحَك
You started to fear as I emerged from under your wing
صَعُب أَعِيش عَيْشُه ميمو صَعُب أَكُون سنادة
It's hard to live Meemo's life, hard to be a crutch
صَنْدَل مَيْن يلا ؟ إنَّا كُلَّ دا ومش عائِز اهينك
Whose sandal is it? All this and I don't want to insult you
كُنْت كَلْبٌ تَحْتَ رِجْلِي وَأَنَا أَصْلًا كَبِيرٌ كبيرك
You were a dog under my feet, and I'm way older than you
كُنْت بتحك فِي الْعَيْلَة وَأَنْت أَصْلًا فِي المكسيك
You were talking about the family while you were in Mexico
وَالدَّلِيل بَارَأْتُك لَمَّا نَزَلَتْ عِنْد الضَّبُع فيت
And the proof is, I defended you when the Hyena Fit dropped
وَعَامَّة بِحُبّ ابيو كُلُّنَا عَيْش وَمِلْح سُوء
In general, I love ABio, we're all living and breathing bad luck
أَنَّه مَش مشكلتي حَاوَلَت الاقيله الدَّوَا
It's not my problem, I tried to find him a cure
وَجَوَّزَه مَش بنافقه ، عالعلن بديله فوشه
And I married him, not out of hypocrisy, I publicly give him a voice
إنَّمَا ابيو مضحكني ، ابيو مَسُوق حبيبته
But ABio is funny, ABio is a marketer, my dear
و عفرت جَامِد مِنْ زَمَانٍ وبشهادتك مَش بِشَهَادَتَي
And he's been whoring for a long time, and by your testimony, not mine
لَوْ قُلْت الْعَكْس ف أَنْت بتكذب سَاعَتِهَا أَو دلوقتي
If I said the opposite, you'd be lying then or now
أَو بتطبل بتأفور عِنْدَك ماجيستير فِي التَّعْرِيضِ
Or you're just flattering, you have a master's in exposure
بِس قِلَّة السلكان وَكَذَبَ فِي الكواليس
But you lack manners and lie behind the scenes
تِلْمِيذ بَلِيد عشان ماتعلمتش مِنْك الْفَشِل
A dull student, because you didn't learn failure from me
وماكنتش عايزلك حَاجَةٌ غَيْرَ النَّجَاح لَلْأَسَف
And I wanted nothing for you but success, unfortunately
كُنْت عائِز اديك ، عائِز اديك الشَّغَف
I wanted to give you, I wanted to give you passion
لِمَا مَشَيْت ف لَقِيت الْخَرْم اللَّيّ أَنَا سيبته فِيك اتفتح
When you left, I found the hole I left in you opened up
ماتمنتلاكش الِاعْتِزَال يابني أَنَا كُنْت برو-هك
I didn't wish you retirement, boy, I was your pro-hacker
بِس مجتش حَتَّي تَسْأَلُنِي مَعَ أَنَّ دَه كَان دَوْرَك
But you didn't even ask me, even though that was your role
يُبْقِي أَنْت اللَّيّ بتصنع مَشَاكِل وبتدور عَلَيْهَا
So you're the one who creates problems and seeks them out
عَامِلٌ زِيّ اللَّيّ قَاعِدَةٌ فَوَسَطٌ الشَّارِع فَاتِحَة رِجْلَيْهَا
Like someone sitting in the middle of the street with their legs open
بَطَل كَذَب يَا بنوكيو ، الْجُمْهُور مَجْمَع
Stop lying, Pinocchio, the audience is gathered
الرَّابّ بَقِى مَوْجُودٌ فِي مِصْرٍ كُلُّهَا عشان أَنَا مُسَمِّعٌ
Rap still exists in all of Egypt because I'm making noise
دلوقتي دماغك بتتقور بِس البامية بتتقمع
Now your brain is being drilled, but the okra is being oppressed
مِنْ سَاعَةٍ مَا ضُيِّعَت البُوصلَة وَأَنَا كاريري مُولَعٌ
Since the compass was lost, my career has been on fire

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