María Elena Walsh - Twist Del Mono Liso - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction María Elena Walsh - Twist Del Mono Liso

Twist Del Mono Liso
Twist of the Smooth Monkey
¿Saben, saben lo que hizo
Do you know, do you know what he did,
El famoso Mono Liso?
The famous Smooth Monkey?
A la orilla de una zanja
On the edge of a ditch,
Cazó viva una naranja
He caught an orange alive.
¡Qué coraje, qué valor!
What courage, what valor!
Aunque se olvidó el cuchillo
Although he forgot the knife,
En el dulce de membrillo
In the quince jelly,
La cazó con tenedor
He caught it with a fork.
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.
A la hora de la cena
At dinner time,
La naranja le dio pena
The orange felt sorry.
Fue tan bueno Mono Liso
Smooth Monkey was so kind,
Que de postre no la quiso
That he didn't want it for dessert.
El valiente cazador
The brave hunter,
Ordenó a su comitiva
Ordered his entourage,
Que se la guardaran viva
To keep it alive,
En el refrigerador
In the refrigerator.
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.
Mono Liso en la cocina
Smooth Monkey in the kitchen,
Con una paciencia china
With Chinese patience,
La domaba día a día
He was taming it day by day.
La naranja no aprendía
The orange didn't learn.
Mono Liso, con rigor
Smooth Monkey, with rigor,
Al fin la empujó un poquito
Finally pushed it a little bit,
Y dio su primer pasito
And it took its first step,
La naranja, sin error
The orange, without error.
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.
La naranja, Mono Liso
The orange, Smooth Monkey,
La mostraba por el piso
He showed it around the floor.
Otras veces, de visita
Other times, when visiting,
La llevaba en su jaulita
He carried it in his cage.
Pero un día entró un ladrón
But one day a thief came in,
¿Se imaginan lo que hizo?
Can you imagine what he did?
El valiente Mono Liso
The brave Smooth Monkey,
Dijo: "Ay, qué papelón"
Said: "Oh, what an embarrassment."
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.
A la corte del Rey Bobo
To the court of King Bobo,
Fue a quejarse por el robo
He went to complain about the theft.
Mentiroso, el rey promete
Liar, the king promises,
Que la tiene el Gran Bonete
That the Great Bonete has it.
Porque sí, con frenesí
Because yes, with frenzy,
De repente dice el Mono
Suddenly the Monkey says,
"Allí está, detrás del trono
"There it is, behind the throne,
La naranja que perdí"
The orange I lost."
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.
Y la reina sin permiso
And the queen without permission,
Del valiente Mono Liso
From the brave Smooth Monkey,
Escondió en una sopera
Hid in a tureen,
La naranja paseandera
The orange walker.
Mono Liso la salvó
Smooth Monkey saved her,
Pero a fuerza de tapioca
But with tapioca,
La naranja estaba loca
The orange was crazy,
Y este cuento se acabó
And this story is over.
La naranja se pasea
The orange is walking,
De la sala al comedor
From the living room to the dining room.
No me tires con cuchillo
Don't throw me with a knife,
Tírame con tenedor
Throw me with a fork.

Writer(s): Maria Elena Walsh

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