Masayah - Da Blo Bi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Masayah - Da Blo Bi

Da Blo Bi
Da Blo Bi
Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
Ni vse tako lepo kot se zdi
Not everything is as beautiful as it seems
Nimam js teh
I don't have those
Mirnih noči
Peaceful nights
O katerih govorite mi
Which you talk about to me
O katerih govorite vsi
Which you all talk about
Si palli TV bi
You would turn on the TV
Na mojem mestu
In my place
Vi bi rekli fuck the hustle
You would say, "fuck the hustle"
Na mojem mestu
In my place
Vi bi iz Russa šli v Russel
You would have gone from Russ to Russel
Na mojem mestu bi se prodali
In my place you would have sold out
Že zdavnaj delali
Would have been doing everything that others do
Vse to kar delajo ostali
Long ago
Ma stari
My man
Js ti shita ne kopiram
I'm not copying you, shit
Groovam js po svoje
I groove in my own way
Fakiča kažem tem oviram
I show these obstacles a fuck you
Podiram rekorde
I'm breaking records
Ne svetovne, ma svoje
Not world records, but my own
Level up(Am) nivoje
Level up, levels
Ker ne bo tu po tvoje
Because it won't be your way here
Čes nah, bruh
Nah, bruh
Bitch, tu bo po moje
Bitch, it's gonna be my way here
Reprezentam js morje
I represent the sea
Ne bom se, ker si pojem
I will not, because I am singing
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Bom bla višje kot sekvoje
I will be higher than sequoias
Da blo bi malo lažje
To make it a little easier
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Da blo bi malo lažje
To make it a little easier
Js letela bi visoko
I'd fly high
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Da blo bi malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Dam familijo vn z blokov
I would get my family out of the blocks
I bet
Da bo tako
That it will be so
In za to stavo
And for this bet
Js vse vam dam
I give you everything
Vem, da zdej težje bo
I know that it will be harder now
A lepše bo
But it will be better
Če delam to
If I do this
Kar ljubim iz dneva v dan
What I love from day to day
Hah, bitch
Hah, bitch
Zastonj me ti oviraš
In vain you obstruct me
Uuu, bitch
Uuu, bitch
Džabe me provociraš
You provoke me in vain
Ker shit
Because shit
Očitno vedla nisi
You obviously didn't know
Da js bom fucking tisti
That I will be the fucking one
MC, ki gazi tipe v hip-hop listi
MC, who tramples dudes on the hip-hop list
Mama ne ve
Mom doesn't know
Kaj vse še čaka me
What else awaits me
Od zgodbice
From a little story
Do fucking množice
To a fucking crowd
Jebene stolpnice
Fucking skyscrapers
Bitch, js hočem za večerjo
Bitch, I want for dinner
Jest hobotnice
Eat octopus
Plačat položnice
Pay utility bills
Mama, nestoj se mi sekirat
Mom, please don't worry about me
Vse bom to nardila
I'll do it all
Js zidove grem podirat
I'm going to tear down the walls
Hočem boljši lajf
I want a better life
Da ne rabim več pakirat
So that I don't need to pack anymore
Js hočem svoj private jet
I want my private jet
Sama pilotirat!
To pilot it myself!
Da blo bi malo lažje
To make it a little easier
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Da blo bi malo lažje
To make it a little easier
Js letela bi visoko
I'd fly high
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Da blo bi malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Ko blo bo malo lažje
When it will be a little easier
Dam familijo vn z blokov
I would get my family out of the blocks

Writer(s): Mia Puhar Rodin

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