Masayah - Pusto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Masayah - Pusto

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A tear fell on the page,
A4 formata
A4 format,
Kaplja dala je vtis
A drop made an impression,
Da je časovna potrata
That it's a waste of time.
In zdej debata sama s sabo
And now a debate with myself,
Kaj narobe je z mano
What's wrong with me,
Da vsako emocijo
That every emotion,
Imam zapisano in prebrano
I have written down and read.
In ko repam v glavi
And when I rap in my head,
Vse ponovno zaigrano
Everything replays,
Poslikano, okvirjeno
Painted, framed,
V spominih pokopano
Buried in memories.
Jaz pišem in pišem
I write and write,
Da si izklopim realnost
To shut off reality,
Pomoc ne iščem ne iščem
I don't seek help, I don't seek,
Ker mam za to ustvarjalnost
Because I have creativity for that.
Ko solze brišem, jih brišem
When I wipe away tears, I wipe them away,
Na to poetsko podlago
On this poetic canvas,
Z njimi rišem in rišem
With them I draw and draw,
Emocionalno prtljago
Emotional baggage.
Vse kar mi je predrago
Everything that's too precious to me,
In vse kar sovražim
And everything I hate,
Zapišem, zapečatim
I write down, seal it,
Svoja čustva izrazim
I express my feelings.
Ker lahko jokam, poham, v sebi pokam
Because I can cry, scream, burst inside,
Pišem, družim, smejem se
Write, socialize, laugh,
Izražat se ne znam
I don't know how to express myself,
Ampak v pesmih vam povem vse
But in songs I tell you everything.
Upam da se čuti
I hope you feel it,
Vsako liriko in čustvo
Every lyric and feeling,
V rap dam, vse kar mam
I put everything I have into rap,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto ker
Life without it would be empty because
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Na papirju mam napisano vsako svoje čustvo
On paper I have written every single emotion.
In priznam
And I admit,
Boli me včasih
It hurts me sometimes,
Pridigajo srečo
They preach happiness,
Nam v TV oglasih
To us in TV ads.
A ne vprašajo se
But they don't ask themselves,
Kolko sreče rap prinese
How much happiness rap brings,
Ljubezen zimzelena
Evergreen love,
Traja dlje nam ko ciprese
Lasts longer for us than cypress trees.
In ne gre se mi za slavo
And I'm not after fame,
Da živela bom s tem
To live with that,
Gre se mi za zdravo glavo
I'm after a healthy mind,
Vse kar mam dam ljudem
I give everything I have to people.
In bilokakšen, problem
And any problem,
Ta rima mi popravi
This rhyme fixes it,
Tako kot vse te lirike
Just like all these lyrics,
Me skupaj sestavi
Puts me together.
Da mala čas ne zapravi
So the girl doesn't waste time,
Ko na drink se odpravi
When she goes for a drink,
Vedno zraven zvezek ma
She always has a notebook with her,
Ko pali čik ob kavi
When she lights a cigarette with coffee.
Vsem na razstavi
At the exhibition for everyone,
Da pljuvajo mi stil
So they can spit on my style,
Ma ne gane to človeka
But it doesn't bother the person,
Ki je sam do sebe real
Who is real to themselves.
Vidu marsikaj
Seeing many things,
A ne dopustu da ga zlomi
But not letting it break her,
Zjebana familija
Messed up family,
Mu redko kdo je homie
Rarely anyone is a homie to her.
Češ kdo mi?
You think, who am I?
Lahko sploh ta čustva zjebe?
Can these emotions even be messed up?
Če ne čutite vi mene
If you don't feel me,
Lahko samo sama sebe ker
I can only feel myself because
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Na papirju mam napisano vsako svoje čustvo
On paper I have written every single emotion.
In kolko noči
And how many nights,
Sem presedela za papirjem
I've spent sitting behind paper,
In kolko stvari
And how many things,
Ni za povedat oficirjem
Aren't for telling officers.
In kolko ljudi
And how many people,
Me inspirira da to pišem
Inspire me to write this,
Zapišem te odnose
I write down these relationships,
In v rapu jih izrišem
And draw them out in rap.
Iskreno js nisem
Honestly, I'm not,
Hladnokrvna oseba
A cold-blooded person,
Js se postavim za kolega
I stand up for a friend,
Če je madafakin treba
If it's goddamn necessary.
In ko v roki mam kemik
And when I have a pen in my hand,
Vse to teče iz mene
All this flows out of me,
Tko kot tečejo mi solze
Just like my tears flow,
Ko se ožajo mi stene
When the walls close in on me.
Brez dlake na jeziku
Without mincing words,
Povem kaj fakin čutim
I say what I fucking feel,
Samo ko pišem prepustim se
Only when I write do I surrender,
Vsem tem idejam krutim
To all these cruel ideas.
In vedno bolj slutim
And I increasingly sense,
Da je edini raj zame
That the only paradise for me,
To ko pišem texte
Is when I write lyrics,
Akorde, melodije in romane
Chords, melodies, and novels.
Naj to me prevzame
Let it consume me,
Naj to mi lajf vzame
Let it take my life,
Ker mi rima kri pogane
Because rhyme fuels my blood,
Naj zastrupi mi organe
Let it poison my organs.
In ko se solze posušijo
And when the tears dry up,
In organizmi popustijo
And the organisms give out,
Na grobu naj mi piše
Let it say on my grave,
Rep je reprezenatal Mio ker
Rap represented Mia because
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Življenje brez bi blo mi pusto
Life without it would be empty,
Na papirju mam napisano vsako svoje čustvo
On paper I have written every single emotion.

Writer(s): Mia Puhar Rodin

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