Massa - Doim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Massa - Doim

Massa, Massa
Massa, Massa
Hammasini bilmohchimisan? uh, uh, esht...
Do you know everything, uh, uh, no...
Ko'chada yoshlidan bola bilmasen kotta bo'ganman
I didn't know I could be a mature man in the street when I was young
Pulsiz hayot ko'z oldida, shirin tushla ko'rmaganman
A life without money is in front of your eyes, I haven't seen sweet dreams
Buyuklik qonimda buni juda vohli anglaganman
Greatness is in my blood, I understood this very well
Hamma darsdan qochgan paytda, man o'qishni tanlaganman
When everyone skipped class, I chose to study
Orzu huddi erte, lekin ertegimga ishonganman
My dream was as early as the morning, but I believed in my tomorrow
Yeqilganda yutqazmadin dib o'zimi aldaganman
When I fell, I didn't give up, I deceived myself
O'zbe tilini ko'tarish uchun hayotimi ataganman
I have dedicated my life to elevating the Uzbek language
Unitilmasin dib reja tanamda siyoh qoldirganman
I have left my mark in ink so that it will not be forgotten
Kiyimsiz o'tmishda sovqatdim
In the past, I was a gift without clothes
To'la do'kon kiyim bilan hozir holatim
Now my situation is a shop full of clothes
Sovuq bo'lardi doim manda ovqatim
My food was always cold before
Shuning uchun issulini hayotda yoqotdim
That's why I turned on the heat in my life
Bola bilgin kemagandir omadim
The child did not know happiness
Ter bilan topilgandir hamma rohatim
All my comfort is earned by sweat
Soqqa vaxti keldi jiringlidi sog'atim
It's time to hit the bell, my watch rang
Faqat g'alaba qozonish mani odatim
Winning is my only habit
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Kecha, kunduz yo'dir bohona
Night and day, there is no excuse
San kaypda bo'guncha o'taman keyingi pog'ona
Wherever you are, today I will pass the next level
O'ynamiman gapla mani kutmidi hich choyxona
I don't play, I don't wait for a teahouse, my dear
O'ynimi oti kimla ko'pro ochadi korxona
My game is who will open more businesses
Qanchali yosh bo'masam halol sotishga o'rganganman
No matter how young I am, I'm used to selling honestly
Qo'lga kir soqqa tushganda man bu yo'lli tashaganman
When I get my hands on the goods, I get carried away by this path
Bo'masa diplom, ishin bo'midi dib gapla eshitganman
If there is no diploma, I heard that there will be no work
Shuning uchun hamma diplomlilani ishga tez oganman
That's why I quickly hire every graduate
Mana sanga dunyo qarashim
Here's my worldview
Soqqa bo'sa o'ynash, san'at mani muhabbatim
If there is a fight to be played, art is my love
Sezdin keldi mani navbatim
You feel my turn has come
O'tirib ko'rgin boshlanadi manda tomoshalarim
Sit down and watch my show
Imkonsiz narsalaga man boshqachadir qaraganman
I look at the impossible differently
Ertalab rejami takrorlagan holda uyg'onganman
In the morning I woke up repeating my plan
Sanga yoqsa hayotin man intilishgani to'ymaganman
If you like your life, my aspirations are not satisfied
Chunki bu dunyoga yashab ketgani man kemaganman
Because I didn't come into this world to live and go
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Kettu, kettu, kettu, kettu
Go, go, go, go
Kettu, kettu, kettu, kettu
Go, go, go, go
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Doim hamma narsalarim yengi
Everything is always new with me
Bola bilasan bo'lomisan manga tengi
Darling, do you know if you can be equal to me
Qatta bo'masam bo'lasan mandan keyingi
If I'm not the biggest, you'll be after me
Chunki shetga keganim bo'madi manga yengil
Because it was not easy for me to go abroad
Massa, Massa, yeah, Toshkent, yeah, Gafur, yeah, Kettu, uh, uh
Massa, Massa, yeah, Tashkent, yeah, Gafur, yeah, Go, uh, uh

Writer(s): shukhratjon sandjar ugli allayarov

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