Matteoh - Doubletake (feat. SKUBBY & Skeleton Skelly) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Matteoh - Doubletake (feat. SKUBBY & Skeleton Skelly)

Doubletake (feat. SKUBBY & Skeleton Skelly)
Doubletake (feat. SKUBBY & Skeleton Skelly)
Pamätám sa na to ako by to bolo včera
I remember it like it was yesterday, babe
Chrbát mi ukázali, začala sa moja cesta
They turned their backs on me, my journey began
Povedz mi, kde ste boli, keď som pomoc potreboval
Tell me, where were you when I needed help, girl?
Uzavrel sa kruh, nikoho späť nevolám
The circle is closed, I'm not calling anyone back
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď som nemal na nič ja
Where were you then, when I had nothing, sweetheart?
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď som nemal money ha
Where were you then, when I had no money, huh?
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď som nemal na nič ja
Where were you then, when I had nothing, darling?
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď som nemal money ha
Where were you then, when I had no money, huh?
Uzavrel sa kruh, nikto nevojde dnu
The circle is closed, no one gets in
Nikto nevýjde von, máme obranu
No one gets out, we have our defense
Noták nechaj nás, nechaj nás čo si robiť chceme
Leave us alone, cop, let us do what we want
Stále high, stále high, stále vodné, hehe
Always high, always high, always hydrated, hehe
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď sa riešili sračky
Where were you when shit was hitting the fan?
Pridali ste sa k iným, len aby ste nedostali
You joined the others, just so you wouldn't get hit
Kde ste boli vtedy, keď sme tam boli sami
Where were you when we were there alone?
Ostali radšej doma, aj tak by ste zutekali
You stayed home, you would have run away anyway
Uzavretý kruh, nikam nemôžeš újsť
Closed circle, you can't escape
My držíme pri sebe, ha
We stick together, ha
My sme jedna crew
We are one crew
Pozerám na niektorých, je to veľký hnus
I look at some of them, it's disgusting
Jebú sa do rici a nie vôbec true
They kiss ass and aren't true at all
Oni pozerali na mňa, keď som vôbec nemal nič
They looked down on me when I had nothing at all
Choďte všetci do piči, ja neriešim váš biz
Go to hell, all of you, I don't care about your business anymore
Budem stále stáť aj keď ma potopia
I'll keep standing even if they try to drown me
Žiadna ochota, bomba robota
No willingness, bomb work
Tracky na trackoch, stacky na stackoch
Tracks on tracks, stacks on stacks
Zatiaľ nemáme
We don't have yet
Ideme si preto, ako po prsten Lebron
That's why we're going for it, like LeBron for the ring
Vždycky sme to chceli a stále to chceme
We always wanted it and we still want it
Nevidíme prekážky stojace na ceste
We don't see obstacles standing in the way
Vidíme len backstage, naše maľby v meste
We only see backstage, our paintings in the city
Tak nám na to nešahaj
So don't touch it
Radšej ruku k dielu daj
Better put your hand to the plow
A možno aj tebe sa zadarí
And maybe you'll succeed too
Na cestách, ktoré ideš, dlhé trasy
On the roads you're taking, long routes
A potom sadneš a zamyslíš sa nad tým
And then you'll sit down and think about it
Zistíš, že aj ty máš, niečo čo by chceli druhí
You'll find that you too have something that others want
(Yo, čo by chceli druhí)
(Yo, something that others want)

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