Matteoh - Money (Rushhour) (feat. Lorenz0) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Matteoh - Money (Rushhour) (feat. Lorenz0)

Money (Rushhour) (feat. Lorenz0)
Money (Rushhour) (feat. Lorenz0)
Áno zasa ja, toto tempo zabíjam
Yes, it's me again, killing this tempo
Makám stále viac a viac, robím to len pre seba
I'm working harder and harder, I'm doing it only for myself
Hudba je to, čo ma napĺňa
Music is what fulfills me
Pôjdem si ďalej za tým, čo ma baví najviac zo všetkého, ha
I'll keep chasing what I enjoy most, ha
Stále vidím progress, stále lepší skill
I still see progress, still better skill
Nemusím byť hore, aby som bol fuckin' real
I don't have to be up there to be fuckin' real
Stále verný tým, ktorí stále pri mne vždy
Still loyal to those who are always there for me
Vymýšľať fake story, ja nie som z tých
Making up fake stories, I'm not one of those
Každý chce len fame, každý chce cash
Everyone wants fame, everyone wants cash
Každý chce len views, každý chce stack
Everyone wants views, everyone wants a stack
Každý chce len hype, stále plniť safe
Everyone wants hype, always playing it safe
Každý chce len koncerty a naložený backstage
Everyone wants concerts and a loaded backstage
Kam to zmizlo, kam sa to stratilo
Where did it go, where did it get lost
Niekedy rapoval, len ten koho to bavilo
Back then, only those who enjoyed it rapped
Niekedy to bolo iné, čaro sa stratilo
It used to be different, the magic is gone
Väčšina vidí money, škoda, že sa to skazilo
Most see money, it's a shame it got ruined
Keď ťa niečo baví, tak to robíš naplno
When you enjoy something, you do it fully
Keď vidíš iba money, nie si v tom hlboko
When you only see money, you're not in it deeply
Nedáš do toho mysel, vôľu, nechcem byť rovnaký
You don't put your mind, your will into it, I don't want to be the same
Stále sám sebou, jebať vôňu peňazí
Still myself, fuck the smell of money, girl
Všetky money časom zmiznú, spomienky ostanú
All the money will disappear over time, memories will remain
Kúpime jednu flašu, pôjdeme na salámu
We'll buy a bottle, we'll go on a spree
Bluetooth reprák zapínaj, chcem si trocha zalietať
Turn on the Bluetooth speaker, I want to fly a little
Z hlavy bary nastrielať, odpalený na Mesiac
Shoot bars from my head, blasted to the Moon
Ach tá, tráva zelená, zase high, dofrasa
Oh that green grass, high again, damn it
My si užívame život pokiaľ sa bude dať
We enjoy life as long as we can
Nemusím mať money aj tak sa mi bude dariť
I don't have to have money, I'll still succeed
Moji ľudia pri mne, charakter si nevieš kúpiť
My people are with me, you can't buy character
Čo si kokot
What a dickhead
Money, money, money hýbu svetom, hýbu nami
Money, money, money moves the world, moves us
Money, money, money nikdy sa to nezastaví
Money, money, money it will never stop
Money, money, money ovládajú naše hlavy
Money, money, money controls our minds
Money, money, money dokážu zničiť vzťahy
Money, money, money can destroy relationships
Money, money, money zmocnili sa ich money
Money, money, money they've been taken over by money
im nie si na nič, si pre nich nepodstatný
You're no good to them anymore, you're irrelevant to them
Myslel si, že pravý
You thought they were real
Chrbát ti ukázali
They turned their backs on you
Pýtaš sa prečo?
You ask why?
Môžu za to money, money
It's because of the money, money
Money, money, money hýbu svetom, hýbu nami
Money, money, money moves the world, moves us
Money, money, money nikdy sa to nezastaví
Money, money, money it will never stop
Money, money, money ovládajú naše hlavy
Money, money, money controls our minds
Money, money, money dokážu zničiť vzťahy
Money, money, money can destroy relationships
Ay, kříčí běž, běž, běž přes les jako Gump
Ay, they yell run, run, run through the forest like Gump
Jestli moje bary ammo, tak moje huba gun
If my bars are ammo, then my mouth is a gun
Nemožný že umřu broke yeah, máme totiž plán
Impossible that I die broke yeah, we have a plan
Ale i kdyby jsme neměli, tak je to pořád fun
But even if we didn't, it's still fun
Long time g, Matteoh, dávali jsme spolu hlavy
Long time g, Matteoh, we put our heads together
Teďko posílám mu bary
Now I'm sending him bars
Spituju pytel je lávy a to nemám v puse Velo
Spitting a bag of lava and I don't even have Velo in my mouth
Prej nechtěla swallow, neva
She didn't want to swallow, nevermind
dal to na čelo
I put it on her forehead
Ay, woo, let's get it
Ay, woo, let's get it
Kámo, ona chtěla moje děti, víš co
Dude, she wanted my kids, you know
Ale we can't have that shit, haha
But we can't have that shit, haha
Ona chtěla moje kids, shit, to nebylo demo?
She wanted my kids, shit, wasn't that a demo?
Nebyl jsem ready na to říkat nějaký ženě ženo
I wasn't ready to call some woman my wife
Žiju život, piju pivo žádný limo, ta teprve bude, bude
I live life, drink beer, no limo, that's yet to come, it will
Sem zvědavej na to co zbude
I'm curious what I'll have left
Chci money, ale nedělám to pro
I want money, but I don't do it for the money
koupím za koně
I'll buy a horse with it
Ale ne do doby dokud nebudu mít tolik
But not until I have so much
Že kdybych to koupil změní se počet čísel
That if I bought it, the number of digits would change
Na mojim motherfuckin' účtě
On my motherfuckin' account

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