Matteoh - Nejdemsi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Matteoh - Nejdemsi

I'm Not Going on DMs
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás, yo
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us, yo
Najradšej felím von s mojimi diehard bros
I prefer chilling outside with my diehard bros
Riešime biznis na kurte
Handling business on the court
Hádžeme trojky, ale nie 2k
Throwing threes, but not 2k
Letný život, žiaden stress
Summer life, no stress
Get dressed, ideme do mesta
Get dressed, we're going downtown
Niečo zjesť, prediskutovať veci, ako ide život
Grab a bite, discuss things, how life's going
Ja som zas stratil blízkych ľudí, je to shit
I lost close people again, it's shit
Ale čo už, asi to bol osud
But whatever, it was probably fate
Sa modlím, že môj kruh nebude guľa
I pray that my circle won't become a sphere
Že sa na mňa ľudia nebudú pozerať z hora
That people won't look down on me
Ale aj to raz príde a ja
But that will come one day and I
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás, yo
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us, yo
Predtým než ma premenia na prach
Before they turn me to dust
Chcem tu niečo zanechať
I want to leave something here
Chcem vidieť prosperovať ľudí okolo mňa
I want to see the people around me prosper
Keď odomňa nemáš niečo dobré, tak sa na mňa kľudne vyjeb, načo ti budem
If you don't have anything good to say about me, then feel free to screw me, why should I bother
Aj ja som sa vysral na kopec ľudí
I've also given up on a lot of people
Lebo vidím, že to bola cesta do záhuby
Because I see it was a road to ruin
Nechcem byť hrubý, nemám žiadne street stories
I don't want to be rude, I don't have any street stories
A som za to rád, že žijem normálny život, žiaden strach
And I'm glad that I live a normal life, no fear
Nepushujem drugs, nepočujem vás
I don't push drugs, I don't hear you
Nepičujem na ľudí kolo mňa
I don't hate on the people around me
Nedávam druhých dole
I don't put others down
Aby som bol up
To be up
Aby som bol pán
To be the man
Aby som nejaký clout nahrabal
To grab some clout
Aby som zabodoval
To score some points
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Nejdem si DMs, nejdem si Messenger
I'm not going on DMs, I'm not going on Messenger
Nejdem si SMS, idem si face to face
I'm not going on SMS, I'm going face to face
Keď niečo máme na srdci, tak si to povieme
If we have something on our hearts, we'll say it
Bez faloše aj keď sme na nože
Without falsehood, even if we're at odds
Viem, že sme dnes okay
I know we're okay today
Zajtra sme zas broken
Tomorrow we're broken again
Toto je naozaj, nie je to fikcia
This is real, it's not fiction
Keď so mnou súhlasíš, asi si jeden z nás, yo
If you agree with me, you're probably one of us, yo

Writer(s): Matej Hanušovský

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