Martin Matys - Evian - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Martin Matys - Evian

Pravda je hlboká jak oceán
Truth is deep like the ocean
Dokáže rozbiť životy jak porcelán
It can break lives like porcelain
Lož je hydroplán čo musí pristáť
A lie is a seaplane that has to land
Ja nemám plán a ani prístav
I don't have a plan or a harbor
Plavím sa do noci jak prízrak antikrista
I sail into the night like the ghost of the Antichrist
Zvykol som klamať
I'm used to lying
ako fagan
Ever since I was a kid
Tu každý chce byť v bavlne jak Alabama
Everyone here wants to be in cotton like Alabama
Mama, život je aram, život je blamáž
Mom, life is a mess, life is a mirage
A pravda je drahá ako evian (ej)
And the truth is expensive like Evian (yeah)
Pravda je drahá ako evian (ej)
The truth is expensive like Evian (yeah)
A každý deviant chce proviant
And every deviant wants supplies
No iba ak hovoríš pravdu
But only if you're telling the truth
V silnom vetre môžeš dôverovať áno
In a strong wind, you can trust, yes
Počúval som prázdne slová prázdnych zmrdov
I listened to the empty words of empty assholes
Počul tie holé vety plné prázdnych sľubov
Heard those bare sentences full of empty promises
Našiel tie hovná v ľuďoch, našiel tie hovná v zuboch
Found that shit in people, found that shit in their teeth
Našiel tie hovná na topánke všade kam sa kukol
Found that shit on my shoes everywhere I looked
A nosíš triko od hoven
And you're wearing a shirt from shit
Len ak si Gay-ov fanúšik alebo nemáš úroveň
Only if you're a Kanye fan or have no standards
Ja držím v ruke pochodeň
I'm holding a torch in my hand
To neni kurva v pohode
This shit ain't cool
Môj rap tu spraví povodeň
My rap will make a flood here
ľudia kurva v kokote jak semeno
People are fucking messed up like semen
To bremeno ma ťaží jak matku vemeno
This burden weighs on me like an udder on a mother
Si mimino sa snažíš byť MC
You're a baby trying to be an MC
Ty nejsi slovenský Kendrick
You're not the Slovak Kendrick
Bitch si basic
Bitch, you're basic
Ver mi kľudne ver si
Believe me, believe yourself
Ale si smiešny
But you're funny
Sladký jak Merci
Sweet like Merci

Writer(s): Matys

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