Mavi - chosen one - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Mavi - chosen one

chosen one
chosen one
I'm the chosen one
I'm the chosen one
Bana yakışan yok onlar easy one (skrrt)
No one suits me, they're all easy ones (skrrt)
Tadı şampanya gibi harbi cheesy bra
It tastes like champagne, truly cheesy, bra
Parti part-time çıksın sesi kısılan
Part-time party, let the sound be dimmed
Rahatsızsın ısıdan
You're uncomfortable from the heat
Easy girl bileklerimde bu gördüklerin hep donduran
Easy girl, what you see on my wrists is always freezing
Blackberry diğer telefonum o dalgadan ister
Blackberry is my other phone, it wants that wave
Dileklerin kabul oldu elimdeki güldüren
Your wishes came true, the one in my hand makes you laugh
Boşa döner bu dümen
This rudder will turn in vain
Benim döndüren bu çarkı
I'm the one turning this wheel
Altı şarkı sattım hiçbirine koymadan isim
I sold six songs, never putting my name on any
Artık farklı davranırlar sordu daha daha nasılsın
Now they act differently, they ask "How are you, how are you?"
Altın saklı kalbimde bu yüzden söktüm attım
Gold is hidden in my heart, that's why I took it out and threw it away
Aklım bu ara tatilde kızım sen sekreterimsin
My mind is on vacation, my girl, you're my secretary
Beni tanısan çok da sevmezsin
If you knew me, you wouldn't like me much
Şeytan aklıma girdi davetsiz
The devil entered my mind uninvited
Sen nasıl bi' lanetsin
What kind of curse are you?
Beni yaktın yok anestezi eey
You burned me, no anesthesia, eey
Anan helal etsin artık bana emanetsin
Your mom should forgive you, you're now my responsibility
Yok yapamam espri
I can't make a joke
Buz takılar let's go
Ice jewelry, let's go
(Hey hey hey stop stop it okay okay)
(Hey hey hey stop stop it okay okay)
HES yok telefonum bozuk
No HES, my phone is broken
Fırlattım bozuk aklım moruk
I threw my messed up mind away, moruk
Teslim ol dedi çok uyanık
He said surrender, he's very smart
Dikkat et benim kalbim donuk
Be careful, my heart is frozen
Call me back yarın akşam olur
Call me back tomorrow evening, it'll be okay
Ne demek bu benim için onur
What do you mean, it's an honor for me
Colgate değil sponsorum
Colgate is not my sponsor
Ama masamda macun dolu
But my desk is full of toothpaste
Pussy boy yan masamda dur
Pussy boy, stay at my side table
Bak kızım aramasan da olur
Look, my girl, you don't have to call
Bana kız ama buna mecburum
Be angry at me, but I have to do this
Sen leyla değilsin ben de mecnunun
You're not Layla, and I'm not Majnun
Arabanı benim kalbime park edip durma
Don't park your car in my heart and stay
Buna alışığım daha iyileri yolla
I'm used to this, send me better ones
Tanrı bana dedi en iyileri solla
God told me to overtake the best
Bunu yapıyorum en zor yolla
I'm doing this the hardest way
LOL 808leri detone
LOL, 808s are detuned
Bu emeklerim boşa hep
All this work, for nothing, always
Onlar veriyo'lar bayat ekmek
They give stale bread
Ben tekme atıyorum high kick
I kick, high kick
Bu sporu yapıyorum hard lifting
I do this sport, hard lifting
Sen de biliyo'sun bu benim pistim
You know this is my turf
Neden yazsın ki buralarda ismin
Why would you even write your name here?
Kes dedim ona kes sesi bitsin
Cut, I told her, cut the sound, let it end
Pes dedi bana pes sen abimsin
She said give up, you're my big brother
Herkes bilsin çöpe aitsin
Everyone knows you belong in the trash
Hiçsin nasıl bu kadar estin
You're nothing, how did you become so bold?
Esnedi bi' nefes alıp
She yawned, taking a breath
Et teslim dedim onu evine hadi sağ salim
I said surrender, home safely now
Artık ben sağa sen sola shawty
Now I'm going right, you go left, shawty
O oyuncak değil zula shawty
That's not a toy, zula, shawty
Hadi ikile başladı parti
Come on, the party's started, let's go
Wow aklım karmaşık baktım nasıl da aşık
Wow, my mind is messed up, I see how in love I am
Yedin bitirdin beynimi hala masada kaşık eey
You ate and finished my brain, you're still at the table with a spoon, eey
Sana yazık atma benimle eşik
It's a shame for you, don't mess with me, it's a threshold
En son rakibim köşede bak delik deşik
My last opponent is in the corner, looking messed up
Neyin peşindesin şartlar değil eşit
What are you after, the conditions are not equal
Binlerce insan zıplattım değilken reşit
I made thousands of people jump, I wasn't even of age
Sana yazık
It's a shame for you
Aldım paramı peşin
I got my money upfront
KDV'si de sesimin altındaki ritim
The VAT is the rhythm under my voice
(VVL hehehe)
(VVL hehehe)

Writer(s): Mavi

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