Maximilian feat. Angeles - Cateva Ganduri (feat. Angeles) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maximilian feat. Angeles - Cateva Ganduri (feat. Angeles)

Cateva Ganduri (feat. Angeles)
Some Thoughts (feat. Angeles)
Mi-am zis ca tre' sa fac ceva, cumva
I told myself that I had to do something, somehow
Ca in niciun caz nu se mai poate asa
That things couldn't go on like this
Ca tre' sa trag mai tare ca pana acu'
That I had to work harder than I had been
E un singur vinovat si ala nu esti tu
That the only person to blame was myself
Si trag de cativa ani incoace
And I've been working hard for years
Dar parca trag degeaba, nu stiu cum se face
But it feels like I'm not getting anywhere
Ca uneori imi pare ca nimic nu se leaga
Sometimes it feels like nothing is connecting
Si ca ce fac e asa, doar sa ma aflu in treaba
And that what I'm doing is just keeping me busy
Ca se-nvart multe lepre-n jurul nostru
There are a lot of hares running around us
De multe ori mi-am zis: Mai bine fac pe prostu'
I've often said to myself: It's better to play the fool
Mai bine tac si-nghit, asta-i sistemu'
It is better to keep quiet and swallow, that's the system
Ce fac e binecuvantare, dar e si blestemu'
What I do is a blessing, but it's also a curse
Si m-apuca depresia cand vad doar combinatii
And I get depressed when I see only combinations
Unii muncesc din greu, doar ca sa-si faca altii
Some people work hard, just so others can
Acum ma duc, dimineata ii dau devreme
I'm going now, I'm going to give it to him early in the morning
Scuzele mele daca am dat-o in extreme
I apologize if I went to extremes
Da' astea-s doar randuri pe-o hartie
But these are just lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Dar nu e vreo filozofie
But it's not a philosophy
Tu nu ma lua prea in serios, bros
Don't take me too seriously, bros
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously
Si da, ma doare, ma doare tare
And yes, it hurts, it hurts a lot
Cand unii vin si spun ca ne-am stricat in continuare
When some come and say that we have still gone bad
Doar fiindca ei se afla undeva-n departare
Just because they are somewhere far away
Le-am zis ca, odata, o sa ma duc tare, tare, tare
I told them that, one day, I will go hard, hard, hard
Si nu ratez niciun moment
And I don't miss a moment
Planuiesc atent, chiar daca par indiferent
I plan carefully, even if I seem indifferent
Invat din toate, mai ales invat din greseli
I learn from everything, especially from mistakes
Maine mai bun ca azi, iar azi mai bun ca ieri
Better tomorrow than today, and today better than yesterday
Ma tin departe de oameni marunti
I keep away from small people
Oameni care vor sa-ti spuna doar ce vrei s-auzi
People who only want to tell you what you want to hear
De fete d-astea care prea-l iubesc pe Maxi
Of girls like this who love Maxi too much
Vor sa cunoasca omul, n-au ce vorbi cu altii
They want to know the man, they have nothing to say to others
Ma feresc sa ma-ndragostesc, nu ca nu suport
I avoid falling in love, not because I can't take it
Doar ca am treaba, mi-e sa nu ma tina-n loc
Just because I'm busy, I don't want to stop
C-am cunoscut si fete marfa rau de tot
Because I've also met really great girls
Sper ca ma iarta pentru tot
I hope you forgive me for everything
Da, astea-s doar randuri pe-o hartie
Yes, these are just lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Dar nu e vreo filozofie
But it's not a philosophy
Tu nu ma lua prea in serios, bros
Don't take me too seriously, bros
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously
Astea-s doar randuri
These are just lines
Randuri pe-o hartie
Lines on a paper
Cateva ganduri dintr-o mie
A few thoughts out of a thousand
Nu ma lua in serios
Don't take me seriously

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