Maximilian feat. Brnkush - MMP - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maximilian feat. Brnkush - MMP

Ok, am ajuns din nou la 6
Ok, I'm back at 6 again
C-am stat la sah si vin cu Maria Tanase
Been playing chess and I'm coming with Maria Tanase
Dupa ce-am pus lemne pe foc - se lasase frig
After putting wood on the fire - it was getting cold
A-nceput sa ma lase sa castig
She started letting me win
A-nceput sa spuna ca-s ca toti cretinii
Started saying I'm like all the idiots
Cand i-am zis ca-mi place coverul de la Pink Martini
When I told her I like the Pink Martini cover
Stiu ca-nainte sa ma dea afara
I know before she kicked me out
Am zis ceva de Brancusi, cumva intr-o doara
I said something about Brancusi, somehow in pain
Eh, probabil ca ma luase vinul
Eh, the wine probably got to me
Altfel nu-nteleg de ce nu-mi mai amintesc tot filmul
Otherwise I don't understand why I don't remember the whole movie
Stiu ca next ma aflam in Centru Vechi
I know next I was in the Old Center
Coada-ntre picioare, castile-n urechi
Tail between my legs, headphones in my ears
O ardeam pe shuffle, a intrat Didaia
I was playing it on shuffle, Didaia came in
Mai rau m-a starnit la ora aia, dar la ora aia
It turned me on even more at that hour, but at that hour
La ora aia inchideau toate bodegile
At that hour all the bars were closing
Eu aveam chef sa-ncalc toate legile
I felt like breaking all the rules
Dar n-aveam cu cine, am urcat in primul taxi
But I had no one to do it with, I got in the first taxi
Mai rau m-a ars de bani cand s-a prins ca eu sunt Maxi
He ripped me off even more when he found out I was Maxi
Asa ca-nainte sa-ncepi sa zbieri la mine
So before you start yelling at me
Afla cum mi-am petrecut noaptea, iubire
Find out how I spent the night, my love
Vezi tu, uneori ma-ndragostesc de poze
You see, sometimes I fall in love with pictures
Alteori tolerez mimoze
Other times I tolerate mimosas
Nu-i nevoie sa bag droage-n supradoze
No need to overdose on drugs
Pentru micile mele psihoze
For my little psychoses
Vezi tu, uneori ma-ndragostesc de poze
You see, sometimes I fall in love with pictures
Alteori tolerez mimoze
Other times I tolerate mimosas
Nu-i nevoie sa bag droage-n supradoze
No need to overdose on drugs
Pentru micile mele psihoze
For my little psychoses
Vezi tu, mi-a zambit cu dantura toata
You see, she smiled at me with all her teeth
Eu nu-ntelegeam ce vrea sa faca
I didn't understand what she wanted to do
Sa ma iubeasca sau sa ma manance
To love me or to eat me
Cert e c-atunci cand radea ziceai plange
The thing is, when she laughed, you'd think she was crying
Ea era dubioasa iar eu curios
She was weird and I was curious
Un amestec de frica si ispita, recunosc
A mixture of fear and temptation, I admit
Pana la urma a castigat ispita
In the end, temptation won
Cica e bine sa nu lasi sa te conduca frica
They say it's good not to let fear lead you
Tocmai faceam pasi impreuna
We were just taking steps together
Cand am auzit ca telefonul suna
When I heard the phone ringing
Dar nu puteam vorbi, ma lovisem la mana
But I couldn't talk, I had hurt my hand
Mai exact aseara, ma durea de o saptamana
More precisely, last night, it had been hurting for a week
Te-auzeam greu ca-mi pusesem ochelarii
I could hardly hear you because I had put on my glasses
Ganduri in capul meu dansau ca toti barbarii
Thoughts in my head were dancing like barbarians
Stiu ca-ntrebai pe unde umblu, unde sunt
I know you asked where I was going, where I was
Eram asa chiaun ca nu stiam ce sa-ti raspund
I was so high I didn't know what to answer
Vezi tu, uneori ma-ndragostesc de poze
You see, sometimes I fall in love with pictures
Alteori tolerez mimoze
Other times I tolerate mimosas
Nu-i nevoie sa bag droage-n supradoze
No need to overdose on drugs
Pentru micile mele psihoze
For my little psychoses
Vezi tu, uneori ma-ndragostesc de poze
You see, sometimes I fall in love with pictures
Alteori tolerez mimoze
Other times I tolerate mimosas
Nu-i nevoie sa bag droage-n supradoze
No need to overdose on drugs
Pentru micile mele psihoze
For my little psychoses
Noi doi stii cate am trait, nu
You and I know how much we've been through, don't we?
Prea multe impreuna, acuma vreau sa fiu strainu'
Too much together, now I want to be a stranger
Am crezut ca asa-i de la faina
I thought it was from the flour
Dar zilele se aduna si rabdarea e putina
But the days add up and patience is short
Plus ca vocile din capul meu nu se mai termina
Plus the voices in my head never end
Initial m-am bucurat, credeam ca-i vocea cea divina
Initially I was happy, I thought it was the divine voice
Dar a dat-o de gol tonul nu atat de amical
But the not-so-friendly tone gave it away
Imi zicea ca sunt de vina si ca merit panica
It was telling me it was my fault and that I deserved the panic
Imi zicea ca merit golul ca am numai bani in cap
It was telling me I deserved the emptiness because I only have money in my head
Nu o luam in seama ca Roxana m-alina
I wasn't paying attention because Roxana was comforting me
Partea naspa ca-mi manca ficatii ca un canibal
The bad part is that it was eating my liver like a cannibal
Long story short, m-a oprit instinctul de animal
Long story short, my animal instinct stopped me

Writer(s): Maximilian

Maximilian feat. Brnkush - MMP
date de sortie


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