Maximilian feat. Zhao - Vreau Sa Am (Phvne Remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maximilian feat. Zhao - Vreau Sa Am (Phvne Remix)

Vreau Sa Am (Phvne Remix)
I Want to Be (Phvne Remix)
Așa non-stop muncesc
So I work non-stop
Nu-mi permit nici răcesc
I can't even afford to get sick
N-am concediu medical
I don't get sick leave
Ori la bal, ori la spital
It's either the dance or the hospital
Trag tare, acum, cât pot
I'm pushing hard, as much as I can
Azi tre' s-ajung peste tot
Today I have to be everywhere
În 15 locuri deodată
In 15 places at once
Da' descurc eu, băi, tată
But I'll manage, man, I'll do it
Și trag trag pentru mine
And I'm pulling in for myself
Doar n-o aștept de la tine
I'm not going to expect anything from you
Doar n-o apuc fur
I'm not going to steal
Nu uit în jur înjur
I don't look around because I'm surrounded
Văd prea multe, încep vreau
I see too much, I start to want
Eu de ce n-am, alții au
Why don't I have what others have?
Nu, nu mi se pare corect
No, it doesn't seem fair to me
Doar n-o stau aștept
I'm not going to wait
O fac, doar n-o stau
I'm going to do it, I'm not going to wait
Eu de ce n-am, alții au
Why don't I have what others have?
Nu, nu mi se pare corect
No, it doesn't seem fair to me
Doar n-o stau aștept
I'm not going to wait
Așa îi sun pe-ai mei
So I call my family
În toiul nopții, la 03.00
In the middle of the night, at 03:00
Doar le spun că-mi sunt dragi
Just to tell them I love them
le duc doru' în draci
That I miss them like crazy
ne vedem când o fi
That we'll see each other when it happens
Știi vorba "vine o zi"
You know the saying "one day"
Da' până atunci am de muncă
But until then I have to work
pup, pa-pa, că-s pe fugă
Kisses, bye, I'm in a hurry
Și nu-mi doresc vreo avere
And I don't want any wealth
Vreau doar de muncă putere
I just want the power to work
Când nimic nu vrea meargă
When nothing wants to go right
Tu tot încearcă, încearcă
You keep trying, trying
Văd prea multe, încep vreau
I see too much, I start to want
Eu de ce n-am, alții au
Why don't I have what others have?
Nu, nu mi se pare corect
No, it doesn't seem fair to me
Doar n-o stau aștept
I'm not going to wait
O fac, doar n-o stau
I'm going to do it, I'm not going to wait
Eu de ce n-am, alții au
Why don't I have what others have?
Nu, nu mi se pare corect
No, it doesn't seem fair to me
Doar n-o stau aștept
I'm not going to wait

Writer(s): Maximilian

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