Maya Berovic feat. JALA BRAT & BUBA CORELLI - Mala Lomi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Maya Berovic feat. JALA BRAT & BUBA CORELLI - Mala Lomi

Mala Lomi
Mala Lomi
A ja lepa i mlada
And I'm beautiful and young
Znam da boli
I know that it hurts
Kako zavodim
How I tempt
Dok kukove lomim
While I break hearts
A on lep I mlad
And he's beautiful and young
Čitav grad ga voli
The whole town loves him
I jedan je od onih
And he's one of those
Koji srce ti slomi
Who break your heart
Prazne flaše
Empty bottles
Klubovi u ekstazi
Clubs in ecstasy
Duše prazne
Empty souls
Oko nas samo laži
Only lies around us
Gola tela
Naked bodies
Po sobama hotela
In hotel rooms
Iako nisam htela
Even though I didn't want
Opet te takvog tražim!
Again I'm looking for you like that!
Lepa je i bez šminke
She's beautiful even without makeup
I noćima sama
And alone at night
Očima srce slama
Her eyes break your heart
Telo boginje
Body of a goddess
Uvija oko šipke
Wrapped around the pole
Na njoj samo štikle
Only stilettos on her
I Viktorijina tajna
And Victoria's Secret
Zora sviće (A ona sve vodi do ludila)
Sunrise is coming (And she leads everything to madness)
Nema priče (Što tuđe bi usne poljubila)
No story (Which foreign lips would she kiss)
Sipa piće (Sa usana joj lije po grudima)
She pours the drink (It pours down her chest from her lips)
Sutra biće (Ne seća se opet se ubila)
Tomorrow will be (She doesn't remember she killed herself again)
Mala lomi
Baby breaks
Ta mala lomi
That baby breaks
Ta mala srce lomi
That baby breaks hearts
Ta mala lomi
That baby breaks
Mala lijepa
Baby is beautiful
Ljepša noćas od bilo koje
More beautiful tonight than ever
Dok kulturno miješa, miješa
While she mixes culture, mixes
Lete stoje
They fly, they stand
Baš ko živi pijesak, pijesak
Just like living quicksand, quicksand
Oči tvoje a na licu smiješak
Your eyes and a smile on your face
Ko kad djavo dođe po svoje
Like when the devil comes for his own
Nekad bijesna
Sometimes angry
Miješa viski i bijelo
She mixes whiskey and white
Neka jeza klizi niz leđa
A kind of shiver runs down her back
Bridi ti tijelo
It chills you to the body
Ti si zvijezda
You're a star
Pogled na tvome cijepa razdvaja
The look in your eyes makes the cleavage between
Klub izgori do kraja
The club burns out
Kad kukove lomi Maya!
When Maya breaks the hips!
Posle buko bankomata
After the ATM sound
Trebate advokata
You need a lawyer
Mala fatalna
Baby is fatal
Pogledi ko rafali iz automata
Looks like a burst of fire from a machine gun
Vrela ko Katar zlata
Hot as Qatari gold
Skidam to zlato s vrata
I take that gold off your neck
Htjela bi bit poznata
She wanted to be famous
A ko ništa bogata
And as nothing rich
Usne ko Angelina
Lips like Angelina
Kad ljubi me sa nogu padam
When she kisses me I fall from my feet
Rasla je sa anđelima
She grew up with angels
A đavolima je pala
And she fell to the devils
Gledam je poput filma
I watch her like a movie
Glumi baš svaki kadar
She plays every time
Vozi me ko brzina
She drives me like speed
Hvata me kao radar
It catches me like a radar
Lepa je i bez šminke
She's beautiful even without makeup
I noćima sama
And alone at night
Očima srce slama
Her eyes break your heart
Telo boginje
Body of a goddess
Uvija oko šipke
Wrapped around the pole
Na njoj samo štikle
Only stilettos on her
I Viktorijina tajna
And Victoria's Secret
Zora sviće (A ona sve vodi do ludila)
Sunrise is coming (And she leads everything to madness)
Nema priče (Što tuđe bi usne poljubila)
No story (Which foreign lips would she kiss)
Sipa piće (Sa usana joj lije po grudima)
She pours the drink (It pours down her chest from her lips)
Sutra biće (Ne seća se opet se ubila)
Tomorrow will be (She doesn't remember she killed herself again)
Mala lomi
Baby breaks
Ta mala lomi
That baby breaks
Ta mala srce lomi
That baby breaks hearts
Ta mala lomi
That baby breaks

Writer(s): Jasmin Fazlic, Amar Hodzic

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