Medial Banana feat. Polemic - Staré Časy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Medial Banana feat. Polemic - Staré Časy

Staré Časy
Old Times
Pamätáš tie časy, keď nemali sme mobily
Remember the times when we didn't have cell phones
A na trávniku na fucik, sme čakávali hodiny
And waited for hours on the lawn to play soccer
A Lukáš nemal magič, sme počúvali walkmana
And Lukáš didn't have a Game Boy, we listened to a Walkman
Hokejky za chrbtom, rozdelenie bez mena
Hockey sticks behind our backs, division without names
VHS kazety, diaky a meotar
VHS cassettes, slide projectors, and Meotar
Cvičky a úbor a samozrejme obedár
Gym shoes, uniforms, and of course, lunch boxes
Jelení loj a Dermacol na beďár
Deer fat and Dermacol for pimples
BMX-ka a prestižky na pedál
BMX bikes and platform pedals
Celé dni do tmy povešaní na prašákoch
Whole days until dark, hanging out on the monkey bars
Guličky, bunkre a schovky
Marbles, forts, and hide-and-seek
Kto mal loptu bol vodca svorky
Whoever had the ball was the leader of the pack
Hrali nové hity dookola z kazeťákov
New hits playing on repeat from cassette players
Na stenách postery z Brava
Posters from Bravo on the walls
Idoly, ktoré nám nedali spávať
Idols who kept us awake at night
sme znova tam, všetko si pamätáme
We're back there again, we remember everything
To isté slnko svieti na nás aj dnes
The same sun shines on us today
Stále sme to my, ruky do ohňa dáme
We're still the same, we'll put our hands in the fire
Za staré časy, ktoré nás tlačia vpred
For the old times that push us forward
Princ z Perzie, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein
Prince of Persia, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein
Commandos, Prehistoric a Half-Life
Commandos, Prehistoric, and Half-Life
ABC-čko, Bravo a Fifik
ABC, Bravo, and Fifik
Kelly Family a tatko ešte hipík
Kelly Family and Dad was still a hippie
Polka trenky ale polka furt slipy
Polka already has underpants, but Polka still wears briefs
A pri skoku do diaľky sme kričali Skippy
And when we jumped into the long jump, we shouted Skippy
Dukátové buchtičky a čevabčiči
Dukátové buchtičky and cevapi
Večera, máti z okna kričí
Dinner, Mom shouts from the window
Známky, prázdne plechovky aj zbierka angličákov
Grades, empty cans, and a collection of English matchboxes
Červené trenky, biele tričká
Red underpants, white T-shirts
Telesná povinne v cvičkách
Gym class in gym shoes
Prvé tajné rande v letnom tieni panelákov
First secret dates in the summer shade of apartment buildings
Úlovky z nedeľnej burzy
Bargains from Sunday's flea market
Časáky, platne, aj číslo Burdy
Magazines, records, and an issue of Burda
sme znova tam, všetko si pamätáme
We're back there again, we remember everything
To isté slnko svieti na nás aj dnes
The same sun shines on us today
Stále sme to my, ruky do ohňa dáme
We're still the same, we'll put our hands in the fire
Za staré časy, ktoré nás tlačia vpred
For the old times that push us forward
Pamätáš, bezstarostný plán
Remember, the carefree plan
Iba náš, čas čo patril iba nám
Just ours, the time that belonged only to us
Fotky bledšie ako spomienky
Photos paler than memories
Ten album stále mám
I still have that album
Každý záber bol o nás dvoch
Every shot was about the two of us
Dnes nechodievam k vám
Today I no longer visit you
sme znova tam, všetko si pamätáme
We're back there again, we remember everything
To isté slnko svieti na nás aj dnes
The same sun shines on us today
Stále sme to my, ruky do ohňa dáme
We're still the same, we'll put our hands in the fire
Za staré časy, ktoré nás tlačia vpred
For the old times that push us forward
sme znova tam, všetko si pamätáme
We're back there again, we remember everything
To isté slnko svieti na nás aj dnes
The same sun shines on us today
Stále sme to my, ruky do ohňa dáme
We're still the same, we'll put our hands in the fire
Za staré časy, ktoré nás tlačia vpred
For the old times that push us forward
sme znova tam, všetko si pamätáme
We're back there again, we remember everything
To isté slnko svieti na nás aj dnes
The same sun shines on us today
Stále sme to my, ruky do ohňa dáme
We're still the same, we'll put our hands in the fire
Za staré časy, ktoré nás tlačia vpred
For the old times that push us forward

Writer(s): Pokyman Pokyman, Erik Sulc, Matej Krivanek, Jaroslav Zigo Ml., Peter Zajacek, Lukas Minarik, Peter Opet, Peter Sandor, Michal Novacky, Miroslav Baricic, Branislav Bajza, Andrej Juras, Lubomir Horak, Peter Huraj, Branislav Fejes

Medial Banana feat. Polemic - Staré Časy
Staré Časy
date de sortie

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