Medial Banana - Bomboclaat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Medial Banana - Bomboclaat

Ak cítiš tie basy zakrič Bomboclaat
If you feel the bass, shout Bomboclaat
Tie basy massiv Bomboclaat
The bass is massive, Bomboclaat
Náš soundsystem hlási Bomboclaat
Our soundsystem is calling out, Bomboclaat
Poď s nami Bomboclaat tak povedz Bomboclaat
Come with us, Bomboclaat, so say Bomboclaat
Som otrokom basy Bomboclaat
I'm a slave to the bass, Bomboclaat
Čo rozhýbe masy Bomboclaat
That moves the masses, Bomboclaat
Náš soundsystem hlási Bomboclaat
Our soundsystem is calling out, Bomboclaat
Tak povedz Bomboclaat poď s nami Bomboclaat
So say Bomboclaat, come with us, Bomboclaat
Sledujem kľudne klub čo v ňom deje
I'm watching the club closely, seeing what's going on
Bashment dnes dzivý jak Pyreneje
The bashment is wild tonight, like the Pyrenees
Tlak taký, že snáď vyrazí dvere
The pressure is so strong, it could blow the doors out
Rytmika mocná a dych ti to bere
The rhythm is powerful, and it takes your breath away
Ovzdušie ťažké ním šíri sa dym
The air is heavy with smoke
Omamne sladký a ja stúpam s ním
Intoxicatingly sweet, and I'm rising with it
Chcel som volať hasičov team
I wanted to call the fire department
Ale som taký high, že som zabudol pin
But I'm so high, I forgot my pin
Selekta drtí top ah di top set
The selector is killing it, top ah di top set
Sem nosí sa collie nenosí sa fet
Here, we bring weed, we don't bring drugs
Šetci irie dreader than dread
Everyone is irie, dreader than dread
Šetci irie dreader than dread
Everyone is irie, dreader than dread
Bam bam
Bam bam
Tak odpáľ páva
Light the spliff
Bam bam
Bam bam
Daj paf, pošli do ľava
Pass it to the left
Bam bam
Bam bam
Dancehall s nami máva
Dancehall with us
Bam bam
Bam bam
Keď všade voní tráva
When there's weed everywhere
Zapni riddim som ready
Turn on the riddim, I'm ready
Dancehall, rubadub, roots, rocksteady
Dancehall, rubadub, roots, rocksteady
Vtedy sa celý vkladám do vety
Then I put my whole self into the lyrics
V hlave ticho pred búrkou žiadne smeti
Silence in the mind before the storm, no garbage
Vtedy cítim sa silný jak yeti
Then I feel strong like a yeti
Majk požujem jak cukríky deti
I'm going to spit rhymes like a kid eating candy
Okolo úst žiadne medy
No honey around my mouth
Okolo úst žiadne medy
No honey around my mouth
Basa tak tučná, že kape z nej špek
The bass is so fat, it's dripping with bacon
Ja rollim ďalší šak mám naň svoj vek
I'm rolling another one, I'm old enough
A keď zahrá dj masívny trek
And when the DJ plays a massive track
Ja bežím si na parket obsadiť flek
I run to the dance floor to get a spot
Mám v ústach spilff a v ruke tmavý ležiak
I have a spliff in my mouth and a dark Ležiak in my hand
V druhej ruke oheň, nech som ready vieš jak
In the other hand, fire, so I'm ready, you know
Na hlave shades, bo režú ma oči
Shades on my head, because the lights are blinding me
Som synom svetla, ale bratom noci
I'm a child of light, but a brother of the night
Košela khaki a Wallabee klarksy
Khaki shirt and Wallabee Clarks
Meshmarina a diamond soxy
Meshmarina and diamond soxy
Balíček Ziggi tiež určite zbaľ si
Pack a pack of Ziggies too
Ideme dancehall jak ulicu Banksy
We're going dancehall like Banksy's street
Pull up to kričím, keď hrajú môj trek
Pull up to shout when they play my track
Dávam big up djovi, teda rešpekt
I give props to the DJ, respect
Gunfingaz do vzduchu, brek brek brek
Gunfingaz in the air, brek brek brek
Rewind a znova, veď nejsme wack
Rewind and again, because we're not wack

Writer(s): Erik Sulc, Filip Pokorny, Matej Krivanek, Jaroslav Zigo Ml., Peter Zajacek, Lukas Minarik

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