Medial Banana - Ten Vibe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Medial Banana - Ten Vibe

Ten Vibe
Ten Vibe
Na našej párty kľudne volaj nás Yardies
On our party boldly call us Yardies
Necítiš ten vibe tak si na inej párty
If you don't feel that vibe then you're at another party
Ruky daj nad hlavu a poriadne zakrič
Raise your hands above your head and shout properly
Zahoďte zábrany, kľudne dymte jak Moskvitch
Throw away your inhibitions, smoke it up like a Moskvitch
Zvuk ako vietor, my ako v búrke stromy
The sound's like the wind, and we're like trees in a storm
Vibruje priestor, ma rozkladá na atómy
Space vibrates, breaks me down into atoms
Basový pretlak, sa stupňuje ten tlak
Bass pressure, the pressure's getting worse
Ja nechám sa unášať nocou
I'll let myself be carried away by the night
Dnes je šecko jak byť, klub je plný
Today, everything's as it should be, the club is full
Popol sa snaží celý parket zatopiť
Popol tries to flood the whole dance floor
Dnes je čas sa uvoľniť
Today, it's time to relax
Dávaj stepy het do beatu ťa nebude nik súdiť
Do your steps however you like, no one will judge you
Vo vzduchu je cítiť weed
Weed can be smelt in the air
Keby v klube není plafón zájdeš do nebesí
If there wasn't a ceiling in the club, you'd go to heaven
DJ tlačí taký shit - preťaženie 4G
The DJ plays such shit - 4G overload
Aj tvoja babka tu chce byť
Even your granny wants to be here
Výkladná skriňa tvárí, nočných tvorov Bratislavy
Shop window display of faces, nocturnal creatures of Bratislava
V šatni na denné masky, neplatíme za otázky
In the cloakroom for everyday masks, we don't pay for questions
Ráno je vzdialené, my meníme čas na pocity
Morning is distant, we transform time into feelings
100 svetelných rokov odpojení z reality
100 light years disconnected from reality
Na našej párty kľudne volaj nás Yardies
On our party boldly call us Yardies
Necítiš ten vibe tak si na inej párty
If you don't feel that vibe then you're at another party
Ruky daj nad hlavu a poriadne zakrič
Raise your hands above your head and shout properly
Zahoďte zábrany, kľudne dymte jak Moskvitch
Throw away your inhibitions, smoke it up like a Moskvitch
Zvuk ako vietor, my ako v búrke stromy
The sound's like the wind, and we're like trees in a storm
Vibruje priestor, ma rozkladá na atómy
Space vibrates, breaks me down into atoms
Basový pretlak, sa stupňuje ten tlak
Bass pressure, the pressure's getting worse
Ja nechám sa unášať nocou
I'll let myself be carried away by the night
Ešte sa len blížiš a počuješ hudbu
You're only just approaching and you can already hear the music
Bežíš rovno na parket, neodkladáš bundu
You run straight onto the dance floor, don't take off your coat
Meníš náladu, dnes to nevyzerá na nudu
You're changing your mood, today doesn't look set to be boring
Ceríš zuby na barmana, pýtaš si rundu
You grin at the barman, ask for a round
Ha tabatha paish - tak hybaj do klubu
Ha tabatha paish - so let's go to the club
Tabatha stash - tak zbalím si Kubu
Tabatha stash - so let's pack some Kubu
Tabatha pipe - exotic jak woodo
Tabatha pipe - exotic as woodo
Tabatha skanes - ťa hneď do kľudu
Tabatha skanes - it'll calm you down immediately
Spája nás a drží nad hladinou
It unites us and keeps us above water
Dýcha v nás, pulzuje energiou
Breathes in us, pulsates with energy
I savour it
Keď na vlnách nechám sa unášať ňou
When I let myself be cradled on its waves
Unášať ňou
Cradled by it
Top shit top shit
Top shit top shit
Táto párty je top shit
This party is top shit
Brexit brexit
Brexit brexit
Keď chceš odísť aj zostať flexiť
When you want to leave but also to stay to flex
Top shit top shit
Top shit top shit
Táto párty je top shit
This party is top shit
Brexit brexit
Brexit brexit
Keď chceš odísť aj zostať flexiť
When you want to leave but also to stay to flex
Na našej párty kľudne volaj nás Yardies
On our party boldly call us Yardies
Necítiš ten vibe tak si na inej párty
If you don't feel that vibe then you're at another party
Ruky daj nad hlavu a poriadne zakrič
Raise your hands above your head and shout properly
Zahoďte zábrany, kľudne dymte jak Moskvitch
Throw away your inhibitions, smoke it up like a Moskvitch
Na našej párty kľudne volaj nás Yardies
On our party boldly call us Yardies
Necítiš ten vibe tak si na inej párty
If you don't feel that vibe then you're at another party
Ruky daj nad hlavu a poriadne zakrič
Raise your hands above your head and shout properly
Zahoďte zábrany, kľudne dymte jak Moskvitch
Throw away your inhibitions, smoke it up like a Moskvitch
Zvuk ako vietor, my ako v búrke stromy
The sound's like the wind, and we're like trees in a storm
Vibruje priestor, ma rozkladá na atómy
Space vibrates, breaks me down into atoms
Basový pretlak, sa stupňuje ten tlak
Bass pressure, the pressure's getting worse
Ja nechám sa unášať nocou
I'll let myself be carried away by the night
Zvuk ako vietor, my ako v búrke stromy
The sound's like the wind, and we're like trees in a storm
Vibruje priestor, ma rozkladá na atómy
Space vibrates, breaks me down into atoms
Basový pretlak, sa stupňuje ten tlak
Bass pressure, the pressure's getting worse
Ja nechám sa unášať nocou
I'll let myself be carried away by the night
Na našej párty kľudne volaj nás Yardies
On our party boldly call us Yardies
Necítiš ten vibe tak si na inej párty
If you don't feel that vibe then you're at another party

Writer(s): Erik Sulc, Filip Pokorny, Matej Krivanek, Peter Zajacek, Lukas Minarik, Jaroslav Zigo Ml.

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