Melingo - En La Selva - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Melingo - En La Selva

En La Selva
In the Jungle
(Reprise d'une chanson de Renaud, version espagnole)
(Cover of a song by Renaud, Spanish version)
Tres años en la selva
Three years in the jungle
Atada y sin luz
Tied up and blindfolded
Rodeada de locos
Surrounded by madmen
Tres años en la cruz
Three years on the cross
Y Te secuestraron
And they kidnapped you
Te hicieron rehén
They held you hostage
De guerras oscuras
In shadowy wars
Sin mirar a quién
Not caring who gets hurt
Clamaban justicia
They were demanding justice
Pedían libertad
They were demanding freedom
Matando principios
While they killed principles
La paz y tu verdad
As well as peace and truth
Desprecian la vida
They scorn your life
Tu alma de mujer
Your feminine soul
Y con sus fusiles
And with their rifles
Te quieren vencer
They think they can defeat you
Te esperamos Ingrid
We're waiting for you, Ingrid
Pensamos en ti
We think of you
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us
Tres años en la jungla
Three years in the jungle
Atada y sin luz
Tied up and blindfolded
Con esos pistoleros
With those gunmen
Tres años en la cruz
Three years on the cross
Como ellos combates
You fight like them
Contra la miseria
Against misery
con las palabras
You with words
Y ellos con la guerra
And they with their weapons
Los creíste taI vez
Perhaps you believed them
Como yo equivocada
Just like I was wrong
Dignos portadores
Worthy bearers
De la voz del Che Guevara
Of Che Guevara's voice
Mas los pueblos que se alzan
But those who rise up in struggle
En la lucha final
In the final battle
Son sólo la excusa
Are just an excuse
Para poder matar
For killing others
Te esperamos Ingrid
We're waiting for you, Ingrid
Pensamos en ti
We think of you
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us
No quiénes son
I don't know who they are
Los que como
Those who like you
Se pudren en prisiones
Rot in prisons
Desde el Norte hasta el Sur
From the North to the South
Pobres inocentes
Poor innocent ones
Sin nombre olvidados
Forgotten and nameless
Que sufren la barbarie
Who endure barbarism
Por los dos costados
On both sides
De narcotraficantes
From drug traffickers
De un poder corrupto
From corrupt power
De un presidente indigno
From an unworthy president
Pagas el tributo
You pay the price
Ingrid también quiero
Ingrid, I also want to
Cuando canto contigo
Remember when I sing with you
Recordar que combates
That you fight
Contra un doble enemigo
Against a double enemy
Te esperamos Ingrid
We're waiting for you, Ingrid
Pensamos en ti
We think of you
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us
Tres años en la selva
Three years in the jungle
Atada y sin luz
Tied up and blindfolded
Perdida en la noche
Lost in the night
Tres años en la cruz
Three years on the cross
Y sigues pese a todo
And despite everything, you continue
Fuerte y erguida
Strong and resilient
Te vengas de esos locos
You get revenge on those madmen
Permaneciendo en vida
By staying alive
Ingrid Betancourt
Ingrid Betancourt
Coraje y valor
Courage and bravery
Tu nombre es un grito
Your name is a cry
Y un canto de amor
And an aria of love
Por todos los que amas
For all those you love
Continúas serena
You remain serene
Por los que no te olvidan
For those who never forget you
Romperás tus cadenas
You will break your chains
Te esperamos Ingrid
We're waiting for you, Ingrid
Pensamos en ti
We think of you
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us
Te esperamos Ingrid
We're waiting for you, Ingrid
Pensamos en ti
We think of you
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us
Y no seremos libres
And we won't be free
Hasta que estés aquí
Until you're among us

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