Memphis Minnie - New Orleans Stop Time - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Memphis Minnie - New Orleans Stop Time

New Orleans Stop Time
New Orleans Stop Time
من كل جهات المدن الخرسا
From all the other cities sealed as corpses
ألوف شبان
Thousands of young boys
زاحفين بينادوا بموت الفجر
Crawling calling for the death of the dawn
استنوا الفجر ورا فجر
Waiting for the dawn after dawn
ان القتل يكف
So that the killing would cease
طب ان القبضه تخف
So that the fist would soften
ولذلك خرجوا يطالبوا
That's why they went out demanding
بالقبض على القبضه
To seize the fist
وتقديم الكف
And offer the palm
Of blood
قلب الميدان وعدل
The heart of the square is justice
وكأنه دن نحاس مصهور
Like a crucible of molten brass
انا عندى فكرة عن المدن
I have an idea about the cities
اللى يكرهها النور
That hate the light
والقبر اللى بات مش مسرور
And the grave that has not been happy at night
عندى فكرة عن العار
I have an idea about shame
وميلاد النار
And the birth of fire
والسجن في قلبى مش على رسمه سور
And the prison in my heart is not a wall
قلت له لأ يا بيه
I told him no Sir
انا اسف
I'm sorry
بلدى بربيع وصباح
My country is spring and morning
لسه في قلبى هديل الينابيع
There is still the cooing of springs in my heart
لسه في صوتى صهيل المصباح
There is still the neighing of the lamp in my voice
لسه العالم حي رايح جي
The world is still alive going and coming
بيفرق بين الدكنه وبين الضى
Distinguishing between darkness and light
بلدى مهما تتضيع مش حتضيع
My country, no matter how lost, will not be lost
ما ضايع الا ميدان
Nothing is lost but a square
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الأجمل والطريق الصعب
Of the most beautiful and the difficult path
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الضرب ببوز الجزمه وسن الكعب
Of those who beat with the toe of a boot and the heel of a shoe
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الأجمل والطريق الصعب
Of the most beautiful and the difficult path
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الضرب ببوز الجزمه وسن الكعب
Of those who beat with the toe of a boot and the heel of a shoe
ولا باعرف ابكى صحابى غير في الليل
And I do not know how to cry for you, my friend, except at night
انا اللى واخد ع القمر
I am the one who took the moon
ومكلمه اطنان من الشهور
And spoke to it for months
واللى قتلنى ما ظهر له دليل
And that which killed me showed no sign
وفى ليله التشييع
And on the night of the funeral
كان القمر غافل مجاش
The moon was inattentive and did not come
والنجم كان حافل
And the star was full
لا بطل الرقصه ولا الارتعاش
Neither the dance nor the trembling stopped
واما بلغنى الخبر
And when I was informed of the news
اتزحم الباب
The door was crowded
اتخاطفونى الأحباب
My loved ones were snatching me
ده يغسل. ده يكفن. ده يعجن كف تراب
This one would wash me. This one would shroud me. This one would knead a handful of dust
وانا كنت موصى لا تحملنى الا كتوف اخوان
And I had asked not to carry me except on the shoulders of my brothers
اكلوا على خوان
Who ate together
وما بينهمش خيانه ولا خوان
And among whom there was no treachery or betrayal
والا نعشى ما ينفدش من الباب
Otherwise, my coffin would not leave the door
ما أجمل نومه على كتوف اصحابك
How beautiful is sleep on the shoulders of your friends
تعرف صادقك من كدابك
You know your truthful from your deceitful
تبحث عن صاحب انبل وش
You look for a friend with a noble face
في زمن الغش
In a time of deception
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الأجمل والطريق الصعب
Of the most beautiful and the difficult path
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الضرب ببوز الجزمه وسن الكعب
Of those who beat with the toe of a boot and the heel of a shoe
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الأجمل والطريق الصعب
Of the most beautiful and the difficult path
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الضرب ببوز الجزمه وسن الكعب
Of those who beat with the toe of a boot and the heel of a shoe
بصيت وحاسب نفسى بين خلانى
I looked and counted myself among my friends
تعالوا شوفوا الدنيا من مكانى x2
Come and see the world from my place x2
حاشتنا اغراض الحياة عن النظر
Our life goals have deprived us of vision
بالرغم من نبل الالم والانتظار
Despite the nobility of pain and waiting
اتعلمنا حاجات اقلها الحذر
We have learned things, the least of which is caution
أنتوا التوقيف واحنا السير
You are the arrest and we are the march
أنتم لصوص القوت
You are the thieves of food
واحنا بنبنى بيوت
And we build houses
احنا الصوت ساعه ما تحبوا الدنيا سكوت
We are the voice when you want the world to be quiet
ايوه الصوت ساعه ما تحبوا الدنيا سكوت
Yes, the voice when you want the world to be quiet
احنا شعبين شعبين شعبين
We are two peoples, two peoples, two peoples
شوف الأول فين؟
Where is the first one?
والتانى فين؟
And where is the second one?
وآدى الخط ما بين الاتنين بيفوت
And behold, the line between the two extends
أنتم بعتم الارض بفاسها بناسها
You sold the land with its ax and its people
في ميدان الدنيا سكتوا البسمة
In the square of the world, they have silenced the smile
باتت وش وضهر
It has become face and back
بطن وصدر
Belly and chest
والريحه سبقت طلعت انفاسها
And the smell preceded the rising of its breath
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الأجمل والطريق الصعب
Of the most beautiful and the difficult path
احنا الشعب
We are the people
بتوع الضرب ببوز الجزمه وسن الكعب
Of those who beat with the toe of a boot and the heel of a shoe

Writer(s): Amos Easton

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