Mente Sabia Crú - Niños con Navaja - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mente Sabia Crú - Niños con Navaja

Niños con Navaja
Children with Knives
Cuantos se quedaron y nunca lo asumieron nunca lo reconocieron
How many stayed and never admitted it, never acknowledged it?
A fierro siguieron y que consiguieron nada
They continued with iron, and what did they achieve? Nothing.
Pues el que a yerro mata a yerro muere
Because he who kills wrongly, dies wrongly.
Ya escupimos hace rato a todos esos weones flojos que no pueden
We already spat a while ago on all those lazy dudes who can't.
Con la furia de los que llamaron pendejo
With the fury of those who called them fools.
Viejo lejos tratan de llegar un poco más lejos
Old far away trying to get a little further.
Por el contrario el complejo no los dejo mirarse al espejo
On the contrary, the complex doesn't let them look in the mirror.
Washo en esta rayuela tiraron terrible mal el tejo véanla
Washo in this groove they threw terribly bad the fabric, look at it.
Este 2007 el año de los perros
This 2007 the year of the dogs.
Quedaron colgao en la muralla como una medalla
They were hung on the wall like a medal.
No es talla pero estalla y esta ya ya tirao en esta paya
It's not funny, but it explodes, and it's already lying on this beach.
Los perlas se quedaron en una toalla durmiendo en la playa
The pearls were left on a towel, sleeping on the beach.
No concuerdo con su idea de respeto por año y por tiempo no no no
I don't agree with your idea of respect for year and time, no, no, no.
Cuantos dijeron que yo no tenía aprobao el curso de rapero experto
How many said that I had not passed the expert rapper course.
Toma quliao este es un 7 coeficiente 2 pa tu recto
Take, asshole, this is a 7, coefficient 2 for your rectum.
Traigo la bomba que explota su cabezota
I bring the bomb that blows up his big head.
Que por más que quiso hacer rap solo encontró su derrota
That no matter how much he wanted to rap, he only found his defeat.
Raperos que explotan rebotan son como el agua sucia
Rappers that explode, rebound, are like dirty water.
No pudieron con el rap hoy mi rap los descoloca posta!!
They couldn't with rap, today my rap discolors them, fool!
Si lo que ago lo ago enserio
If what I do I do seriously.
No es por ser protagonista tampoco ser el dueño del reino
It's not to be the protagonist, nor to be the owner of the kingdom.
El rap pa mi es mi alimento
Rap for me is my food.
Con el me contento me entretengo en el entrego y tengo mis sentimientos
I'm happy with it, I entertain myself in it, I give myself over to it and I have my feelings.
Y que más cierto si tranquilo estoy en esto
And what is more true if I am calm in this.
Elegí el camino correcto mientras vo ya no cajai en esto
I chose the right path while you don't fit in anymore.
Perdiste el trayecto se fueron los textos
You lost the way, the texts are gone.
No hubo un concreto proyecto formado enserio
There was no concrete project formed seriously.
Pensaste que el rap era un juego
You thought rap was a game.
Pero nunca imaginaste que este juego era el juego del miedo
But you never imagined that this game was the game of fear.
Hay lerdo pone atención y escucha esto
There's a slow one, pay attention and listen to this.
Y recuerda el momento en que el rap se fue de tu cerebro
And remember the time when rap left your brain.
Son terapias mentales fraseos vitales
They are mental therapies, vital phrases.
Letrista abandonan las lista por dista en cintas comerciales
Lyricists abandon the list by distance in commercial tapes.
Si ustedes son padres el rap es bastardo y lo saben
If you are parents, rap is a bastard and you know it.
Que en paz descanse tu lápiz satisfecho no vale no!
May your satisfied pencil rest in peace, it's not worth it, no!
La clave es mantenerse da lo mismo si es que estrese
The key is to stay, it doesn't matter if it stresses.
El tiempo no equivale a calidad y que mal te parece
Time does not equal quality, and what bad seems to you.
Hay quien falta y te jactas por tu larga trayectoria
There are those who are missing and you brag about your long career.
Pa mi eso no basta sufro de pésima memoria
For me that's not enough, I suffer from a terrible memory.
Mi habilidad es obvia y hoy día la saco a pasear
My skill is obvious and today I take it for a walk.
No hay trabajo forzoso pa mi rapear es descansar
There is no forced labor for me to rap is to rest.
Lo veras pasar sin disfrutar en blanco denuevo
You will see it pass without enjoying in white again.
Tu amor por el rap no es sincero de cero empieza denuevo
Your love for rap is not sincere from scratch, start over.
No soy un experto y mira con 20 como lo hacemos
I'm not an expert and look at 20 how we do it.
Vo teni como 30 y aun seguí tapao en sebo
You're about 30 and you're still covered in tallow.
Rapero los jevoles les pongo el sebo pa que piquen
Rapper the jevoles I put the fat on them to bite.
Esta va con fundamento pa que con razón nos miren
This goes with foundation so that they look at us with reason.
Mejor no miren misiles pa Giles rompemos sus filas
Better not look missiles for Giles we break their ranks.
Su jugo termina lavando plato en la cocina
Your juice ends up washing dishes in the kitchen.
Bonito recuerdo no ma que eso te convertiste
Nice memory, nothing more than that you became.
En el queso tus versos en el pasado verso y por eso me estreso
In the cheese your verses in the past verse and that's why I'm stressed.
Ahora esfúmate se fueron tus 5 minutos de fama
Now smoke your 5 minutes of fame are gone.
El fantasma interior te gano y por eso este es mi drama
The inner ghost beat you and that's why this is my drama.
El deber me aclama y reclama por lo que nunca es justo
Duty hails me and claims for what is never right.
Asume el costo solo te quedaste solo cagao de susto buu!!
Assume the cost, you were just left alone, scared shitless, boo!
No tengo fans club mi hard Group patea tu visión del rap
I don't have a fan club, my hard Group kicks your vision of rap.
Con este trac trágate tu lírica!
With this track swallow your lyric!
Miraste en meno tu evolución se fue por el suelo
You looked less your evolution went to the ground.
Olvidaste quien te apañaba bueno ahora no existe consuelo
You forgot who was helping you, well now there is no consolation.
Asume que tu motor creativo se paro
Assume that your creative engine stopped.
Creí que por haber tirao un disco hace un par de años ya tabai listo
I thought that having released an album a couple of years ago, you were ready.
Queri tirar el rap arriba
I wanted to throw the rap up.
Pues bien aquí estaríamos todos contentos y conforme con tu partida.
Well here we would all be happy and conform with your departure.

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