Mes Aieux - Dégénérations - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mes Aieux - Dégénérations

Ton arrière-arrière grand-père il a défricher la terre
Your great-great-grandfather cleared the land
Ton arrière grand-père il a labourrer la terre
Your great-grandfather ploughed the land
Et pis ton grand-père a rentabiliser la terre
And your grandfather made profit from the land
Pis ton pere il la vendu pour devenir fonctionaire
And your father sold it to become a civil servant
Et pi toé mon ptit gars tu pu ske tu va faire
And you, my boy, don't know what to do
Ds ton ptit 3 1/2 bin trop cher frette en hiver
In your tiny flat that's much too expensive and cold in winter
Il te vien des envie de devenire propriétaire
You're thinking of becoming an owner
Et tu reve la nuit ... davoir ton ptit lopain de terre ...
And you dream at night of having your own little plot of ground
Ton arrière-arrière grand-mère elle a eu 14 enfant
Your great-great-grandmother had 14 children
Ton arrière grand-mere en na eu CASIment autant
Your great-grandmother had ALMOST as many
Et pis ta grand mere en na eu 3 stai sufisant
And your grandmother had 3 that was enough
Pis ta mere en voulais pas toé tetais un accident
And your mother didn't want any you were an accident
Et pis toé ma tite fille tu change de partenaire tout le temps
And you, my dear girl, you keep changing partners
Quand tu fait des conneries tu ten sauve en avortant
When you make mistakes you excuse yourself by having an abortion
Mais ya des matins tu te reveille en pleurent quand tu reve la nuit ... dune grande table entourer d'enfants ...
But there are some mornings you wake up crying when you dream at night of a large table surrounded by children ...
Ton arrière-arrière grand-père a vécus la grosse misère
Your great-great-grandfather lived through the Great Depression
Ton arrière grand-pere il ramassait des cennes noires
Your great-grandfather collected pennies
Et pis ton grand-pere miracle est devenue millionaires
And your grandfather, by a miracle, became a millionaire
Ton pere en na hériter il a toute mit dans ses réer
Your father inherited from him and put everything in his retirement account
Et pis toé tite jeunesse tu doit ton cul au ministaire
And you, little youth, you owe your life to the ministry
Pas moyen davoir un prés dans une intitustion banquaire
No way of getting a loan from a bank
Pour calmer tes envie de huldoper la cassière tu lit des livre qui parle ... de simplicité vonlontaire
To calm your urge to rob the cashier you read books that talk of ... voluntary simplicity
Tes arrière-arrière grand-parents y savais comment feter
Your great-great-grandparents knew how to party
Tes arrière grand-parent sa swinguai fort des les veillées
Your great-grandparents had a blast at evening parties
Et pis grand-parent yon connus lépoque yé-yé
And your grandparents experienced the yé-yé era
parent sétais des disco ses la ki se son rencontrer
Your parents were disco bunnies and that's where they met
Et pis toé mon ami quesse ke tu fait de ta soirée
And you, my friend, what do you do with your evening
éteint don ta tivi y faut pas rester encabaner
Turn off your TV you shouldn't stay indoors
Heureusement que dans vie certaines chose refuse de changer
Fortunately, in life some things refuse to change
Enfille tes plus beau habits... car nous allons se soirs danser!
Put on your finest clothes ... because we're going dancing tonight!

Writer(s): Stephane Archambault, Eric Desranleau, Marie Helene Fortin, Frederic Giroux, Marc Andre Paquet

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