Metallica - Am I Evil? (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction en russe Metallica - Am I Evil? (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)

Am I Evil? (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
А я злой? (Живое выступление в Aragon Ballroom, Чикаго, Иллинойс - 25 мая 1986)
My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Моя мать была ведьмой, её сожгли заживо.
Thankless little bitch, Oh the tears I cried.
Неблагодарная маленькая дрянь, о, как я рыдал.
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
Уберите её сейчас, не хочу видеть её лица.
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace.
Всё в волдырях и ожогах, не могу скрыть свой позор.
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Двадцать семь, все были милы.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
Должен увидеть, как они заплатят.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Увидеть их тела на льду.
Take my time.
Не тороплюсь.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
А я злой? Да, я злой.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.
А я злой? Я мужчина, да, я злой.
As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Когда я смотрел, как умирает моя мать, я потерял голову.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Теперь я искал мести, чтобы преломить хлеб.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
Не рискуй, ты идёшь со мной.
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free.
Я разрублю тебя до костей, помогу тебе освободиться.
Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Двадцать семь, все были милы.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
Должен увидеть, как они заплатят.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Увидеть их тела на льду.
Take my time.
Не тороплюсь.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
А я злой? Да, я злой.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.
А я злой? Я мужчина, да, я злой.
On with the action now, I'll strip your pride.
К делу, сейчас я лишу тебя гордости.
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride.
Я пролью твою кровь повсюду, я увижу, как ты поедешь верхом.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Твоё лицо покрыто шрамами от стали, раны глубокие и аккуратные.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet.
Как и два десятка до тебя, пахнет так сладко.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
А я злой? Да, я злой.
Am I evil? I am man.
А я злой? Я мужчина.
I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire.
Я устроюсь, я буду смотреть на твой огонь.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
Ты можешь пойти со мной, сладкое желание.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Моё лицо давно забыто, моё лицо не моё.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.
Сладкая и своевременная блудница, отведи меня домой.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
А я злой? Да, я злой.
Am I evil? I am man.
А я злой? Я мужчина.
My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Моя душа жаждет, ждёт моего наследника.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
Посланного отомстить за мою мать, смести меня самого.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Моё лицо давно забыто, моё лицо не моё.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.
Сладкая и своевременная блудница, отведи меня домой.
Am I evil? Yes I am.
А я злой? Да, я злой.
Am I evil? I am man.
А я злой? Я мужчина.
Am I evil? Yes I fucking am.
А я злой? Да, я, черт возьми, злой.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah.
А я злой? Я мужчина, да.

Writer(s): Sean Lyndon Harris, Brian Andrew Tatler

Metallica - Master Of Puppets (Deluxe Box Set / Remastered)
Master Of Puppets (Deluxe Box Set / Remastered)
date de sortie

1 Ride the Lightning (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
2 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
3 For Whom the Bell Tolls (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
4 Battery
5 The Prince (September 1985 Drum Room Jam)
6 The Money Will Roll Right In - September 1985 Drum Room Jam
7 The Thing That Should Not Be (September 1985 Drum Room Demo)
8 The Thing That Should Not Be (September 1985, Writing in Progress)
9 Orion (September 1985 Drum Room Demo)
10 Leper Messiah (Late August 1985 Demo II)
11 Damage, Inc. - Late August 1985 Demo
12 Leper Messiah (Late August 1985 Demo)
13 Damage, Inc. (Late August 1985, Writing in Progress)
14 Master of Puppets (Late June 1985 Demo)
15 Master of Puppets (Late June 1985 Demo)
16 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Late June 1985 Demo)
17 Battery (Late June 1985 Demo)
18 Disposable Heroes - Late June 1985 Demo
19 Master of Puppets (Mid-June 1985 Demo)
20 Master of Puppets (Mid-June 1985, Writing in Progress II)
21 Master of Puppets (Mid-June 1985, Writing in Progress)
22 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Early June 1985 Demo)
23 Disposable Heroes (Early June 1985 Demo)
24 Battery (Early June 1985 Demo)
25 Disposable Heroes (May 1985, Writing in Progress II)
26 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (September 1985 Drum Room Jam)
27 Orion (Late 1985 Guitar Solo Outtakes)
28 Orion (Late 1985, Kirk & Lars in the Control Room)
29 Seek & Destroy (Jason's Second Audition)
30 Battery (Jason's First Audition)
31 Master of Puppets (Jason's First Audition)
32 Damage, Inc. (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
33 Am I Evil? (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
34 Creeping Death (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
35 Seek & Destroy (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
36 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
37 Bass Solo (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
38 For Whom The Bell Tolls (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
39 Disposable Heroes - May 1985 / Writing In Progress 2
40 Master of Puppets (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
41 Damage, Inc. (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
42 Am I Evil? (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
43 Creeping Death (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
44 Seek & Destroy (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
45 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
46 Ride the Lightning (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
47 For Whom The Bell Tolls - Live At The Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ / April 21st, 1986
48 Master of Puppets (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
49 Battery (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
50 Battery (Live at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA - August 3rd, 1986)
51 Creeping Death (Jason's Second Audition)
52 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (May 1985, Writing in Progress)
53 Disposable Heroes (May 1985, Writing in Progress)
54 Whiplash (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
55 Am I Evil? (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
56 Guitar Solo (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
57 The Four Horsemen (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
58 Creeping Death (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
59 Seek & Destroy (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
60 Fade to Black (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
61 Damage, Inc. (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
62 (Anesthesia) - Pulling Teeth (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
63 The Thing That Should Not Be (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
64 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
65 For Whom the Bell Tolls (Live at the Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ - April 21st, 1986)
66 Master of Puppets (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
67 Battery (Live at the Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, Il - May 25th, 1986)
68 Damage, Inc.
69 Orion
70 Leper Messiah
71 Disposable Heroes
72 Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
73 The Thing That Should Not Be
74 Master Of Puppets
75 Battery (October 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
76 Master of Puppets (November 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
77 The Thing That Should Not Be (December 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
78 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (November 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
79 Damage, Inc. (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
80 Orion (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
81 Leper Messiah (1985, from James' Riff Tapes II)
82 Leper Messiah - 1985 / From James' Riff Tapes 2
83 Leper Messiah (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
84 Disposable Heroes - 1985 / From James' Riff Tapes
85 Disposable Heroes (1985, from Kirk's Riff Tapes)
86 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (1985, from James' Riff Tapes II)
87 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
88 The Thing That Should Not Be (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
89 Battery (May 1985, Writing in Progress)
90 Master of Puppets (1985, from James' Riff Tapes II)
91 Master of Puppets (1985, from Kirk's Riff Tapes)
92 Battery - 1985 / From James' Riff Tapes 2
93 Battery (1985, from James' Riff Tapes II)
94 Battery (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
95 The Prince - Work In Progress Rough Mix
96 The Money Will Roll Right In (Work in Progress Rough Mix)
97 Damage, Inc. (October 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
98 Orion (November 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
99 Leper Messiah (December 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
100 Disposable Heroes (November 1985, Work in Progress Rough Mix)
101 Master of Puppets (1985, from James' Riff Tapes)
102 Fight Fire with Fire (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
103 The Thing That Should Not Be (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
104 Whiplash (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
105 Bass Solo (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
106 Ride the Lightning (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
107 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
108 For Whom The Bell Tolls - Live At Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany / January 25th, 1987
109 Master of Puppets (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
110 Damage, Inc. (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
111 Am I Evil? (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
112 The Four Horsemen (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
113 Seek & Destroy (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
114 Whiplash (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
115 Guitar Solo (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
116 Ride the Lightning (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
117 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
118 For Whom The Bell Tolls - Live At The Country Club, Reseda, CA / November 8th, 1986
119 Master of Puppets (Live at the Country Club, Reseda, CA - November 8th, 1986)
120 Creeping Death (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
121 The Four Horsemen (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
122 Guitar Solo (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
123 Am I Evil? (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
124 Blitzkrieg (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
125 Damage, Inc. (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
126 Am I Evil? (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
127 Guitar Solo (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
128 The Four Horsemen (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
129 Creeping Death (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
130 Seek & Destroy (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
131 Fade to Black (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
132 Fight Fire with Fire (Jason's Second Audition)
133 The Thing That Should Not Be (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
134 (Anesthesia) - Pulling Teeth (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
135 Master of Puppets (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
136 Battery (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
137 Blitzkrieg (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
138 Damage, Inc. (Live at Grugahalle, Essen, West Germany - January 25th, 1987)
139 Whiplash (Fan Recording - Live at Solnahallen, Stockholm, Sweden - September 26th, 1986)
140 The Ecstasy Of Gold - Metallica Show Intro / Live At The Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ/April 21st, 1986
141 The Ecstasy of Gold

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