The same old geezer by the trash can with his tail between his legs.
Sama poiss kes ostab kioskist suitsupaki, vahest kätte saab, kui ei, palub mind appi.
The same kid who buys a pack of smokes at the kiosk, sometimes he gets it, if not, he asks me for help.
Siis valetan et minagi pole piisavalt vana, tegelt kümne aastasele lihtsalt suitsu osta ei taha.
Then I lie that I'm not old enough either, actually I just don't want to buy cigarettes for a ten-year-old.
Alati teda nähes meenub kõik see kuis tema vanuselt tegin kiike köitest, kuidas õunaraksus naaberaias käisin, kuis kõik inimesed lahked näisid.
Always seeing him reminds me how when I was his age I made a swing from the rope, how I used to sneak into the neighbor's apple orchard, how all the people seemed kind.
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