Metsatöll - Kabelimatsid - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Metsatöll - Kabelimatsid

Demolished Walls
Kivi kivile kõmatas
Stone clashed on stone
Kivi kivile kõmatas
Stone clashed on stone
Viha vaia ta virutas
Anger hurled its pile
Viha vaia ta virutas
Anger hurled its pile
Müüri murdu ta murendas
It shattered the fortress wall
Müüri murdu ta murendas
It shattered the fortress wall
Raiu raiska ta ribadeks
Chop the wretch to ribbons
Raiu raiska ta ribadeks
Chop the wretch to ribbons
Rebi maha müüri murdu
Tear down the fortress walls
Rebi maha müüri murdu
Tear down the fortress walls
Kuradi kivine kirstu
Devil's stone coffin
Kuradi kivine kirstu
Devil's stone coffin
Müürid seisavad vaikides tuimalt
The walls stand silently and still
Ega austust ei avalda seinad
For walls have no respect
Pühapaigale rajatud julmalt
Built mercilessly on a sacred site
Iga kivi on õhkamas leina
Every stone is sighing with sorrow
Veel kiiskamas tummalt kolm ava
Still faintly gleaming, three openings
Kuhu peadpidi müüri said maetud
Where heads were buried in the wall
Mehepojad, kes öösiti sala
Sons of men, working in secret by night
Lõhkusid seinad, mis kurjast said laetud
Tearing down walls, cursed and laden with evil
Siis kui kuu on kasvanud priskeks
When the moon has grown full and bold
Ja tal julgust on pimedust lüüa
And has the courage to conquer the dark
üks hing rahu otsides viskleb
One soul seeks peace with restless thrashing
Teine seinasid kraapida püüab
Another scrapes at the walls
Kolmas ahelaid kolistab aplalt
A third one clatters his chains all around
Ja kui vahel ka aega jääb üle
And when there's a little time to spare
Kive katuselt sikutab vapralt
He valiantly tosses stones from the roof
Klaase seal kriipides katkestab küüned
Scratching the glass with his claws till they break
Müürid maha, üks-kaks-kolm
Down with the walls, one-two-three
Selja taha jääb vaid tolm
Leaving only dust behind
Aina edasi kisklevad pinged
Ever onward the struggle rages
Aastast aastasse rahutus tüürib
Year after year, unrest takes its course
Alles asu siis annavad hinged
Only then will the souls find rest
Kui kord lõplikult langevad müürid
When the walls finally fall
Müürid maha, üks-kaks-kolm
Down with the walls, one-two-three
Selja taha jääb vaid tolm
Leaving only dust behind

Writer(s): Metsatoll

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