Vaid Vaprust (Live At Tuska Festival, Helsinki / 2012)
Vaid Vaprust (Live At Tuska Festival, Helsinki / 2012)
Ja merevaahost troll on see purjelaivaginarin,
And from the foam of the sea, the troll on that sailboat's gin,
Näist teräspallis vägaa on gigameehelkin!
Even a giant's weight is nothing to these steel balls!
Kui vahuu valgelaineilevat piit niityllä peaa,
When foam washes over the flowery meadow,
Ei Pelgo tunne meehet, ei Hirmy nimee teaa!
Pelgo doesn't know men, he doesn't know the name of Hirmy!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Kui verenpunast kuihtuneella menee meehen sill!
When the blood-red withered on the man's bridge!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Siisb vapaa on me vaimoist vaba on me olla hint!
Then free is me from my wives, free is me, my price!
Kui Raimo askelt kantaa see merenlaivalla koolub!
When Raimo's footsteps carry it, it sails on the sea!
Siisb möörään rannat leshboil ja vigat soomel vaan!
Then I will moor the shores with bilge and only the Finns will suffer!
Ei poista käsii mulkult ei puhuta oijjenkan!
He won't take my hands off and he won't talk about oijjenkan!
Et kyl tarvi sarvii perään ja kusit raivokkaast!
You don't need horns in the back and spit violently!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Kui verenpunast kuihtuneella menee meehen sill!
When the blood-red withered on the man's bridge!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Siisb vapaa on me vaimoist vaba on me olla hint!
Then free is me from my wives, free is me, my price!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Ei Pelgo tunne setää, ei Roy anteeksi saam!
Pelgo doesn't know his uncle, Roy can't be forgiven!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Vaid Vaprust ei se syli ja vaba meehed panna!
Only Vaprust doesn't embrace it and sets men free!
("Insane flu-solo!!!")
("Insane flu-solo!!!")
(Oo-oh oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh oo-oh!)
Kun Pede soolost petti, minut kuules haukkuu
When Pede cheated in the solo, listen to me and curse
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
On Porilainen rasist,
The Pori people are racists,
Kun homoks paljastun!
When they find out I'm gay!
Kuin silmät Viron kuulee et oon purjelaivas vast,
When Estonia's eyes hear that I'm against the sailboat, The giant bitches with the sailor!Why did Leo make me and my knitter this way?Evil after the girl, Arved marked the flames from below!(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)When the blood-red withered on the man's bridge!(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)Then free is me from my wives, free is me, my price!Pelgo doesn't know his uncle, Roy can't be forgiven!Only Vaprust doesn't embrace it and sets men free!Pelgo doesn't know his uncle, Roy can't be forgiven!Only Vaprust doesn't embrace it and sets men free!
On gigameehel runkkaukset merimeehen kans!
The giant bitches with the sailor!
Miks Leo tekis mul tän oman kutuojan?
Why did Leo make me and my knitter this way?
Paha perään tytt leimoja kiri Arved alt!
Evil after the girl, Arved marked the flames from below!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Kui verenpunast kuihtuneella menee meehen sill!
When the blood-red withered on the man's bridge!
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
(Oo-oh Oo-oh!)
Siisb vapaa on me vaimoist vaba on me olla hint!
Then free is me from my wives, free is me, my price!
Ei Pelgo tunne setää, ei Roy anteeksi saam!
Pelgo doesn't know his uncle, Roy can't be forgiven!
Vaid Vaprust ei se syli ja vaba meehed panna!
Only Vaprust doesn't embrace it and sets men free!
Ei Pelgo tunne setää, ei Roy anteeksi saam!
Pelgo doesn't know his uncle, Roy can't be forgiven!
Vaid Vaprust ei se syli ja vaba meehed panna!
Only Vaprust doesn't embrace it and sets men free!
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