Mia Dimšić - Život Nije Siv - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mia Dimšić - Život Nije Siv

Život Nije Siv
Life Is Not Gray
Bojiš se da sreću neću nać
You're afraid I won't find happiness
Vjeruj, za nju ne treba mi vrač
Trust me, I don't need a fortune teller for that
Otvoreni dlan, vedre misli svaki dan
An open palm, cheerful thoughts every day
Dovest će je, takav je moj plan
Will bring it, that's my plan
Znam da nisam ista kao ti
I know I'm not like you
Nemam više zašto bježati
I have no more reason to run away
Oblak je moj dom, oblikujem ga po svom
A cloud is my home, I shape it as I please
Dosadno je kretati se tlom
It's boring to move on the ground
Samo ovu pjesmu želim, samo ovaj ritam znam
I only want this song, I only know this rhythm
Samo ovoj ludoj besmislici pripadam
I only belong to this crazy nonsense
Sve je crno, sve je bijelo ali život nije siv
Everything is black, everything is white but life is not gray
Sve je dobro dok si zdrav i dok si živ
Everything is good as long as you are healthy and alive
Znaš li zašto svijet još nije tvoj?
Do you know why the world is not yet yours?
Svemu tražiš oznaku i broj
You ask for a label and a number for everything
I svatko ti je loš a ne poznaješ ga još
And everyone is bad to you and you don't know them yet
Svakog svrstavaš u neki koš
You put everyone in a different basket
I blago meni što si tako ljut
And thank goodness you're so angry
To je znak da biram dobar put
That's a sign that I'm choosing the right path
Jer dok ti smeta sjaj, znam da ne vidiš mi kraj
Because while the glow bothers you, I know you can't see my end
Kamo idem zato ne pitaj
So don't ask me where I'm going
Samo ovu pjesmu želim, samo ovaj ritam znam
I only want this song, I only know this rhythm
Samo ovoj ludoj besmislici pripadam
I only belong to this crazy nonsense
Sve je crno, sve je bijelo ali život nije siv
Everything is black, everything is white but life is not gray
Sve je dobro dok si zdrav i dok si živ
Everything is good as long as you are healthy and alive
Samo ovu pjesmu želim, samo ovaj ritam znam
I only want this song, I only know this rhythm
Samo ovoj ludoj besmislici pripadam
I only belong to this crazy nonsense
Sve je crno, sve je bijelo ali život nije siv
Everything is black, everything is white but life is not gray
Sve je dobro dok si zdrav i dok si živ
Everything is good as long as you are healthy and alive
Samo ovu pjesmu želim, samo ovaj ritam znam
I only want this song, I only know this rhythm
Samo ovoj ludoj besmislici pripadam
I only belong to this crazy nonsense
Sve je crno, sve je bijelo ali život nije siv
Everything is black, everything is white but life is not gray
Sve je dobro dok si zdrav i dok si živ
Everything is good as long as you are healthy and alive
Sve je dobro dok si zdrav i dok si živ
Everything is good as long as you are healthy and alive

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