Michal Tucny - Černý Bill a bílá Nelly - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Michal Tucny - Černý Bill a bílá Nelly

Černý Bill a bílá Nelly
Black Bill and White Nelly
Byl černý jako ďábel černý Bill
Bill was as black as the devil
A bílá jako víla Nelly, jeho milá
And Nelly was as white as an angel
Miloval Bill svou milou ze všech sil
Bill loved his beloved with all his might
A celé noci černé víno pil
And drank black wine all night long
A za bílého rána vrávoral k své milé, ó Bille
And at the break of dawn, he would stagger to his beloved, oh Bill
Vadila se Nelly, je to slušná chvíle
Nelly, you're arguing, it's a decent hour
Za bílého dne dobývat se k své milé
To be conquering your beloved in broad daylight
jsi zase pil, ne nevíš, co je černé a co bílé?
You've been drinking again, don't you know what's black and what's white?
Zachmuřil černé brvy černý Bill
Black Bill frowned
Ta slova věru nebyla mu milá
Those words were not to his liking
Hm, na to Bill, co na tom, že jsem pil
Hm, to that Bill, what of it that I drank
Ty jsi Nelly, milá moje bílá
You are my Nelly, my beloved my white
A ubohý Bill chce taky mít svůj díl
And poor Bill wants his share too
Bílou Nelly - ty zvíře, Bille
White Nelly - you beast, Bill
Sáhneš-li na mě, poslední tvá chvíle
If you touch me, it will be your last moment
Napomínala Nelly svého Billa
Nelly warned her Bill
Ale Bill nevěděl, co černé je a co bílé
But Bill didn't know what was black and what was white
Do krve zbil svou Nelly černý Bill
Black Bill beat his Nelly to a pulp
Nic nedbaje na poslední svou chvíli
Not caring about his last moment
A do večera Bill svou Nelly usmířil
And by evening, Bill had appeased his Nelly
Na černou noc se proměnil den bílý
Black night turned into white day
Můj milý, líbala Billa Nelly, víla vil
My darling, Nelly, you fairy of fairies, kissed Bill
Zůstaň, miláčku, aspoň ještě chvíli
Stay, my dear, at least a little longer
Nemohu, Nelly, čas je, abych pil
I can't, Nelly, it's time for me to drink
Samou láskou vyschly by mi žíly
My veins would dry up from pure love
Ó, Bille, zaťala nehty Nelly v Billův týl
Oh, Bill, Nelly dug her nails into Bill's nape
Ty černá duše, tady máš svůj díl
You black soul, here's your part
Tvář samý obvaz, Bill se divil
Face all bandaged, Bill wondered
A neví sám, je černý a nebo bílý
And doesn't know himself, is he black or white
Byl černý Bill a byla bílá Nelly
Black Bill and white Nelly
Byl černý Bill a byla bílá Nelly
Black Bill and white Nelly
Byl černý Bill a byla bílá Nelly
Black Bill and white Nelly
Tak dlouhá léta spolu šťastně žili
For many years they lived together happily
A milovali se a pili ze všech sil
And loved each other and drank with all their might
černá noc anebo den byl bílý
Whether the night was black or the day was white
v černém pekle byli nebo v říši vil
Whether they were in black hell or in the realm of fairies
Dvě děti měli
They had two children
Když černý Bill se s Nelly oženil
When black Bill married Nelly
Nelly, říkal, ta žába Bill je celý
Nelly, he said, that frog is all Bill
Ale ten kluk se nějak pomámil
But that boy somehow got mixed up
Byla jak ďábel černá malá Nelly
The little Nelly was as black as the devil
Byl jako Nelly bílý malý Bill
The little Bill was as white as Nelly
A Bille, říkala Nelly, tvá hlava také zbělí
And Bill, Nelly said, your head will turn white too
Mlč, Nelly, říkal Bill
Quiet, Nelly, said Bill
Ty víš, co černý je, a nevíš, co je bílé
You know what's black, and you don't know what's white
Bělala hlava Billa, který černý byl
Bill's head, who was black, turned white
A nežli byla na padlý sníh bílá
And before the snow on the fallen ground was white
Upil se chudák Bill, právě že tak pil
Poor Bill drank himself to death, just because he drank so much
A chudák Nelly se žalem usoužila
And poor Nelly died of grief
Pod bílou kalinou hrob našel černý Bill
Black Bill found a grave under a white viburnum
A černá hlína kryje bílou Nelly
And black earth covers white Nelly
A bílý červ se usídlil v hrob stmělý
And a white worm settled in the dark grave
A prach a popel po obou jen zbyl
And only dust and ashes remained of both
Černý nápis kameník tam vryl:
The stonecutter carved a black inscription there:
"Zde leží Bill a jeho Nelly
"Here lies Bill and his Nelly
Kdo boží nebe si více zasloužil
Who deserved more of God's heaven
Kdo jenom miloval nebo kdo také pil
Who only loved or who also drank
Pomodlete se za ně, jak se pomodlil"
Pray for them, as I have prayed"

Writer(s): Zdenek Rytir, Jaroslav Kollman

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