Mija - Novosadska Setka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mija - Novosadska Setka

Novosadska Setka
Novosadska Setka
Da ja sam Mija kidač, punchline mašina
Yes, I'm the punchline machine
Rivam shit-a kao Wiz Khalifa, ista priča iz Pariza
Rivam shit as Wiz Khalifa, the same story from Paris
Niggaz, Kanye, Jigga sranje kida dajte Čivas
Niggaz, Kanye, Jigga shit kid give Chivas
Jedan litar sve da sipam, nemam mira, repa snimam
One liter to drink, I have no peace, turnip
Imam para kada šljakam alat vaga digitala
I have a lot of money when I use digital tools.
Karam muriju i sudiju i smrada Robocop-a
The judge and the stench of Robocop
Bacam muziku na ulicu pa valjam dobrog skanka
I'm putting music on the street and I'm doing a good job
To je rafal flow pumgun rokada, zaklan
It's rafal flow pumgun rokada, slaughtered
Vi ste glasni, ali brzo postanete bezveze
You're loud, but you quickly get lame
Jer kad povadite filere ostanete bez pesme
When you take out the fillers, you're left without a song.
Imam malo više prednosti, plus vaš čitam
I have a little more leverage, plus your reading
Vaša priča deluje k'o kompleks niže vrednosti
Your story seems like an inferiority complex.
Vidi mene gari ja sam ovde, ja se smejem uz buksnu
Look at me, Gary, I'm here, I'm laughing at the news
Reposi plaćaju rekete i beže u Tursku
Repos pay rackets and run to Turkey
Jer se drkaju na frku, pa kad upadnu u frku
When they are in trouble, and when they are in trouble,
Počnu da se drkaju, biće vam knedle u grlu
You're going to have a stroke, you're going to have a lump in your throat
Gruva se rakija rep izuva iz patika
The tail of the horse is pulled out of the
Udarac k'o maljem čista matematika
Kick like a sledgehammer pure math
Zgužvam te k'o papir pa te umesim k'o testo
I'll make you feel like a piece of paper and I'll make you feel like a piece of paper
Polako ali sigurno penjem se na presto
Slowly but surely I'm climbing the throne
Cimam se po kvartu, vajam brate, tu sa često
I'm in the neighborhood, I need a brother, I'm here often
Bambino kada roka on te pošalje na mesto
Bambino when Rocca sends you to the place
Real priča, real sranje, buksne veće nikad manje
Real story, real shit, bigger never less
Reprezent moj Novi Sad, sada pozdrave vam šaljem
My representative Novi Sad, now I send my greetings to you
Mi smo deca cveta pušimo skank
We are flower children we smoke skank
Mi smo gradska deca, a grad je Novi Sad
We are the children of the city, and the city is new
Nije bitna boja, ako si brate brat
It doesn't matter if you're a brother
Al' nisi nam brat ako si pičko smrad
You're not a bitch if you're a bitch
Sve ulice nas znaju od Pezosa do Futoga
All the streets know us from pesos to Futogo
K'o ministar policije nekad trafike čuk'o sam
As a police officer, I was once
Ožiljci ostaju kad rane zarastu
Scars remain when wounds heal
K'o slavuji pevaju cave kada padnu
Like nightingales sing the caves when they fall
Gari, čućeš da sam podcenjen kad pitaš najcenjenije
Gary, you'll hear I'm underrated when you ask the most underrated
Mani se sranja s nama, tako ti je najbezbednije
Don't fuck with me, it's the best
Premijeran zvuk k'o pucnji Zvezdana Jovanovića
Sound like a shot by Zvezdan Jovanovic
Klika je u kuci k'o dinastija Topalovića
The house is like a Topalovic dynasty.
Isus, dižem se iz mrtvih k'o Pantelija
Jesus, I rise from the dead like a pantheon
Sranje pravo s ulice, stil tvrđi od Baš čelika
Shit right off the street, style harder than just steel
To je taj 'zon, moj je flow ko dop
That's the 'zone', my flow ko dop
Podzemnim putevima tečem kao vodovod
I'm running underground like water
Moje srce i kita dva najjača mišića
My heart and Dick are the two strongest muscles
Iz srca pričam, a na kiti sedi pička
I'm talking from the heart, and there's a pussy sitting on my dick
Malo Rambo stila, pička, govno, sisa
A little Rambo style, pussy, shit, tits
Kontraverzna priča tipa k'o Vidojković
The story of a guy like Vidojkovic
Analogni dečko na virtuelnom netu
Analog boy on virtual net
Za pare pevam, al' sam dobar i u repu
I sing for money, but I'm good at rap
Puno stvari video u surovom svetu
I saw a lot of things in the rough world.
Pa sreću pronašao u dubokom džepu, to je Tadži
Well, I found happiness in a deep pocket, that's Taji
U mojem kraju sve je biznis i korist
It's all business and profit
Ortaci kad te sjebu promene ti lični opis
When you're fucked, you change your personality
Ne govori da me voliš, bre pičko znam ko si
Don't tell me You Love Me, Bitch I know who you are
I šta si, ti za mene ne postojiš
What you are, you don't exist to me
Jebali vas sitni novci, zauvek ste pioni
Fuck you small money, you're forever pawns
Zauvek sam druže Tito, zauvek si pionir
I am forever, comrade Tito, you are forever a pioneer
Zna se ko kosi, a ko vodu nosi
You know who wears the hair and who wears the water.
Pao si druk'o si i gde god ideš to si što si
You've fallen, and wherever you go, you're what you are
Neoplanta, Neusatz tu vas operem kad hoćeš
Neoplanta, don't let me wash you when you want.
U gostima drže poster, da ih ne pljujem kad dođem
They keep a poster at home so I don't spit on them when I get there.
Hejteri su u problemu kao pokvarene ploče
The haters are in trouble like broken records.
S nama bleje da operu pikslu pokvarene robe
He's with us to wash a piece of broken goods.
To je klasično roblje što puši plastično voće
It's a classic slave who smokes plastic fruit
Nije novosadski drukati, mi branimo svoje
It's not our fault, we're defending our
Ja i Bludni Sin, k'o Bordžije taj ludi spid
Me and my son, like a madman
Blejimo na ćošku, ali nije nam dosadno
We're on the road, but we're not bored
Ne bavim se veslanjem, ali blejim sa posadom
I don't do rowing, but I hang out with the crew
Ne igramo basket, ali mi gari loptamo
We don't play basketball, but we play Gary.
Ne raznosim pisma, ali me porede s poštarom
I don't send letters, but they compare me to the postman.
Pripazim kada vidim auto sa rotaljkom
I look forward to seeing a car with a tailgate.
Ulišičim se kao da sam odrast'o sa Foxarom
I feel like I grew up with a Fox.
Nisam hteo tako i znam da nije moralno
I didn't mean to, and I know it's not moral.
Al' kad šljakamo pare na sunce plaćaš solarno
When you spend money on the sun, you pay for the sun.
Pičko da l' si nekad vido ciglu skanka
Have you ever seen a brick wall
Da l' si nekad vido drotove kad odvode na Klisu brata
Have you ever seen the cops take you to your brother's cabin?
Lopove kad otvore na žicu vrata
Thieves open the door
A kroz gicu praha ovde mere otrove na kvotere biću kratak
And through the piggy bank here, the measure of poison on the Quakers will be short
Novi Sad k'o Liberija, razvrat blud i histerija
It's like New York City, it's like hysteria
Svi se kite tuđim biserima
They're all chasing other people's pearls
A u nosu kiselina kurve su na gliserima
And in the nose acid whores are on speedboats
Trep guru trep guru trep bos Fox suva misterija mister Lija
Trep guru TREP guru trep boss Fox dry mystery Mr. Li

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