Mijares - Más - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mijares - Más

La puerta se cerro, sin que existiera una razòn,
The door closed, without a reason,
Lo nuestro se esfumo ya no queda nada entre los dos
Ours vanished, nothing left between us.
Estuve sin raìz, desenterrado del jardìn, oliendo a soledad
I was rootless, uprooted from the garden, smelling like loneliness
Perdido y sin ganas de vivir;
Lost and without the will to live.
Y ahora que no hay mas caminos buscas el perdòn,
And now that there are no more paths, you seek forgiveness,
Te Adoraba y no supiste Tù, ver la fuerza de este amor,
I adored you but you didn't know how to see the strength of my love,
Màs que el àdios màs que el ayer
More than the goodbye, more than yesterday
Como un tatuaje te llevè,
I carried you like a tattoo,
Màs que soñar, debo olvidar que al darte todo me engañè,
More than dreaming, I must forget that I deceived myself by giving you everything,
Màs que vivir màs que soñar, hoy necesito despertar
More than living, more than dreaming, today I need to wake up.
Todo acaba y yo no puedo darte Màs.
It's over and I can't give you more.
Ardiendo en tu inquietud fuiste dejàndome sin luz,
Burning in your restlessness, you left me without light,
Buscabas libertad y te derrochaste nada màs,
You sought freedom and you wasted nothing more,
No puedo ser rehèn de alguien que no aprendio a querer,
I can't be a hostage to someone who didn't learn to love,
El ùltimo en saber, que yo no era el ùnico en tu piel;
The last to know that I wasn't the only one on your skin.
Y ahora que no hay màs caminos buscas el perdòn,
And now that there are no more paths, you seek forgiveness,
Te Adoraba y no supiste Tù, ver la fuerza de èste amor,
I adored you but you didn't know how to see the strength of my love,
Màs que el àdios màs que el ayer
More than the goodbye, more than yesterday
Como un tatuaje te llevè,
I carried you like a tattoo,
Màs que soñar, debo olvidar que al darte todo me engañè,
More than dreaming, I must forget that I deceived myself by giving you everything,
Màs que vivir màs que soñar, hoy necesito despertar
More than living, more than dreaming, today I need to wake up.
Todo acaba y yo no puedo darte Màs.
It's over and I can't give you more.
Basta de làgrimas, àdios!
Enough tears, goodbye!
Date la vuelta por favor
Turn around, please
Decidiste terminar, no pidas Màaaaaass!
You decided to end it, don't ask for more!
Coros: mas que el adios màs que el ayer
Chorus: more than the goodbye more than yesterday
Como un tatuaje te llevè,
I carried you like a tattoo,
Màs que soñar, debo olvidar que al darte todo me engañè,
More than dreaming, I must forget that I deceived myself by giving you everything,
Màs que vivir màs que cambiar, hoy necesito despertar
More than living more than changing, today I need to wake up
Todo acaba y yo no puedo Màs,
It's over and I can't give more,
Es tan simple la verdad,
It's that simple,
Todo acaba y yo nop uedo darte Màs...
It's over and I can't give you more...

Writer(s): Morales Pamanes Ignacio, Abbate Leonardo, Odria Maria Del Carmen, Orlandi Goffredo

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