Mikel Urdangarin - Arrasto umela - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mikel Urdangarin - Arrasto umela

Arrasto umela
Wet Dream
Pizti arrunten modura
Dickie wakes from out of sleep
Senarra dator barrura
Wife walks inside, it's time to creep
Joaren joaz harrapatu du
She walked in on him at the wrong time
Haziak helmuga
Got his dick on his mind
Gero betiko ohitura
And now it's time for some old routine
Nekea edo logura
Tiredness or some fatigue
Azken musu bat ahaztu ostean
Forgot to give a final kiss
Seko geratu da
She's been left behind
Nahiz bakarrik nauen utzi
Even though she left me all alone
Kulerorik ez dut jantzi
I didn't get to put on my condom
Asetu ezak tentaldiari
Try to resist the temptation
Ezin dio eutsi
I can't hold on
Lehengoa zen horren gutxi
There was so little of her
Trenetik zergatik jeitsi
Why get off at that station
Gozamenaren geltokiraino
To the pleasure destination
Ez bada iritsi
If it's never reached
Behin haitzuloan sartuta
Once you're inside her cave
Samurtasunaren punta
The devil's dick tip
Hatzamarraren eskutan dago
My finger is in her hand
Helburu arrunta
Mutual desire
Orgasmoraino pausuka
Step by step to the orgasm
Eraman beharra nauka
I have to take you
Alboko pendoi artega horrek
That asshole next door
Ezin izandu ta
Couldn't do it and
Sumendiaren epela
Heat of the volcano
Berotzen doan bezela
As you grow warm
Izaretara bideratzen da
You're driven to the essence
Arrasto umela
Wet dream
Hau bai harreman fidela
What a faithful relationship
Sexuzko autonobela
Erotic autobiography
Laztan bakoitzak bere txikian
Each soothing themselves in solitude
Asetzen nauela
I get satisfaction
Igurtzi baten ostean
After one rub
Hurrengoaren eskean
Asking for the next
Gozamen suak hastera doaz
The fires of pleasure are starting to blaze
Nire hankartean
In my crotch
Dardara luze batean
In the middle of a long quiver
Murgildu naiz bapatean
I suddenly plunged
Ta sekretua ezin izan dut
And I couldn't keep the secret
Gorde isilpean
Hidden and silent
Asperenak salaturik
Tiresomeness accused
Albokoa kezkaturik
The neighbor was worried
Lasai gizona ez baita izan
Relax man, it didn't happen
Ametsa besterik
It was only a dream
Ondoren isil isilik
Later in complete silence
Buelta erdia emanik
Rolling over half way
Loak hartu nau irribarretsu
A smile on my face, I fell asleep
Ta kulero barik.
And no condom.

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