Mikri Maus - The Best of Pičketine - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mikri Maus - The Best of Pičketine

The Best of Pičketine
The Best of Pičketine
Picka je rec koju baca Rom
Picka is a word said by Gypsies
Spray every cigan zone
Spray every Gypsy zone
Masakriram mikrofon
I'm massacring the microphone
Dok vutra varim direktno posred bine
While I'm cooking heroin right on the stove
Sa'ce vi ispricam the best of picketine
I'm only telling you the best of picketine
U novine je pisalo da najveci sam zlorad
The newspaper wrote that I'm the greatest sadist
Najveca je picka Veljovic Milorad
The biggest picka is Veljović Milorad
Na mercedesu mome od magnuma rupetine
On my Mercedes there are bullet holes from a magnum
Spensi u civilima najvece picketine
Cops in plain clothes are the biggest pickas
Pandur odr'o me u murji pa mi noga kljakava
The cop stabbed me in the thigh and now I'm limping
Necu zenu da mu karam, picka joj je dlakava
I won't screw his wife, her picka is hairy
Po hudovima pravim korake lagane
I walk gracefully through the slums
Naoruzan uvek sam murja kad bane
I'm always armed with a gun when it comes to life
Prevrcu mi kola kad krenem preko grane
My car turned over when I drove over the border
Neka puse djane, cause it's all about the money
Let the police snitch, cause it's all about the money
Panduri mrze Rome, govna rasisticka
Cops hate Gypsies, racist bastards
Dok me zivo supstanca narkoticka
While I'm all about the narcotic stuff
'Oce da nas izroka ekipa suparnicka
The rival team wants us to betray each other
Na ruke ih odvalismo poput Vlade Klicka
We knocked them down with our hands like Vlada Klic
Zato nemo' da mi glumis Nikolu Djuricka
So don't pretend you're Nikola Djuričko to me
Po faci ti se izvaljiva, najveca si picka
You'll roll on your face, you're the biggest picka
Picka, picka, p-i-c-k-a
Picka, picka, p-i-c-k-a
Afere mi namestaju za razne kokaine
They're setting me up for different cocaines
'Oce da me osude smrdljive vagine
They want to convict me, the stinky vaginas
U Albaniju gotivim da odem na turizam
I'm planning to go to Albania for tourism
Straight ganferizam, fuck pickizam
Straight ganferism, fuck pickism
Krs gole stjene i gudurina
The Krs are big rocks and ravines
Ivica Dacic najveca pizdurina
Ivica Dačić is the biggest pussy
Spremite novcanice, spremite i cusi
Prepare money, prepare blowjobs
Na ler uvek davamo, jerbo nismo pussy
We always do it in the car, because we're not pussies
Na mardelja parizer i kobaja cajna
Mortadella and Ćevapčići for the cops
Drukare punim in the vagina
I'm filling printers in the vagina
Ofenbah Dizeldorh, Frankfurt on the Majna
Offenbach, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt on the Main
Tekila, marihuana, kokaina lajna
Tequila, marijuana, lines of cocaine
Vrac'o sam se kuci gudriran i janpi
I came home high and drunk
Odma' su me savatali na naplatnoj rampi
They immediately stopped me at the toll booth
Od neprobojne kese riknuo je Tapi
Tapi shouted from the bulletproof bag
Rece mene pandur pa me za muda capi
The cop grabs me and calls me an asshole
Uzeli me vezuju s lisice i kanapi
They took me and tied me up with handcuffs and ropes
Javljaju na radiju, pisalo u stampi
They called the radio, they wrote in the newspaper
I na kraju svega smem li da vas tampi
And at the end of it all, may I ask this
Da li je moguce da ste tolike ckapi
Is it possible that you're such dickheads

Writer(s): mikri maus

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