Mikuláš Hrbáček - Miss You - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mikuláš Hrbáček - Miss You

Miss You
Miss You
Tenkrát bylo všechno mnohem lepší
Everything used to be much better
Mohl jsem hezky klidně spát
I was able to sleep peacefully
Teď usínám v bouři a v chladném dešti
Now I fall asleep in a storm and in the freezing rain
Jak se to vůbec mohlo stát
How could this have happened at all
Nic není horší než promarněná láska
Nothing is worse than a wasted love
Než všechny city které nikam nevedou
Than all the feelings that lead nowhere
srdce pomalu ale jistě praská
My heart is slowly but surely breaking
A zas padám tou nekonečnou tmou
And I’m falling into that eternal darkness
Vždycky jsem věřil že to bude napořád
I always believed that it would be forever
Že tohle přece nikdy nesmí skončit
That this could never end
Ty víš že mám stále tak moc rád
You know that I still love you so much
Tak jak se mám hned se vším rozloučit?
So how can I say goodbye to everything right away?
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I feel so alone without you
I feel so alone without you
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
Please give me a chance to be better for you
Please give me a chance to be better for you
Přál bych si aby bylo všechno jako dřív
I wish that everything was like before
Aby zase někdo mohl být oporou
That someone could once again be my support
Abych se mohl s čímkoliv svěřit
That I could confide in someone about anything
Zkrátka abych mohl být zase s tebou
Simply so that I could be with you again
Tenhle živý sen který teďka prožívám
This vivid dream that I am now living
Nikdy bych nevěřil že se mi bude zdát
I never would have believed I would experience it
Je to spíš temná a hnusná noční můra
It is more of a dark and disgusting nightmare
Tak ptám se znova, jak se to mohlo stát?
So I ask again, how could this have happened?
Vždycky jsem věřil že to bude napořád
I always believed that it would be forever
Že tohle přece nikdy nesmí skončit
That this could never end
Ty víš že mám stále tak moc rád
You know that I still love you so much
Tak jak se mám hned se vším rozloučit?
So how can I say goodbye to everything right away?
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I feel so alone without you
I feel so alone without you
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
Please give me a chance to be better for you
Please give me a chance to be better for you
So much pain, so much harm
So much pain, so much harm
What should I do?
What should I do?
Tell me what should I do
Tell me, what should I do
Dead blood in my wains Is getting really warm
Dead blood in my veins is getting really warm
What should I do?
What should I do?
I wanna come back to you
I want to come back to you
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I feel so alone without you
I feel so alone without you
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
I miss you baby
I miss you, baby
Please give me a chance to be better for you
Please give me a chance to be better for you

Writer(s): Mikuláš Hrbáček

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