Miky Mora - Huba - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Miky Mora - Huba

Huba (The Mouth)
Zas zajebem náklad (taká je moja huba!)
I'll mess up the cargo again (that's my mouth!)
Není dobrý priklad (taká je moja huba!)
Not a good example (that's my mouth!)
Podať presný výklad (taká je moja huba!)
To give an exact explanation (that's my mouth!)
Taká je moja huba (moja huba!)
That's my mouth (my mouth!)
Zas zajebem náklad (taká je moja huba!)
I'll mess up the cargo again (that's my mouth!)
Není dobrý priklad (taká je moja huba!)
Not a good example (that's my mouth!)
Podať presný výklad (taká je moja huba!)
To give an exact explanation (that's my mouth!)
Taká je moja huba (moja huba!)
That's my mouth (my mouth!)
od mala huba mlela
Since childhood, the mouth was grinding
Ruka mala len písala
The hand only wrote
Huba dala
The mouth gave
Huba žrala
The mouth ate
Huba do ho huby nesrala
The mouth didn't give a damn about anything
Huba rapovala iba do rytmu hubovala
The mouth rapped, only grumbled to the rhythm
Nerecitovala tralalala rapy dala lalalala.
Didn't recite tralalala, gave raps lalalala.
Mesto v ktorom ideme si tento jeblý beat
The city where we go with this damn beat
Huba iba mele dáva stoka rapy cíti sa fit
The mouth just grinds, the sewer gives raps, feels fit
Viem že ťa moc bere tento petržalský feat
I know you really dig this Petržalský feat
Nova škola gamba o zem lebo mora není shiit
New school gamba on the ground because Mora ain't shit
Ulice su špinavé aj o tom huba mele
The streets are dirty, and the mouth talks about it
Aj ked lóve má, huba to doza cíti sa furt skvele
Even though it has money, the mouth still feels great
Uz neciť žiadnú zlosť aj keď to furt nemám celé
I don't feel any anger anymore, even though I still don't have it all
Vyzerám len budúcnosť není čas sadnút do fotele
I only see the future, no time to sit in an armchair
Preto huba rymy rúbe
That's why the mouth cuts rhymes
Huba dere hubou v hudbe
The mouth rips with its mouth in music
Huba sere, huby blbé
The mouth shits, stupid mouths
Huba mele, stále buďe
The mouth grinds, it always will
Huba dáva, huba pláva
The mouth gives, the mouth floats
Z toho srávaš, dokoktávaš, odp
You get it, you stammer, you dis-
Adávaš keď nasávaš, vychytávaš namotávaš...
You agree when you absorb, you catch, you wind up...
Zas zajebem náklad (taká je moja huba!)
I'll mess up the cargo again (that's my mouth!)
Není dobrý priklad (taká je moja huba!)
Not a good example (that's my mouth!)
Podať presný výklad (taká je moja huba!)
To give an exact explanation (that's my mouth!)
Taká je moja huba (moja huba!)
That's my mouth (my mouth!)
Huba dáva sety zo slov robi vety
The mouth gives sets, makes sentences from words
Flow rakety, veci nejsú tom aké ty zedli päty ako predtým
Flow rockets, things aren't what you ate heels like before
Hudba neklebety motivované tie strety, reči ako bajonety
Music doesn't gossip, motivated those encounters, words like bayonets
Hudba je tu veky deti.
Music has been here for ages, kids.
Moja huba myslí, pije
My mouth thinks, drinks
Srdce v hrudi silno bije
The heart in my chest beats strongly
Není ona napomije
It's not drunk
Nikto hlavu nevymije
Nobody washes my head
Nikto hubu nezabije
Nobody will kill the mouth
A ked tak ona ožije
And if so, it will come alive
šancu iba využije
It will just use the chance
Potom do pola dovyje
Then it will howl to the field
Huba pluje atakuje
The mouth floats, attacks
Nezdutá, ignoruje
Not inflated, ignores
Huba ktorú produkuje
The mouth that it produces
Do ulice poputuje
Will travel to the street
Aj tomu čo nakupuje
Even to the one who shops
S lopuchami polaškuje
Jokes with the burdocks
Huba nikdy nešaškuje
The mouth never messes around
Radšej kruto zadiktuje
It rather dictates cruelly
Nikdy však neopakuje
But it never repeats
Jako nikdy neparkuje
Just like it never parks
Nekuká že či kraluje
It doesn't look to see if it reigns
Zo života sa raduje
It rejoices in life
Stále iba papuluje
It only babbles
Sama sa sebou reguluje
It regulates itself
A to aj ked nedopluje
And that's even when it doesn't arrive
A nikto ju nedotuje.
And nobody subsidizes it.
Zas zajebem náklad (taká je moja huba!)
I'll mess up the cargo again (that's my mouth!)
Není dobrý priklad (taká je moja huba!)
Not a good example (that's my mouth!)
Podať presný výklad (taká je moja huba!)
To give an exact explanation (that's my mouth!)
Taká je moja huba (moja huba!)
That's my mouth (my mouth!)

Writer(s): Martin Mikulas

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