Milica Pavlović - Posesivna (Acoustic Performance) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Milica Pavlović - Posesivna (Acoustic Performance)

Posesivna (Acoustic Performance)
Possessive (Acoustic Performance)
Je l' dosadno u krevetu sa njom
Is it boring in bed with her?
Pa zvoniš đavolu na interfon?
So you're calling the devil on the intercom?
Zar nije ti top taj život u bež?
Isn't that life in beige for you?
Izjurio bi iz njega da smeš
You would have rushed out of it if you dared
Beži kući
Run home
Rasturiću vezu s njom
I'll break up with her
Biće rusvaj, biće lom
There'll be a nightmare, there'll be a mess
Hej, još te učim
Hey, I'm still teaching you
Kada ne znaš ko je ko
When you don't know who's who
Biraj uvek veće zlo
Always choose the greater evil
Posesivnu bivšu imaš ti
You have a possessive ex
Kači se za moja kolena
Hang on to my knees
Pa mi priznaj da za sve si kriv
So admit to me that you're guilty of everything
To bih baš volela
I would love that
Posesivnu bivšu želiš još
You still want a possessive ex
Znam šta radiš dok me zamišljaš
I know what you're doing while you're imagining me
A pred Bogom rekla bih ti da
And before God I would tell you that
Ne kapiraš, ne kapiraš
You don't get it, you don't get it
Još te voli tvoja ex, ex, ex
Your ex, ex, ex still loves you
Sa njom imaš samo polu-seks
With her, you only have half-sex
I da me, prost i grub, staviš na srama stub
And to put me, simple and rude, on the pillar of shame
Ne bih se svađala
I wouldn't quarrel
Reci mi koja bi, takvom čoveku
Tell me which woman would
Hej, grešnike rađala?
Hey, give birth to sinners to such a man?
Nema žene, nema žene
There is no woman, there is no woman
Tako lude osim mene
So crazy but me
Tebi stoput tepih bila
I was your doormat a hundred times
Još te nisam ostavila
I still haven't left you
Nema žene, nema žene
There is no woman, there is no woman
Tako lude osim mene
So crazy but me
Tebi stoput tepih bila
I was your doormat a hundred times
Nema žene osim mene, ej
There is no woman but me, hey
Srce mi đonom gaziš mrava, ej
You tread on my heart like an ant, hey
A ja i dalje živa i zdrava
And I'm still alive and well
Nema žene, nema žene
There is no woman, there is no woman
Tako lude osim mene
So crazy but me
Tebi stoput tepih bila
I was your doormat a hundred times
Još te nisam ostavila
I still haven't left you
Nema žene, nema žene
There is no woman, there is no woman
Tako lude osim mene
So crazy but me
Tebi stoput tepih bila
I was your doormat a hundred times
Nema žene osim mene
There is no woman but me
Neka prođe ova noć, kao pored mene ti u našoj ulici
Let this night pass by, as you passed by me in our street
Mi postali smo stih i to najlepši od svih razdvojenih
We became a verse and the most beautiful of all the separated ones
Ali sam znala sam da gost koji zadnji dolazi prvi odlazi
But I knew that the guest who comes last is the first to leave
Kada kreneš ti u lov po neko srce nevino, ja se sledim
When you go hunting for an innocent heart, I follow you
Suzo moja, zašto me ne ostaviš, voliš ili ne voliš?
My tear, why don't you leave me alone, do you love me or not?
Posle svega reci mi, gde smo mi?
After all, tell me, where do we stand?
Suzo moja, što me malo ne pustiš? Nepozvan mi dolaziš
My tear, why don't you let me go? You come to me uninvited
Idi da te prebolim, učim da te ne volim
Go away so I can get over you, I'm learning not to love you
Što me zoveš?
Why are you calling me?
Što ne odeš?
Why don't you leave?
Ti ćeš lako
You'll do it easily
Ja onako
I'll do it the hard way
On više nije on
He's not the same anymore
To znaju svi
Everybody knows that
Priča pola grada
Half the city is talking
Jedino je živ
He's only alive
Kad pomisli
When he thinks
Da još se njemu nadam
That I still hope for him
Kupio je moje srce povoljno
He bought my heart for a good price
Al' prodao me jednom, to je dovoljno
But he sold me once, that's enough
Provereno spava sam
It's confirmed he sleeps alone
Provereno nema plan, istu grešku ponavlja
It's confirmed he has no plan, he makes the same mistake again
Teško me zaboravlja
It's hard for him to forget me
Provereno nema s kim
It's confirmed he has no one
I nigde nove ljubavi, svaki mu je novi dan
And no new loves anywhere, every new day for him
Emotivno polupan
Emotionally broken
Sad bi pristao na sve
Now he would agree to anything
Baš je pukao, zar ne?
He's really cracked, isn't he?
Hej, hej, opa
Hey, hey, whoa
U-na-na, ah
U-na-na, ah

Writer(s): Andrijano Kadovic, Dejan Kostic, Dragan Brajovic, Ljiljana Jorgovanovic, Sasa Lazic, Stjepan Jelica, Vladimir Uzelac

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