Casa
po
casa
nek
se
lominek
je
pravi
lomdosta
je
tuge
i
baladapevano
za
njom
Neka
se
pije,
nek
se
lomisrecan
sam
sa
njomsvirajte
samo
onu
pesmus
njenim
imenom
Pice
za
drustvo
celo,
opet
sam
sa
njomza
mene
samo
pesma
s
njenim
imenomsvaka
mi
staza
bez
nje
slepa
ulicanema
dalje,
ona
mi
je
zadnja
stanica2x
Ref.
Glass
after
glass,
let
them
break,
it's
a
real
party,
enough
sadness
and
ballads
sung
about
her.
Let
the
drinks
flow,
let
the
glasses
shatter,
I'm
happy
with
her.
Play
only
that
song,
the
one
with
her
name.
Drinks
for
the
whole
company,
I'm
with
her
again.
For
me,
only
the
song
with
her
name.
Every
path
without
her
is
a
dead
end.
No
further,
she
is
my
final
stop.
2x
Chorus
2x
Za
srecu
malo
treba
otkada
sam
s
njomokrecem
novu
stranu
u
zivotu
momdosta
je
vina
ovu
dusu
opekloludovanju
mome
sad
je
vreme
isteklo2x
Ref.
It
doesn't
take
much
for
happiness
since
I'm
with
her.
I'm
turning
a
new
page
in
my
life.
Enough
wine
has
burned
this
soul.
My
madness
has
now
come
to
an
end.
2x
Chorus