Mimi Mercedez - Bez Sazaljenja - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mimi Mercedez - Bez Sazaljenja

Bez Sazaljenja
No Mercy
Uvek direktna i nikad posredna
Always direct and never indirect,
Moje misljenje se ceni zato sto sam dosledna
My opinion is valued because I'm consistent.
Moja muzika se ceni zato sto je posebna
My music is valued because it's special,
Bicu prva ili poslednja, al' nikad osrednja
I'll be first or last, but never mediocre.
Ja sam zena na misiji i vidim samo cilj
I'm a woman on a mission and I only see the goal,
Svaki korak koji nacinim je kao tvoja tri
Every step I take is like three of yours.
Ja sam produkt okoline, svog vremena i brzine
I am a product of the environment, my time, and speed,
Ja sam predstavnica najbitnijeg dela omladine
I represent the most important part of the youth.
Moje rime predstavljaju dekadenciju
My rhymes represent decadence,
Tvoje rime predstavljaju impotenciju
Your rhymes represent impotence.
Od Srbije, Crne Gore i Bosne sirimo se k'o osmeh
From Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia we spread like a smile,
Ovo postaje pokret
This is becoming a movement.
Ne postoji nista licno i ja znam to odlicno
There's nothing personal and I know that perfectly well,
A ti odbijas i dalje da me shvatis ozbiljno
And you still refuse to take me seriously.
Pa posle kada teoriju dobijes u praksi
So later when you get theory in practice,
Pocinjes da me se plasis
You start to fear me.
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Dok ti kukas i kenjas ovde trazimo resenja
While you whine and bitch, we're looking for solutions here,
Bez, bez sazaljenja
No, no mercy,
Bez, bez sazaljenja
No, no mercy.
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Nemam poverenja u vasa opredeljenja
I have no trust in your commitments,
Zato bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
So no mercy, no, no mercy.
Bez sazaljenja, gubitnicki mentalitet
No mercy, loser mentality,
Bez sazaljenja, nemam ljubavi za picke
No mercy, I have no love for pussies,
Bez sazaljenja, jer to nikud ne vodi
No mercy, because that leads nowhere,
Dovedi se u red i obuzdaj ego trip
Get yourself in order and restrain your ego trip.
Nemam sazaljenja, nemam tolerancije
I have no mercy, no tolerance,
Zato sam puna strpljenja i nemam frustracije
That's why I'm full of patience and have no frustration.
Ja sam vodjena principima, a ne emocijama
I'm driven by principles, not emotions,
Moje pesme su politika, a tvoje melo drama
My songs are politics, yours are melodrama.
Samo sipam definicije, ja zapalim masu
I just pour out definitions, I ignite the crowd,
I sad su svi u gasu
And now everyone is in the gas.
Ne mogu da opisem koliko me ne dotices
I can't describe how much you don't touch me,
Ti si anoniman i kada se potpises
You're anonymous even when you sign your name.
Ostajem gluva na sve tuzne price
I remain deaf to all sad stories,
Ti bi da budes cuvan, ni Bog ne cuva picke
You want to be protected, not even God protects pussies.
Ti si navikla da igras na patetiku i suze
You're used to playing on pity and tears,
Ja sam navikla da ono sto pozelim to i uzmem
I'm used to taking what I want.
U moru losih uzora, koja je tvoja uloga
In a sea of bad role models, what is your role?
Tu je Mimi mama da vam bude putokaz
Mimi mama is here to be your guide.
Meni nikad nece biti tesko da se vama bavim
It will never be hard for me to deal with you,
Jos vam nije jasno - 'ajde, Bogi, nacrtaj im
It's still not clear to you - come on, God, draw it for them.
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Dok ti kukas i kenjas ovde trazimo resenja
While you whine and bitch, we're looking for solutions here,
Bez, bez sazaljenja
No, no mercy,
Bez, bez sazaljenja
No, no mercy.
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
No mercy, no, no mercy,
Nemam poverenja u vasa opredeljenja
I have no trust in your commitments,
Zato bez sazaljenja, bez, bez sazaljenja
So no mercy, no, no mercy.
Bez sazaljenja, gubitnicki mentalitet
No mercy, loser mentality,
Bez sazaljenja, nemam ljubavi za picke
No mercy, I have no love for pussies,
Bez sazaljenja, jer to nikud nevodi
No mercy, because that leads nowhere,
Dovedi se u red i obuzdaj ego trip
Get yourself in order and restrain your ego trip.

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