Mimi Mercedez - MMM - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mimi Mercedez - MMM

Život ti ne da izbora,
Life gives you no choice,
Izbore stvaraš sam.
You create your own choices.
U jedno budi siguran, svaki je pogrešan.
Be sure of one thing, each one is wrong.
Da, teška su vremena, ali ja sam teška žena.
Yes, times are tough, but I am a tough woman.
Mlada samouverena, na sve sam spremna.
Young and confident, I'm ready for anything.
Nekad fina i smerna, nekada poremećena.
Sometimes kind and gentle, sometimes disturbed.
Psiha jaka kao stena, nije laka treća smena.
My psyche is strong as a rock, the third shift ain't easy.
Ali ja sam žena lavica, Beogradska glavica.
But I am a lioness, the head of Belgrade.
Sve što radim, radim da ne bi bilo granica.
Everything I do, I do so there are no limits.
Nemački kvalitet, Srpski mentalitet.
German quality, Serbian mentality.
O meni kruže priče, ali priče nisu bitne.
Stories circulate about me, but stories don't matter.
Pičke serem se na vaše živote dvolicne,
I shit on your two-faced lives, bitches,
Moj cilj je da samo ja sebe kontroslišem.
My goal is to only cross-examine myself.
Zato spavam danju, radim noću.
That's why I sleep during the day, work at night.
Pravim svije pare, zato živim kako hoću.
I make my own money, that's why I live how I want.
Mene lože stvaru muške, seks, rep, nasilje i ške.
I'm turned on by masculine things, sex, rap, violence and dough.
Kapiraš me, digni ruke, malo nas je al′ smo kučke.
You get me, raise your hands, there are few of us but we're bitches.
Šta pokreće svet, pokreće i moje dupe. ×3
What moves the world, moves my ass too. ×3
I svi kažu da sam super.
And everyone says I'm super.
Šta pokreće svet, pokreće i moje dupe. ×3
What moves the world, moves my ass too. ×3
I svi se pitaju,
And everyone wonders,
Dal zbog takvih kao ja naša zemlja
Is it because of people like me that our country
Propada, ili zemlja propala stvara takve kao ja.
Is falling apart, or does a fallen country create people like me.
Na lošem sam glasu, jer se ne utapam u masu.
I have a bad reputation because I don't blend in with the crowd.
Dok ja živim ti životariš, da bi mi reko ŽASU.
While I live, you just exist, so you can say "DAMN".
Jedni kažu da sam luda,
Some say I'm crazy,
Drugi riba ima muda,
Others, a chick with balls,
Ali ja sam samo sestra,
But I'm just a sister,
Guda iz huda,
A hood rat,
Koja zna da ako želiš nešto više od života,
Who knows that if you want something more from life,
Moraš da zaboraviš na reči strah i sramora.
You have to forget the words fear and shame.
Jer bol je prolazan,
Because pain is temporary,
Reputacija je večna,
Reputation is forever,
Ko ne okuša sreću, neće znati šta je sreća.
Those who don't try their luck will never know what happiness is.
Samo novac me motiviše i kultiviše,
Only money motivates and cultivates me,
Znam šta više nego promić utiče da smiriš se.
I know what calms you down more than Prozac.
Nemoj meni da se foliraš da si neka kučka,
Don't try to fool me that you're some kind of bitch,
Moje kučke bi te pojele ko predjelo pred ručak.
My bitches would eat you as an appetizer before lunch.
Bahata familija obrijane djane.
Arrogant family of shaved divas.
Sestra sam najmilija i nemogu da stanem.
I'm the dearest sister and I can't stop.
Šta pokreće svet, pokreće i moje dupe. ×3
What moves the world, moves my ass too. ×3
I svi kazu da sam super.
And everyone says I'm super.
Šta pokreće svet, pokreće i moje dupe. ×3
What moves the world, moves my ass too. ×3
I svi bi da ga lupe. ×4
And everyone wants to hit it. ×4
Tvoj rep udje na jedno uvo,
Your rap goes in one ear,
Izadje na drugo, Mimi je Mercedes ti si definitivno Yugo.
Comes out the other, Mimi is a Mercedes you're definitely a Yugo.
Ah tugo, tugo, što se uopšte primaš,
Oh sadness, sadness, why do you even bother,
Kad ne možeš da platiš ni vokale koje snimaš.
When you can't even pay for the vocals you record.
Repuješ ko slina, grstro drugima u inat.
You rap like drool, a bunch to spite others.
A ustvari nemaš muda da se primaš na kriminal.
But you don't really have the balls to get involved in crime.
Ti predstavljaš ulicu? Daj molim te ne seri.
You represent the streets? Please don't bullshit.
Možda samo neku, gde su penzioneri.
Maybe just some street where the pensioners are.
Znam da sam najlepša.
I know I'm the prettiest.
Znam da sam najbolja.
I know I'm the best.
Znam da sam najgora.
I know I'm the worst.
Ja sam opasna.
I'm dangerous.
Nisam dosadna.
I'm not boring.
Ja sam najbolja.
I'm the best.

Writer(s): Milena Jankovic

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