Hey, is that a solarium, or did you come from the beach?
Ko ti kaže da si loša, isklompeksiran je, laže!
Whoever tells you you're bad, is insecure, he's lying!
Istina je da bi ti lizo tetovaže, kako mrdaš tom buljetinom, čak i ribe vlaže!
The truth is that you would lick the tattoos, how you move that bullet, even the fish are wet!
Mrdaj kao zmaj, nek dečaci kažu "uuu, ova sigurno od jaja pravi kajganu!", "ova pesma ko da stvorena je baš za nju, dupe ide kao dum-du-du-dum-du-dum!"
Move like a dragon, let the boys say "oooh, this one surely makes scrambled eggs from eggs!", "this song is like it was made just for her, her ass goes like dum-du-du-dum-du-dum!"
Ona je kraljica besa, kao Stefana fejsa, ti si prso od strejta, ajde daj malo hejta!
She's the queen of anger, like Stefan's face, you're the breast of straight, come on, give me some hate!
Ona je prva i peta, i sa ugla joj smeta, puno kurvamo geta, puno luda i gengsta!
She's the first and the fifth, and she's annoyed by the corner, lots of swearing ghettos, lots of crazy and gangsters!
Volim kad me mrziš, i volim kad me voliš, kad na moje voliš a ja ne znam da postojiš.
I love it when you hate me, and I love it when you love me, when you want what's mine and I don't know you exist.
Volim kad me vidiš i volim kad me moliš, kad za moju pažnju moliš a ja ne znam da postojiš!
I love it when you see me and I love it when you beg me, when you beg for my attention and I don't know you exist!
Ovaj tekst zasigurno ima mnogo gresaka! :)
This text definitely has a lot of mistakes! :)
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