Mina - Ma se ghe penso (Remastered) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mina - Ma se ghe penso (Remastered)

Ma se ghe penso (Remastered)
But if I Think About It (Remastered)
O l'ëa partio sensa ûn-a palanca,
He had left without a penny,
L'ëa trent'anni, forse anche ciû.
It had been thirty years, maybe more.
O l'aveiva lottou pe mette i dinæ a-a banca
He had fought to put money in the bank
E poèisene ûn giorno vegnî in
And then one day be able to come back down
E fäse a palassinn-a e o giardinetto,
And build himself a little house and garden,
Co-o rampicante, co-a cantinn-a e o vin,
With the climbing vine, with the cellar and the wine,
A branda attaccâ a-i ærboi, a ûso letto,
The cot attached to the trees, used as a bed,
Pe daghe 'na schenâ séia e mattin.
To give his back a rest evening and morning.
Ma o figgio o ghe dixeiva: "No ghe pensâ
But his son told him: "Don't even think about it
A Zena cöse ti ghe vêu tornâ?!"
What do you want to go back to Genoa for?!"
Ma se ghe penso alloa mi veddo o mâ,
But if I think about it then I see the sea,
Veddo i monti e a ciassa da Nonsiâ,
I see my mountains and the square of the Annunciation,
Riveddo o Righi e me s'astrenze o chêu,
I see Righi again and my heart tightens,
Veddo a lanterna, a cava, lazzû o mêu...
I see the lighthouse, the quarry, my pier down there...
Riveddo a séia Zena illûminâ,
I see Genoa illuminated in the evening,
Veddo a foxe e sento franze o
I see the mouth of the river there and I hear the sea breaking
E alloa mi penso ancon de ritornâ
And then I think again about returning
A pösâ e osse dov'ò madonnâ.
To lay my bones where my grandmother is.
E l'ëa passou do tempo, forse troppo,
And time had passed, maybe too much,
O figgio o l'inscisteiva: "Stemmo ben,
His son insisted: "We're doing well,
Dove ti vêu andâ, papà?. pensiemo doppo,
Where do you want to go, dad? We'll think about it later,
O viägio, o mâ, t'é vëgio, no conven!" -
The journey, the sea, you're old, it's not worth it!" -
"Oh no, oh no! me sento ancon in gamba,
"Oh no, oh no! I still feel strong,
Son stûffo e no ne posso pròprio ciû,
I'm fed up and I just can't take it anymore,
Son stanco de sentî señor caramba,
I'm tired of hearing señor caramba,
Mi vêuggio ritornamene ancon in zû...
I want to go back down again...
Ti t'é nasciûo e t'æ parlou spagnollo,
You were born and you spoke Spanish,
Mi son nasciûo zeneize e... no me mollo!"
I was born Genoese and... I'm not giving up!"
Ma se ghe penso alloa mi veddo o mâ,
But if I think about it then I see the sea,
Veddo i monti e a ciassa da Nonsiâ,
I see my mountains and the square of the Annunciation,
Riveddo o Righi e me s'astrenze o chêu,
I see Righi again and my heart tightens,
Veddo a lanterna, a cava, lazzû o mêu...
I see the lighthouse, the quarry, my pier down there...
Riveddo a séia Zena illûminâ,
I see Genoa illuminated in the evening,
Veddo a foxe e sento franze o mâ,
I see the mouth of the river there and I hear the sea breaking,
Alloa mi penso ancon de ritornâ
Then I think again about returning
A pösâ e osse dov'ò madonnâ.
To lay my bones where my grandmother is.
E sensa tante cöse o l'è partïo
And without much fuss he left
E a Zena o gh'à formóu torna o so nïo
And in Genoa he built his nest again
Era partito senza un soldo,
He had left without a penny,
Erano già trent'anni, forse anche più.
It had been thirty years, maybe more.
Aveva lottato per mettere i denari in banca
He had fought to put money in the bank
E potersene un giorno venire in giù
And then one day be able to come back down
E farsi la palazzina e il giardinetto,
And build himself a little house and garden,
Con il rampicante, con la cantina e il vino,
With the climbing vine, with the cellar and the wine,
La branda attaccata agli alberi a uso letto,
The cot attached to the trees, used as a bed,
Per darci una schienata sera e mattina.
To give his back a rest evening and morning.
Ma il figlio gli diceva: "Non ci pensare
But his son told him: "Don't even think about it
A Genova cosa ci vuoi tornare?!"
What do you want to go back to Genoa for?!"
Ma se ci penso allora io vedo il mare,
But if I think about it then I see the sea,
Vedo i miei monti e piazza della Nunziata,
I see my mountains and the square of the Annunciation,
Rivedo Righi e mi si stringe il cuore,
I see Righi again and my heart tightens,
Vedo la lanterna, la cava, laggiù il molo...
I see the lighthouse, the quarry, my pier down there...
Rivedo la sera Genova illuminata,
I see Genoa illuminated in the evening,
Vedo la foce e sento frangere il mare
I see the mouth of the river there and I hear the sea breaking
E allora io penso ancora di ritornare
And then I think again about returning
A posare le ossa dalla mia nonna.
To lay my bones where my grandmother is.
Ed era passato del tempo, forse troppo,
And time had passed, maybe too much,
Il figlio insisteva: "Stiamo bene,
His son insisted: "We're doing well,
Dove vuoi andare, papà?. penseremo dopo,
Where do you want to go, dad? We'll think about it later,
Il viaggio, il mare, sei vecchio, non conviene!"
The journey, the sea, you're old, it's not worth it!"
"Oh no, oh no! mi sento ancora in gamba,
"Oh no, oh no! I still feel strong,
Sono stufo e non ne posso proprio più,
I'm fed up and I just can't take it anymore,
Sono stanco di sentire señor carramba,
I'm tired of hearing señor carramba,
Io voglio ritornarmene ancora in giù...
I want to go back down again...
Tu sei nato e hai parlato spagnolo,
You were born and you spoke Spanish,
Io sono nato genovese e... non mi mollo!"
I was born Genoese and... I'm not giving up!"
Ma se ci penso allora io vedo il mare,
But if I think about it then I see the sea,
Vedo i miei monti e piazza della Nunziata,
I see my mountains and the square of the Annunciation,
Rivedo Righi e mi si stringe il cuore,
I see Righi again and my heart tightens,
Vedo la lanterna, la cava, laggiù il molo...
I see the lighthouse, the quarry, my pier down there...
Rivedo la sera Genova illuminata,
I see Genoa illuminated in the evening,
Vedo la foce e sento frangere il mare,
I see the mouth of the river there and I hear the sea breaking,
E allora io penso ancora di ritornare
Then I think again about returning
A posare le ossa dalla mia nonna.
To lay my bones where my grandmother is.
E senza tante cose è partito
And without much fuss he left
E a Genova ci ha formato di nuovo il suo nido.
And in Genoa he built his nest again.

Writer(s): Giuseppe Amendola, Leonanardo Margutti, Mario Cappello

Mina - Del mio meglio (Remastered)
Del mio meglio (Remastered)
date de sortie

1 Pennsylvania 6-5000 (Remastered)
2 Una ragazza in due (Down Come the Rain) [Remastered]
3 L'Abitudine (Daddy's Dream) [Remastered]
4 Fiori rosa fiori di pesco - Remastered
5 Ancora, ancora, ancora (Remastered)
6 Don't Take Your Love Away (Remastered)
7 Dieci ragazzi (Remastered)
8 Tres palabras (Remastered)
9 I Only Have Eyes for You (Remastered)
10 Quando l'amore ti tocca (2001 Remastered Version)
11 Allora sì (Remastered)
12 Perfetto non so (Remastered)
13 Cowboys (Remastered)
14 Una canzone (2001 Remastered Version)
15 Rock and Roll Star (Remastered)
16 Sono sola sempre (Remastered)
17 Ma ci pensi (Remastered)
18 Carlo detto il mandrillo (Remastered)
19 Devi dirmi di sì (Remastered)
20 Che novità (Remastered)
21 Io vivrò senza te (Remastered)
22 Da capo (Remastered)
23 Buonanotte buonanotte (Remastered)
24 Tu sarai la mia voce (Put Your Weight On My Shoulders) [Remastered]
25 Voglio stare bene (Remastered)
26 I giorni dei falò (Long Ago and Far Away) [Remastered]
27 Io ti amavo quando (You've Got a Friend) [Remastered]
28 Sensazioni (Remastered)
29 Magica follia (Remastered)
30 Emozioni (Remastered)
31 Anche Tu (Remastered)
32 Walk On By (Remastered)
33 Se il mio canto sei tu (Remastered)
34 Michelle (Remastered)
35 Devo tornare a casa mia (Remastered)
36 Non può morire un'idea (Live Version) [Remastered]
37 Già visto (Remastered)
38 Anche un uomo (Remastered)
39 Nuur (Remastered)
40 Ancora dolcemente (Remastered)
41 Amor mio (Remastered)
42 Ancora tu (Live Version) [Remastered]
43 Fiume azzurro (Remastered)
44 Sognando (Live Version) [Remastered]
45 Vorrei averti nonostante tutto (Remastered)
46 Someday (You'll Want Me to Want You)
47 Eccomi (Remastered)
48 Grande, grande, grande (Remastered)
49 Lacreme napulitane (Live Version) [Remastered]
50 Fate Piano (Remastered)
51 Cry (Live Version) [Remastered]
52 Uomo (Remastered)
53 Parole parole (Remastered)
54 Ballata d'autunno
55 Non credere (2001 Remastered Version)
56 Someday (You'll Want Me to Want You) (Live Version) {Remastered}
57 Quand'ero piccola (Remastered)
58 Insieme (Remastered)
59 La mia vecchiaia (Remastered)
60 Bugiardo e incosciente (2001 Remastered Version)
61 Un'ombra (2001 Remastered Version)
62 Vorrei che fosse amore (Remastered)
63 Io e te da soli (Remastered)
64 La voce del silenzio (Remastered)
65 Yesterday (Remastered)
66 Vedrai, vedrai (Remastered)
67 Se stasera sono qui (Remastered)
68 La mente torna - Remastered
69 E poi... (Remastered)
70 La pioggia di Marzo (Aguas de Março) [Remastered]
71 Domenica sera (Remastered)
72 Ma che bontà (Remastered)
73 Caravel (Remastered)
74 Triste (Remastered)
75 Don't (Remastered)
76 Il nostro caro angelo - Remastered
77 Colpa mia (Remastered)
78 L'importante è finire (2001 Remastered Version)
79 I giardini di marzo - Remastered
80 Solo lui (Remastered)
81 That's When Your Heartaches Begin (Remastered)
82 Immagina un concerto (2001 Remastered Version)
83 E penso a te (Live 1971) [Remastered]
84 C'è un uomo in mezzo al mare (Remastered)
85 Ma se ghe penso (Remastered)
86 Uappa (2001 Remastered Version)
87 Amanti di valore (Remastered)
88 Mai prima (Remastered)
89 La scala buia (Remastered)
90 Mr. Blue (Remastered)
91 Emozioni (Live Version) [Remastered]
92 Ancora, ancora, ancora (Live Version) [Remastered]
93 L'importante è finire (Live Version) [Remastered]
94 Fa' qualcosa (Remastered)
95 I giardini di Marzo (Live Version) [Remastered]
96 Deborah (Live Version) [Remastered]
97 Un colpo al cuore (Live Version) [Remastered]
98 Io vivrò senza te (Live Version) [Remastered]
99 Fly Me to the Moon (Live Version) [Remastered]
100 Non gioco più (Remastered)
101 Amore mio (Remastered)
102 Distanze (Remastered)
103 Bird Dog (Remastered)
104 Never, Never, Never (Grande, grande, grande) [Remastered]
105 Per ricominciare (I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You) [Live Version] {Remastered}
106 We Are the Champions (Live Version) [Remastered]
107 Georgia On My Mind / Angela / Margherita (Medley) [Live Version] {Remastered}
108 Fiume szzurro (Live Version) [Remastered]
109 C'è più damba (Live Version) [Remastered]
110 L'amore, forse... (Ao Amigo Tom) [Remastered]
111 Chi dice non da (Canto de Ossanha) [Live] {Remastered}
112 Medley "Bussola Live '72" (Remastered)
113 Si, viaggiare (Live Version) [Remastered]

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