Mircea Vintilă - Pământul deocamdataă - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mircea Vintilă - Pământul deocamdataă

Pământul deocamdataă
Earth for the Time Being
Timpul vietii ni-i scurt
Time is fleeting
Hai sa-l facem curat
Let's make it pure
Traiesc unii din furt
Some live by thievery
Altii doar din ce-au dat
Others live by grace
Sunt saraci si bogati
There are rich and poor
Lasii scuipa pe prag
Cowards spit on the doormat
Voi ce-n luna zburati
You out there flying to the moon
Pan' la cer va urcati
Climbing to heaven
Pe spinari de noi sclavi
On our submissive backs
Pe pamant avem de toate
On earth we have everything
Si mai bune si mai rele, bune, rele
Some bad, some good
Si-nchisori si libertate
Both prison and freedom
Si-ar putea si nu se poate
Both possibility and impossibility
Si noroi si stele
Both mud and stars
Voi ce-n luna plecati
You out there flying to the moon
Cu-ale noastre izbanzi
With all our victories
Nu uitati c-aveti frati
Don't forget your siblings
Pe planeta flamanzi
Starving on earth
Painea lor o mancati
You eat their bread
Printre stele zburand
Flying amongst the stars
Voi degeaba zburati
You're soaring in vain
Cand cei subdezvoltati
While those less developed
Se tarasc pe pamant
Crawl upon the earth
Lumea-i plina de rai
The world is full of evil
Si de doctori docenti
Doctors, academics
Si de masti si de vami
Bureaucrats and border guards
Si de mari inocenti
Bigots aplenty
Fiindca nasteti copii
Because when you have children
Aparati-i luptand
Protect them by fighting
Doborati monstrii vii
Defeat the monsters
Ce de-un veac de vecii
Who have forever
Norii pun pe pamant
Cast dark clouds upon the earth
Intre cei care trag
Between those who pull
Si acei ce sunt trasi
And those who are pulled
Nu e loc de vreun steag
There's no room for a flag
E o groapa de pasi
Just a pit of footsteps
Intre ei sunt sudati
Bound together
Cu un stramb ideal
By a twisted ideal
Cum sunt bine legati
Chained to each other
Condamnatul de lat
The convict to the chain
Si biciusca de cal
The horse to the cart
Fii ai muncii, aveti
Working-class comrade
Nadusala pe piept
Feel the weight on your chest
Cum sta nurca de pret
Like the expensive fur
Pe-al madamelor piept
Upon a wealthy woman's breast
Unii au, altii fac
Some have, some take
Unii dorm, altii sunt
Some sleep, some rise
Intre inger si drac
Torn between angel and devil
Trage omul sarac
The working man pulls
Inhamat la pamant
Bound to the land
Pe pamant avem de toate
On earth we have everything
Si mai bune si mai rele, bune, rele
Some bad, some good
Si-nchisori si libertate
Both prison and freedom
Si-ar putea si nu se poate
Both possibility and impossibility
Si ruina si cetate
Both ruin and metropolis
Genii mari si frunti tembele
Great minds and empty heads
Vant ce sta si vant ce bate
Stagnant breeze and blustery wind
Si martiri, dar si lichele
Both martyrs and knaves
Nedreptate si dreptate
Injustice and justice
Si-ar putea si nu se poate
Both possibility and impossibility
Si noroi si steleP
Both mud and stars

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