Mnoge
cure,
mnoge
cureu
me
gledajual′
se
ljubit',
al
se
ljubit′nikad
ne
daju
Ref.
Many
girls,
many
girls
used
to
watch
me
make
love,
but
they'd
never
let
themselves
love
me.
Chorus:
Ne
gledajte,
ne
gledajte,
cure,
u
meneajte
amo,
ajte
amo,
sjesti
do
menene
gledajte,
ne
gledajte,
cure,
u
meneja
sam
taj
sto
voli
tambure
Idem
sorom,
idem
soromzene
sapucupa
me
kradom,
pa
me
kradomzovu
u
kucu
Ref.
Don't
you
look,
don't
you
look,
girls,
at
me.
Come
here,
come
here,
and
sit
down
next
to
me.
Don't
you
look,
don't
you
look,
girls,
at
me.
I'm
the
one
who
loves
the
tambourines.
went
for
a
walk,
went
for
a
walk,
and
then
secretly
she
tapped
me
on
the
shoulder,
and
then
secretly
invited
her
to
my
house.
Chorus:
Ispred
kuce,
ispred
kuce
babe
zasjelepokazuju,
pokazujuprstom
na
mene
Ref.
In
front
of
the
house,
in
front
of
the
house,
the
old
women
sat
and
pointed
their
fingers
at
me.
Chorus: