مشاري العفاسي - يوم جمعه - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction مشاري العفاسي - يوم جمعه

يوم جمعه
أنا كل يوم جمعة بتمشى للجامع
Every Friday, I walk to the mosque
و معايا جار دايماً يقابلني في الشارع
With a neighbor who always meets me on the street
إنسان بسيط طيب و بيقول كلام طيب
A simple, kind man who says kind things
بعد ما نصلي يصاحبني و أنا راجع
After we pray, he walks with me as I return
و في يوم مجاش صلى مجاش مقابلتهوش
One day, he was not there. I did not see him
و فضلت أدور في الملامح و الوشوش
I kept looking at the faces and features
و بعد ما صليت و أنا في الطريق للبيت
After I prayed, as I made my way home
فجأة كده حسيت إني قلقت عليه
Suddenly, I felt worried about him
دخلت شارع بيته سألت جاره عليه
I went to his street and asked his neighbor about him
لقيته ميعرفوش لكنه كتر خيره ساعدني اوصل ليه
He did not know him, but he kindly helped me reach him
إِنّا كُلّ يَوْم جُمْعَة بتمشى لِلجامِع
Every Friday I walk to the mosque
و معايا جار دايما يُقابِلنِي ڤِي الشارِع
And a neighbor always meets me on the street
إِنْسان بَسِيط طَيَّبَ و بيقول كَلام طَيَّبَ
A simple, kind man who says kind things
بِعَدّ ما نُصَلِّي يُصاحِبنِي و إِنّا راجِع
After we pray, he walks with me as I return
دخلت لقيته نايم مريض عايش لوحده
I went in and found him sick and alone
و عشان بيحبه ربه سخرني عشان اساعده
Because God loves him, He sent me to help him
جاره وقف على الباب واضح انه اتكسف
His neighbor stood at the door, clearly embarrassed
قاله اتفضل دخل حزين في عنيه أسف
He said, "Come in, please." He was sad and sorry
قدم له اعتذاره و اطمنا عليه
He apologized to him and we checked on him
و انا ماشي وعدني جاره انه هيهتم بيه
As I left, his neighbor promised to take care of him
شكرته اعتذر لي شكرني إني جيت
He thanked me and apologized to me for coming
أتاري جاره كان ساكن في نفس البيت
I found out his neighbor lived in the same building
عايشين في بيت واحد و الباب قصاد الباب
They lived in the same building, door to door
جمعتهم الأقدار لكنهم أغراب
Destiny brought them together, but they were strangers

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