Mishary Al Afasy, Mishary El Afasi & Mishary Rashed Alafasy - Sourat An Naziat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishary Al Afasy, Mishary El Afasi & Mishary Rashed Alafasy - Sourat An Naziat

Sourat An Naziat
Surah An Naziat
ﺑِﺴْﻢِ ﭐﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﭐﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَٰﻦِ ﭐﻟﺮَّﺣِﻴﻢِ
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
.1 ﻭَﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺯِﻋَﺎﺕِ ﻏَﺮْﻗًﺎ
.1 By those (angels) who extract [the souls of the wicked] violently.
.2 ﻭَﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺷِﻄَﺎﺕِ ﻧَﺸْﻄًﺎ
.2 And by those (angels) who gently lift [the souls of the righteous].
.3 ﻭَﺍﻟﺴَّﺎﺑِﺤَﺎﺕِ ﺳَﺒْﺤًﺎ
.3 And by those (angels) who glide along swimmingly,
.4 ﻓَﺎﻟﺴَّﺎﺑِﻘَﺎﺕِ ﺳَﺒْﻘًﺎ
.4 And those who outstrip (others) preceding,
.5 ﻓَﺎﻟْﻤُﺪَﺑِّﺮَﺍﺕِ ﺃَﻣْﺮًﺍ
.5 And by those (angels) who arrange affairs,
.6 ﻳَﻮْﻡَ ﺗَﺮْﺟُﻒُ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺍﺟِﻔَﺔُ
.6 On the Day when the earth shall shake with a terrible shaking,
.7 ﺗَﺘْﺒَﻌُﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺍﺩِﻓَﺔُ
.7 And there shall follow it a severe calamity,
.8 ﻗُﻠُﻮﺏٌ ﻳَﻮْﻣَﺌِﺬٍ ﻭَﺍﺟِﻔَﺔٌ
.8 On that Day, the hearts shall tremble with fear.
.9 ﺃَﺑْﺼَﺎﺭُﻫَﺎ ﺧَﺎﺷِﻌَﺔٌ
.9 The eyes shall be cast down.
.10 ﻳَﻘُﻮﻟُﻮﻥَ ﺃَﺋِﻨَّﺎ ﻟَﻤَﺮْﺩُﻭﺩُﻭﻥَ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟْﺤَﺎﻓِﺮَﺓِ
.10 They will say: "Are we indeed to be returned to our former state
.11 ﺃَﺋِﺬَﺍ ﻛُﻨَّﺎ ﻋِﻈَﺎﻣًﺎ ﻧَﺨِﺮَﺓً
.11 Even after we have become rotten bones?"
.12 ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮﺍ ﺗِﻠْﻚَ ﺇِﺫًﺍ ﻛَﺮَّﺓٌ ﺧَﺎﺳِﺮَﺓٌ
.12 They will say: "That indeed would be a losing return!"
.13 ﻓَﺈِﻧَّﻤَﺎ ﻫِﻲَ ﺯَﺟْﺮَﺓٌ ﻭَﺍﺣِﺪَﺓٌ
.13 Then it will be but a single cry, and lo! they will all be brought forth
.14 ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﻫُﻢْ ﺑِﺎﻟﺴَّﺎﻫِﺮَﺓِ
.14 into the open plain,
.15 ﻫَﻞْ ﺃﺗَﺎﻙَ ﺣَﺪِﻳﺚُ ﻣُﻮﺳَﻰ
.15 Hath there come unto thee the story of Moses
.16 ﺇِﺫْ ﻧَﺎﺩَﺍﻩُ ﺭَﺑُّﻪُ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻮَﺍﺩِ ﺍﻟْﻤُﻘَﺪَّﺱِ ﻃُﻮًﻯ
.16 When his Lord called to him in the sacred valley of Tuwa,
.17 ﺍﺫْﻫَﺐْ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﻓِﺮْﻋَﻮْﻥَ ﺇِﻧَّﻪُ ﻃَﻐَﻰ
.17 "Go unto Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds,
.18 ﻓَﻘُﻞْ ﻫَﻞْ ﻟَﻚَ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺃَﻥْ ﺗَﺰَﻛَّﻰ
.18 And say: 'Hast thou any desire to purify thyself
.19 ﻭَﺃَﻫْﺪِﻳَﻚَ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭَﺑِّﻚَ ﻓَﺘَﺨْﺸَﻰ
.19 And that I guide thee to thy Lord, so that thou mayest fear Him?'"
.20 ﻓَﺄَﺭَﺍﻩُ ﺍﻟْﺂﻳَﺔَ ﺍﻟْﻜُﺒْﺮَﻯ
.20 Then he showed him the Great Sign.
.21 ﻓَﻜَﺬَّﺏَ ﻭَﻋَﺼَﻰ
.21 But Moses denied it, and rebelled,
.22 ﺛُﻢَّ ﺃَﺩْﺑَﺮَ ﻳَﺴْﻌَﻰ
.22 Then he turned back, endeavoring,
.23 ﻓَﺤَﺸَﺮَ ﻓَﻨَﺎﺩَﻯ
.23 And gathered his people, and cried aloud.
.24 ﻓَﻘَﺎﻝَ ﺃَﻧَﺎ ﺭَﺑُّﻜُﻢُ ﺍﻟْﺄَﻋْﻠَﻰ
.24 (And said:) "I am your supreme lord!"
.25 ﻓَﺄَﺧَﺬَﻩُ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻧَﻜَﺎﻝَ ﺍﻟْﺂﺧِﺮَﺓِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄُﻭﻟَﻰ
.25 But Allah seized him with the punishment of the Hereafter and the first,
.26 ﺇِﻥَّ ﻓِﻲ ﺫَﻟِﻚَ ﻟَﻌِﺒْﺮَﺓً ﻟِﻤَﻦْ ﻳَﺨْﺸَﻰ
.26 Verily in this is a lesson for him who fears.
.27 ﺀَﺃَﻧْﺘُﻢْ ﺃَﺷَﺪُّ ﺧَﻠْﻘًﺎ ﺃَﻡِ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﺀُ ﺑَﻨَﺎﻫَﺎ
.27 Are ye harder to create, or is the heaven? He built it.
.28 ﺭَﻓَﻊَ ﺳَﻤْﻜَﻬَﺎ ﻓَﺴَﻮَّﺍﻫَﺎ
.28 He raised its roof and made it even.
.29 ﻭَﺃَﻏْﻄَﺶَ ﻟَﻴْﻠَﻬَﺎ ﻭَﺃَﺧْﺮَﺝَ ﺿُﺤَﺎﻫَﺎ
.29 And He made its night dark, and brought forth its morning,
.30 ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽَ ﺑَﻌْﺪَ ﺫَﻟِﻚَ ﺩَﺣَﺎﻫَﺎ
.30 And the earth-He spread it out afterwards.
.31 ﺃَﺧْﺮَﺝَ ﻣِﻨْﻬَﺎ ﻣَﺎﺀَﻫَﺎ ﻭَﻣَﺮْﻋَﺎﻫَﺎ
.31 And He brought forth therefrom its water and its pasture,
.32 ﻭَﺍﻟْﺠِﺒَﺎﻝَ ﺃَﺭْﺳَﺎﻫَﺎ
.32 And the mountains-He made them firm,
.33 ﻣَﺘَﺎﻋًﺎ ﻟَﻜُﻢْ ﻭَﻟِﺄَﻧْﻌَﺎﻣِﻜُﻢْ
.33 A provision for you and for your cattle.
.34 ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﺟَﺎﺀَﺕِ ﺍﻟﻄَّﺎﻣَّﺔُ ﺍﻟْﻜُﺒْﺮَﻯ
.34 But when the Great Disaster comes-
.35 ﻳَﻮْﻡَ ﻳَﺘَﺬَﻛَّﺮُ ﺍﻟْﺈِﻧْﺴَﺎﻥُ ﻣَﺎ ﺳَﻌَﻰ
.35 On the Day when man shall remember that which he strove,
.36 ﻭَﺑُﺮِّﺯَﺕِ ﺍﻟْﺠَﺤِﻴﻢُ ﻟِﻤَﻦْ ﻳَﺮَﻯ
.36 And Hell shall be made visible to those who see,
.37 ﻓَﺄَﻣَّﺎ ﻣَﻦْ ﻃَﻐَﻰ
.37 As for him who hath transgressed,
.38 ﻭَﺀَﺍﺛَﺮَ ﺍﻟْﺤَﻴَﺎﺓَ ﺍﻟﺪُّﻧْﻴَﺎ
.38 And preferred the life of this world,
.39 ﻓَﺈِﻥَّ ﺍﻟْﺠَﺤِﻴﻢَ ﻫِﻲَ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺄْﻭَﻯ
.39 Hell shall be his home.
.40 ﻭَﺃَﻣَّﺎ ﻣَﻦْ ﺧَﺎﻑَ ﻣَﻘَﺎﻡَ ﺭَﺑِّﻪِ ﻭَﻧَﻬَﻰ ﺍﻟﻨَّﻔْﺲَ ﻋَﻦِ ﺍﻟْﻬَﻮَﻯ
.40 But as for him who hath feared the Majesty of his Lord, and restrained his soul from lust,
.41 ﻓَﺈِﻥَّ ﺍﻟْﺠَﻨَّﺔَ ﻫِﻲَ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺄْﻭَﻯ
.41 Paradise shall be his home.
.42 ﻳَﺴْﺄَﻟُﻮﻧَﻚَ ﻋَﻦِ ﺍﻟﺴَّﺎﻋَﺔِ ﺃَﻳَّﺎﻥَ ﻣُﺮْﺳَﺎﻫَﺎ
.42 They ask thee of the Hour: "When will it come to pass?"
.43 ﻓِﻴﻢَ ﺃَﻧْﺖَ ﻣِﻦْ ﺫِﻛْﺮَﺍﻫَﺎ
.43 Thou art not commissioned of it;
.44 ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭَﺑِّﻚَ ﻣُﻨْﺘَﻬَﺎﻫَﺎ
.44 Unto thy Lord belongs the knowledge of it;
.45 ﺇِﻧَّﻤَﺎ ﺃَﻧْﺖَ ﻣُﻨْﺬِﺭُ ﻣَﻦْ ﻳَﺨْﺸَﺎﻫَﺎ
.45 Thou art but a warner to him who fears it.
.46 ﻛَﺄَﻧَّﻬُﻢْ ﻳَﻮْﻡَ ﻳَﺮَﻭْﻧَﻬَﺎ ﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﻠْﺒَﺜُﻮﺍ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﻋَﺸِﻴَّﺔً ﺃَﻭْ ﺿُﺤَﺎﻫَﺎ
.46 On the Day they see it, it will be as if they had not tarried but an evening or a morning.

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