Mishima - Com abans - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishima - Com abans

Com abans
Like Before
Posem que era Barcelona
Let's say it was Barcelona
Que no era la ciutat dels sants,
It wasn't the city of saints,
Si algú ens deia "Adéu" li escopíem l'"Hola"
If someone said "Goodbye" we would spit at them with a "Hello"
Perquè ens crèiem molt més importants...
Because we thought we were much more important...
Hauríem de deixar la feina!
We should have quit our jobs!
Picant de mans fèiem volar els coloms
Clapping our hands we made the pigeons fly
Quan pujàvem per les Rambles
When we walked up the Ramblas
Perquè ja n'estàvem fins els collons.
Because we were already fed up with them.
Estic tan, estic tan,
I'm so, I'm so,
Estic tan enamorat.
I'm so in love.
Estic tan, estic tan
I'm so, I'm so
Enamorat de tu com abans.
In love with you like before.
Si era dilluns no hi havia Kentucky
If it was Monday there was no Kentucky
Ens ofegava el primer dia gris.
The first grey day suffocated us.
Havíem de fugir de casa
We had to run away from home
Com qui s'escapa del forat més trist.
Like someone escaping from the saddest hole.
Feliços érem invisibles
Happy we were invisible
Triàvem una hora i un lloc.
We chose a time and a place.
D'estimar encara no en sabíem
We didn't know about love yet
Ens jugàvem la vida com qui viu un joc.
We gambled our lives like someone living a game.
Estic tan, estic tan,
I'm so, I'm so,
Estic tan enamorat.
I'm so in love.
Estic tan, estic tan
I'm so, I'm so
Enamorat de tu com abans.
In love with you like before.
que passes per un mal tràngol
I know you're going through a bad time
Entre dependències i pensions.
Between addictions and pensions.
I si tornéssim una estona?
What if we went back for a while?
Com de nit l'estrella torna al firmament?
Like at night the star returns to the sky?
Estic tan, estic tan,
I'm so, I'm so,
Estic tan enamorat.
I'm so in love.
Estic tan, estic tan
I'm so, I'm so
Enamorat de tu com abans.
In love with you like before.
Estic tan, estic tan,
I'm so, I'm so,
Estic tan enamorat.
I'm so in love.
Estic tan, estic tan
I'm so, I'm so
Enamorat de tu.
In love with you.

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