Mishima - D'un costat del carrer - Demo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishima - D'un costat del carrer - Demo

D'un costat del carrer - Demo
From One Side of the Street - Demo
D'un costat del carrer
From one side of the street
M'arriba el ressò llunyà
The distant echo reaches me
Del clac-clac d'uns tacons
Of the clack-clack of heels
Deu ser la que sense aturar-se
It must be the one who, without stopping
Amb la es posa una cinta per
With her hand places a ribbon to
Recollir-se els cabells
Tidy her hair
I en girar la cantonada
And turning the corner
Qui sap si per sempre desapareix.
Who knows if forever disappears.
El carrer queda buit un instant
The street is empty for a moment
I unes fulles al vent
And some leaves in the wind
Prenen el relleu
Take over
De la meva atenció endormiscada
Of my sleepy attention
Que no sap valorar
That does not know how to value
La gravetat del moment
The gravity of the moment
I em sorprèn un escombriaire
And a street sweeper surprises me
Que passa l'escombra just
Who just sweeps the broom
Per on ella havia marxat.
Where she had left.
I sóc només jo
And it's only me
Qui de tots els balcons
Who of all the balconies
Ha vist la Flora marxar.
Has seen Flora leave.
Algú que no veig però que sento
Someone I don't see but I hear
Ha pujat la persiana
Has raised the blind
Del seu establiment
Of his establishment
I una brisa gelada
And a cold breeze
Em recorda que encara
Reminds me that I'm still
Vaig en calçotets.
In my underwear.
No cal que us digui
Need I tell you
Que si algú em veu així
That if someone sees me like this
Descobreix tot l'engany.
Discovers all the deception.
Torno cap a dins a la cuina
I go back to the kitchen
Que amb una mica de sort
Which with a little luck
Ja serà llest el cafè.
The coffee will already be ready.
Em fico a la dutxa
I get in the shower
Cagant-me en tothom
Shitting on everyone
I en la merda de vida que tinc
And on the shitty life I have
I en les coses que encara,
And on the things that still,
No per què, però crec
I don't know why, but I think
Que hauria de fer.
I should do.
I sóc només jo
And it's only me
Qui de tots els balcons
Who of all the balconies
Ha vist la Flora marxar.
Has seen Flora leave.
Em vesteixo en silenci
I get dressed in silence
I a les fosques per tal d'evitar
And in the dark in order to avoid
Que es desperti el nen,
Waking the child,
Vaig a veure'l com dorm
I go see him sleep
En què deu somiar
About what he must dream
I si pogués ser com ell
And if I could be like him
Finalment el beso com si fos
I finally kiss him as if it were
Aquest últim petó que mai
This last kiss that I never
He de fer.
Have to give.
Agafo la bossa el mòbil
I take the bag the cell phone
¿I el cony d'ulleres
And the fucking glasses
On les vaig deixar?
Where did I leave them?
Miro a la tele, a l'estudi,
I look at the TV, in the studio,
A la cuina, al bany
In the kitchen, in the bathroom
I a l'habitació,
And in the room,
I quan per fi la desperto
And when I finally wake her up
Li dic "Flora, perdona, que vaig a
I tell her "Flora, forgive me, I'm going to
La feina..." i li vaig un petó.
The job..." and I give her a kiss.
I sóc només jo
And it's only me
Qui de tots els balcons
Who of all the balconies
Ha vist la Flora marxar.
Has seen Flora leave.

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