Mishima - El corredor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishima - El corredor

El corredor
The corredor
Avui hem tocat a València i jo em
Today we played in Valencia and I
Trobava fatal.
Thought it was terrible.
M'he oblidat d'alguns versos, però ara
I forgot some lyrics, but now
Ja m'és igual.
I don't care.
Demà, a Castelló, segur que anirà
Tomorrow in Castellón, I'm sure it will
Be better.
Però la gent no un duro i ¿saps què?
But people don't have a penny and do you know what?
Crec que t'enyoro.
I think I miss you.
Et deu semblar ridícul que em posi tan
It must seem ridiculous to you that I get so
Però és que ho veig tot tan fràgil...
But is that I see everything so fragile...
¡Si veiessis les cares que posa la gent
If you could see the faces people make
Quan toquem Ull salvatge!
When we play Wild Eye!
Crec que els nois també se senten així.
I think the boys feel that way too.
Hem sigut tan feliços aquests dos
We've been so happy these past two
últims dies
Que, si la gira durés cent mil vides o més
That if the tour lasted a hundred thousand or more
I no poguéssim tornar a casa mai més,
Lives and we could never go home again,
No què faríem.
I don't know what we would do.
Hi ha un corredor que relliga totes les
There is a corridor that connects all the
Del nord al sud o del sud al nord,
From north to south or from south to north,
Sempre tens el mar al costat.
You always have the sea by your side.
I quan fa sol i ens espera una taula
And when the sun is shining and a table awaits us
Parada en algun lloc,
Laid somewhere,
I tenim el cap emboirat pel concert de
And our heads are foggy from the concert
La nit anterior,
The night before,
Et podria jurar que no he estat
I could swear to you that I have never been
Mai delcel més a prop.
Closer to heaven.
De vegades, quan entenc que tot penja
Sometimes, when I understand that everything hangs
D'un fil,
On a thread,
Del privilegi o miracle que em seguiu
Of the privilege or miracle that you follow me
Fent costat,
Us ho voldria agrair amb una cançó.
I would like to thank you with a song.
Però, per no fer tan el pilota,
But, in order not to be such a brown-noser,
L'he anomenat
I have called it
El corredor.
The corridor.
Hi ha un corredor que relliga totes les
There is a corridor that connects all the
Del nord al sud o del sud al nord,
From north to south or from south to north,
Sempre tens el mar al costat.
You always have the sea by your side.
I quan fa sol i ens espera una taula
And when the sun is shining and a table awaits us
Parada en algun lloc,
Laid somewhere,
I tenim el cap emboirat per l'alcohol de
I've got my head in the clouds from the alcohol of
La nit anterior,
The night before,
Et podria jurar que no he estat mai del
I could swear to you that I have never been closer to
Cel més a prop.
Mai més a prop.
Never closer.


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