Mishima - Els vells hippies - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishima - Els vells hippies

Els vells hippies
The Old Hippies
Els vells hippies van molt calents.
The old hippies are super horny.
Semblen més purs, més nets de ment.
They seem more pure, more clear of mind.
Però els vell hippies van molt calents.
But the old hippies are super horny.
Et repassen la dona
They check out your woman
Amb les ulleres rodones
With their round glasses
I un somriure innocent.
And an innocent smile.
Però amb els ulls encesos en sang
But with bloodshot eyes
I les canes al vent.
And gray hair in the wind.
(Els vells hippies)
(The old hippies)
Obeeixen gurus i xamans
They obey gurus and shamans
I diu que viuen en espais zen.
And say they live in Zen spaces.
Però Déu n'hi do i tapa't nena,
But God help you and cover up girl,
Perquè ara diu que van més calents!
Because they say they're even hornier now!
(Els vells hippies)
(The old hippies)
Si fan cara d'asceta
If they act like ascetics
I no tenen mòbil ni adreça
And they don't have a cell phone or an address
Ni compte corrent,
Or a bank account,
Segur que no porten calçotets
Surely they're not wearing underwear
Per fer-te notar on han muntat el campament.
To show you where they made their camp.
–¿Saps que fumen maria
-Do you know they smoke marijuana
Per despertar el subconscient?
To awaken their subconscious?
Prefereixen banyar-se en estanys plens de merda
They prefer to bathe in muddy ponds
Abans que gastar una sola gota d'aigua corrent.
Rather than use a single drop of running water.
–Bah! Ja que tu no creus en l'amor lliure.
-Bah! I know you don't believe in free love.
Sempre has sigut un burgès indecent!
You've always been a dirty bourgeois!
L'amor és una mercaderia més,
Love is just another commodity,
Aquí a l'occident. Corromputs pels calés,
Here in the West. Corrupted by money,
Sembla que visquem tots dins un convent.
It seems like we all live in a convent.
¿Però què hi ha de lliure en l'amor
But what's free about love
Penses tu i de tan corrupte en el món
- you think - and so corrupt about the world
Quan l'únic que passa
When all that's going on
és que van massa calents?
Is that they're just too horny?
Mite'l aquell com somriu entre les dents!
Look at that one, smiling through his teeth!
Deu ser un vell hippie...
He must be an old hippie...
¿Per què no li deixes la dona tu
Why don't you let him have your woman
Que fas tan el valent?
Since you're such a brave man?
Deu ser un vell hippie...
He must be an old hippie...
¿Per què no li deixes la dona tu
Why don't you let him have your woman
Deixes la dona tu
Let him have your woman

Writer(s): Marc Lluis Lloret Isiegas, Alfons Serra Lleonart, David Caraben Van Der Meer, Xavier Caparros Illescas, Daniel Alejandro Vega Baez

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