Mishima - Jimi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mishima - Jimi

Vam coincidir en un mirall
We bumped into each other in a mirror
Et pintaves els ulls de carbó
And you were lining your eyes in charcoal
Les finestres reflectien l'interior
The windows reflected the inside
D'aquell bar mentre lliscàvem nit avall
Of that bar as we slid down the night
Val la pena celebrar-ho com cal, cambrer
It's worth celebrating properly, waiter
Faci el favor de posar en fred el champagne
Please chill the champagne
Ara hi corro, va dir ell molt fred amb l'afany
I'm running, he said very coldly, eager
De tancar ràpid i baixar la persiana avall
To close up quickly and lower the blinds
Llavors vaig pensar que allò duraria per sempre
Then I thought that this would last forever
Llavors vaig pensar que jo, ja era el senyor
Then I thought that I was already the master
L'endemà volies anar a un centre comercial
The next day you wanted to go to a shopping center
Necessitaves un llit, una taula, un sofà
You needed a bed, a table, a sofa
Em vas dir que era per tornar a començar
You told me it was to start over
Mentre remuntàvem la rambla del Raval
As we climbed the Rambla del Raval
Quan aquell gos lleig em va voler mossegar i
When that ugly dog wanted to bite me and
L'amo begut et va dir, el vull fer sacrificar
The drunken owner told you, I'm going to have him put down
Em vas convèncer que te l'havies de quedar
You convinced me that you had to keep him
I ja anant tu i jo, llit, gos, taula i sofà
And there you went, the two of you, bed, dog, table and sofa
Llavors vaig pensar que allò duraria per sempre
Then I thought that this would last forever
Llavors vaig pensar que jo, ja era el senyor
Then I thought that I was already the master
L'endemà al matí no eren ni les set
The next morning it wasn't even seven
Vaig pensar que eres tu amb el nas fred
I thought it was you with your cold nose
I em llepava la cara però aquell alè
And I was licking your face but that breath
Era més aviat de gos mal nodrit i petaner
Was more like a badly fed, smelly dog
Vaig entendre que volia sortir
I understood that he wanted to go out
Però al carrer i sense corretja, va fugir
But in the street and without a leash, he ran away
Per un moment casi segueixo el seu camí
For a moment, I almost followed him
Però el vaig atrapar i vam tornar junts al teu llit
But I caught him and we went back to your bed together
Llavors vaig que allò duraria per sempre
Then I though that this would last forever
Llavors vaig pensar que jo ja era el senyor
Then I thought that I was already the master
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Ja era el senyor (ja era el senyor)
I was already the master (I was already the master)
Del teu cor
Of your heart

Writer(s): David Caraben

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